Government use of Creative Commons
[hide]- 1 Argentina
- 2 Australia
- 3 Austria
- 4 Brazil
- 5 Bulgaria
- 6 Canada
- 7 Chile
- 8 Croatia
- 9 Czech Republic
- 10 European Union
- 11 France
- 12 Georgia
- 13 Greece
- 14 Guatemala
- 15 Indonesia
- 16 Israel
- 17 Italy
- 18 Korea
- 19 Macedonia
- 20 Mexico
- 21 Netherlands
- 22 New Zealand
- 23 Poland
- 24 Russian Federation
- 25 Serbia
- 26 Spain
- 27 Taiwan
- 28 Ukraine
- 29 United Kingdom
- 30 Venezuela
- 31 United States
- 32 Intergovernmental Organizations
- Official website of the Buenos Aires City Government. CC BY 2.5 Argentina.
- AusGOAL, the Australian Governments Open Access and Licensing Framework, provides support and guidance to Australia's governments and related sectors to facilitate open access to publicly funded information. AusGOAL makes it possible for organisations to manage their risks when publishing information and data in a way that drives innovation and entrepreneurial activities; providing enhanced economic and social benefits to the wider community. AusGOAL is aligned with numerous open government initiatives around the world and supports the Australian Information Commissioners Open Access Principles. AusGOAL endorses the Creative Commons Australia Version 3.0 Licences, and the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark.
- Australian Parliament. The Parliament’s central web portal houses the most important documents of the Australian Federal Government including all bills, committee reports and, most importantly, the Hansard transcript of Parliamentary Sittings, and the portal will be published under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND Version 3.0 Australian license.
- Australian budget delivered May 12, 2010 was released under a Creative Commons Attribution licence. Also the Gov 2.0 response and the NBN Implementation Study
- government data - three of the largest sources of Australian government data sets - Australian Bureau of Statistics, Geoscience Australia and the - are all licensed by default under CC BY 2.5 Australia and/or CC BY 3.0 Australia . Together these sites provide free access to all of Australia's census data, official geoscientific information and knowledge, and other miscellaneous government data (such as the location of public toilets). The ABS and Geoscience Australia have detailed copyright and attribution guidelines, to assist with user implementation. played a major role in the Mashup Australia competition run by Australia's Government 2.0 Taskforce.
- over 50 datasets released on for the Mashup Australia contest:
- Geoscience Australia's "geospatial data, specifically digital elevation models or DEMs, were imperative to the creation of accurate flood models and for overcoming many operational challenges" during the recent Brisbane flood:
- Water Information - the Australian Bureau of Meteorology has launched the official website of its Improving Water Information Program with a default CC BY 3.0 Australia licence. This aggregates hundreds of other government departments' and agencies' information into the National Water Account. They have a range of explanatory materials about the licence and are building licensing tools and metadata into their Australian Water Resources Information System.
- ABC Pool - this initiative of Australia's largest public broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), is releasing material from the ABC archives for reuse under CC licences. It's first major release has been as part of the Gene Pool project, celebrating Charles Darwin's Centenary.
- National Library of Australia - various policy materials
- Powerhouse Museum - releases a large range of material under CC, including its photo of the day, downloadable pdfs from its Play program and the museum's general collection information and data.
- Queensland Museum - releases photographs from its collection on Wiki Commons under CC BY-SA .
- NSW Department of Education and Training - Dynamic Calculus': Teaching Resource
- Aged Care Queensland's eMentoring Handbook
- National Copyright Unit - Creative Commons for Educators fact sheets produced for the Smartcopying website in conjunction with Creative Commons Australia.
- Department of Broadband, Communication and the Digital Economy - Budd:e E-security Education Package. The Budd:e package won Best Children's interactive media and digital content at the 2010 AIMIA Awards.
- Mosman Municipal Council's Community Engagement Strategy is released under a Creative Commons licence and includes as a key priority “to promote the use and dissemination of Council’s materials while retaining Council’s rights of authorship”.
