Case Studies

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Creative Commons case studies consist of a variety of articles ranging from Inspiration, to business models to entertainment and precedents. It’s the perfect place to start your research. There are three ways you could contribute to this base:

1. Case Studies Evaluation

There is no perfect case study, and with your help you could highlight and point out different areas of a case study that needs revision. This will help improve the Creative Commons Case Studies a great deal. For more information on Evaluation kindly visit

2. Translating a Case Study

Creative Commons wikis are originally written in English. However, for the information may not be helpful/effective to others who don’t understand English. If you feel comfortable with English and another native language, you could assist CC by adding a translation of any wiki in your own language. For details on how to go about this visit

3. Expanding the wanted list

Expanding the Wanted List There is a long list of completed case studies but CC is open to new fresh ideas. If you feel there is need for a particular Case Study to be represented, you could as well give us your idea and it could be considered and implemented. To find out more on how to contribute vibrant ideas to CC case studies follow this link.

Creative Commons Case Studies Categories

Building an australassian commons thumbnail.jpg

About the Book

This book includes 60 stories of how people are using Creative Commons in Australia and internationally. It highlights the work being done by commoners the world over, as well as providing examples, models and guidance for those wanting to explore their c1opyright options in the digital environment.