- Australian Government Information Management Office has CC licensed its blog: and the Government 2.0 showcase
- Australian Electoral Commission has applied CC BY as the default license for its website:
- Government of Tasmania, Department of Education has adopted CC BY 4.0
Australian government reports recommending CC usage
- Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0 - report of the Australian Government 2.0 Taskforce
- Government Response to the Report of the Government 2.0 Taskforce - agreement in principle that Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) should be the default licence for all PSI
- Victorian Government's Economic Development Committee recommends CC licensing for public sector information.
- Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) published the Australia's Digital Economy: Future Directions paper under a CC BY-NC-ND in July 2009:
- National Broadband Network Implementation Study was released by DBCDE as a wiki under a CC BY-NC-SA license. Wiki taken down now, but was tweeted:
- DBCDE published two reports on its website under CC BY:
Open Government Data Portal by the City of Vienna under CC BY.
- Brazil open government data portal under CC BY-SA.
- Ministry of Justice
- Bulgarian Presidential website. CC BY ND 2.5 Bulgaria.
- Montreal, Québec, Gatineau, Sherbrooke and the Quebec government have adopted CC BY 4.0 International for their open data.
- Canada has developed the Government of Canada Open Data License Agreement for their open data portal website Government of Canada Open Data Pilot Project. While not a Creative Commons license it would seem that this is heavily inspired by the Creative Commons philosophy and has many similar aspects. The license includes sections on 1.0 Definitions; 2.0 Intellectual Property Rights; 3.0 License Grant; 4.0 Acknowledgement of Source; 5.0 No Warranty and no Liability; and 6.0 Effective Date and Termination.
- The license permits individuals or commercial interests to use, reproduce, or add value to government data provided they use the required attribution and that they do not imply any warranty to, nor make any claim of exclusive rights to the data.
- This has similarities to the Open Government Licence for public sector information used in the United Kingdom as seen farther down this list.
- Chilean Government Official Site, whose site is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Chile.
- Chilean Bureau of Tourism, whose site is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Chile.
- Chilean Government - Secretary of Economy, whose site is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Chile.
- Chilean Government - Secretary of Communications, whose site is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Chile.
- Chilean Government - Secretary of Education, whose site is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Chile.
- The Library of the National Congress, whose site is licensed under CC BY NC SA 2.0 Chile.
- The Guidelines for Governmental Websites and its Observatory, run by the Ministry of Economy, are licensed under CC BY NC SA 2.0 Chile.
- - Centar za otvoreni kod, Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu / Center for Open Source, National and University Library in Zagreb, licensed under CC BY SA 3.0 Croatia.
Czech Republic
- RVP Metodicky Portal is an educational portal to Czech open educational resources (OER) licensed under CC Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike and CC Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives. It is a government-funded initiative by the Czech Republic and the European Social Fund, and is run as part of a research project by the Institute of Education in Prague and the National Institute of Vocational Education.
European Union
- The European Commission released licensing recommendations to support the reuse of public sector information in Europe. In addition to providing guidance on baseline license principles for public sector content and data, the guidelines suggest that Member States should adopt standardized open licenses – such as Creative Commons licenses. "Open standard licences, for example the most recent Creative Commons (CC) licences (version 4.0), could allow the re-use of PSI without the need to develop and update custom-made licences at national or sub-national level. Of these, the CC0 public domain dedication is of particular interest. As a legal tool that allows waiving copyright and database rights on PSI, it ensures full flexibility for re-users and reduces the complications associated with handling numerous licences, with possibly conflicting provisions."
- CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 FR
- CC BY-SA 3.0 FR
- CC BY-SA 3.0 FR
- CC BY 3.0 Greece
- CC BY 3.0 Greece
- CC BY-SA 3.0 Greece
- CC BY 3.0 Greece, first implementation of the INSPIRE directive
- under CC BY-NC-SA international.
- The Government of Indonesia launched "Portal Data Indonesia", one stop Indonesia open data, today, using CC-BY license as its copyright policy:
- National Institute of Statistics releases all data under CC BY.
- Chamber of Deputies data portal, CC BY.
- The official website of the italian police, CC BY NC ND 2.5 IT
- The official open government data portal of the Regional Government of the Piedmont Region in Italy
- CC BY 2.5 Italy for content of the website
- CC0 for available databases (all to date: Oct 8, 2010)
- The Official Blog of the President, CC BY NC ND 2.0 Kr
- Korea Open Courseware run by the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS)
- President Felipe Calderon Website, BY NC ND 2.5 Mexico.
- National Sports Comission
- the CC0 Public domain dedication is used as the default copyright policy of the Dutch national government's primary website Since 2010 this website combines al public information published by the Dutch government and has replaced the websites of individual ministeries and agencies. Everything that is available on is available under CC0 unless otherwise indicated.
- Creative Commons Netherlands has published a study on Creative Commons Licensing for the Public Sector (pdf)
New Zealand
- NZ Government Open Access and Licensing (NZGOAL) framework standardises the licensing of government copyright works for re-use using Creative Commons licences and recommends the use of ‘no-known rights’ statements for non-copyright material. It is widely recognised that re-use of this material by individuals and organisations may have significant creative and economic benefit for New Zealand. It was released for public discussion on August 27, 2009 and approved by Cabinet on July 5, 2010. The framework will enable greater access to many public sector works by encouraging State Services agencies to license material for reuse on liberal terms, and recommends Creative Commons as an important tool in this process.
- In 2011 The Ministers of Finance and Internal Affairs adopted a statement detailing a new Declaration on Open and Transparent Government. The Declaration has been approved by Cabinet, and directs all Public Service departments, the New Zealand Police, the New Zealand Defence Force, the Parliamentary Counsel Office, and the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service; encouraged other State Services agencies; and invited State Sector agencies to commit to releasing high value public data actively for re-use, in accordance with the Declaration and Principles, and in accordance with the NZGOAL Review and Release process.
- The Ministry for the Environment’s Land Cover Database and the Land Environments New Zealand classification has been released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand licence on the Koordinates website.
- Land Information New Zealand's Ocean Survey 20/20 web portal which provides New Zealand with better knowledge of its ocean territory, including New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Continental Shelf and the Ross Sea Region is made available under un CC BY licence. Reports and interpretations are available under a CC BY ND licence.
- The Department of Conservation has many datasets including pest species distribution and Director-General's expenses licensed under Creative Commons.
- The Department of Internal Affairs website "" which acts as a NZ government dataset directory makes content such as feedback and dataset listings available under a CC BY licence. Some datasets referred to on have also been made available under Creative Commons licences by their respective agencies.
- The State Services Commission has published some annual reports (eg), public reports (eg) and guidance documents (eg) on its website under a CC BY licence.
- The Department of Labour has licensed its latest Annual Report and Statement of Intent under a CC BY licence.
- The Ministry of Justice has licensed its Statement of Intent 2010–2013 and Executive Expenses 2010 under a CC BY licence.
- The National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research has made some bathymetry grids available under a CC BY and CC BY ND licence.
- The NZ Parliamentary Library publishes some CC licensed documents such as Bill Digests and Research Papers on the Parliament website
- The Human Rights Commission has made various resources available for download on its website available under a CC BY licence including reports, guides and Statements of Intent.
- DigitalNZ's 'Make It Digital' guides for making digital content in New Zealand are now available under a CC BY licence
- PHARMAC has a selection of schedules available under a CC BY licence.
- The Charities Commission released the Charities Register as part of its 'open data web service' under a CC BY licence.
- Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa has made the audio tracks for 21 Rita Angus exhibition paintings and presentation recordings from the Rita Angus: Life & Vision Symposium available on their website under a CC BY NC ND licence. They have also taken up the CC BY NC ND licences to mark images in their Online Collections which are able to be shared.
- The following local government bodies have released CC licensed GIS datasets on the Koordinates platform:
- Wellington City Council offers datasets of aerial imagery, contours, building footprints, flood hazards, wind zones and more under a CC BY licence.
- Northland Regional Council currently has 25 GIS datasets available here, 19 are licensed under a CC BY and 6 under a CC BY ND licence.
- North Shore City Council's Parks layer is available under a CC BY licence.
- Auckland Regional Council datasets of Wards, Community Boards and some passenger transport information is available under a CC BY licence.
- In relation to the Canterbury Earthquakes:
- The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) and the National Library of New Zealand have set up a documentary project of CC BY NC ND licensed images by Ross Becker as a record of recovery inside the red zone.
- Land Information New Zealand made its aerial photographs of the city's damage available under a CC BY licence.
- The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management released inner city footage for screening at public memorial events under a CC BY licence.
- The Defence Force makes its Flickr photos sets (including documentation of Canterbury) available under CC BY.
- CERA's 2011-2016 Statement of Intent is available under a CC BY licence.
- Equal Program projects database - Polish Ministry of Regional Development has required materials produced in the scope of the EQUAL program, collected in a Project Database on the Ministry site, to be licensed under a Creative Commons license.
- Polish Ministry of Economy is publishing content on its website under a CC BY SA 3.0 Poland license.
- Polish Council of Ministers has adopted a new Digital School program for Polish schools, which includes 43 millions PLN for Creative Commons Attribution or compatible) textbooks for grades 4-6 in primary schools (K4-K6).
Russian Federation
- All content (fotos, texts, videos, audios, etc.) of (Official Website of President of the Russian Federation), Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY 3.0 Unported)
- All content of (Official information portal of the official authorities of The Republic of Bashkortostan), Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY 3.0 Unported)
- All content of (Internet-portal of administration of Volgograd Oblast), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported)
- State-owned Russian International News Agency "RIA Novosti", 460 historical images from database, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported)
- The license specified on the pages of certain images.
- Information page on Wikimedia Commons
- Special category on Wikimedia Commons
- Lomonosov Moscow State University, - Portal of Department of New Media and Communication Theory of Faculty of Journalism, Creative Commons Attribution, version unknown
- Some content of - information portal of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.5)
- All content of - portal of state-owned National Research University Higher School of Economics, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Serbian Government - Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Serbia
- Serbian Government - Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Serbia
- Serbian Government - Ministry of Mining and Energy: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Serbia
- Serbian Government - Institute for Social Insurance: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Serbia
- Serbian Government - Agency for Restitution: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Serbia
- Serbian Fiscal Council: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Serbia
- Serbian National Council for Culture: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Serbia
- Style and usage guide of the Government of Catalonia’s social networks under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
- Statistical information on the Statistical Institute of Catalonia site is licensed by default under CC BY 3.0 Spain.
- The Basque government opened a portal called Open Data Euskadi that uses CC BY 3.0 Spain.
- The Government of the Balearic Islands website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License
- Data.Gov.TW, the Taiwan government official Open Data Portal, releases most of the dataset hosted there under the "Taiwan Open Government Data License, version 1.0", a license with an one-way CC BY 4.0 switching mechanism implemented and has been evaluated and verified as being conformant with the principles set forth in the "Open Definition". On account of that, most of the materials on the Data Portal can be used under CC BY 4.0 license. Moreover, from 2018.12.25, the Open Government Data Advisory Group Meeting of the Taiwan Executive Yuan has approved to add CC BY 4.0 and CC BY-SA 4.0 as one of the options for the licenses on the Taiwan government official Open Data Portal. That makes some dataset can be released directly and originallly under either CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-SA 4.0 in the CC License Suite.
- Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation
- Unofficial municila page of Stryi town:
United Kingdom
- The Open Government License, used for a large amount of crown copyright data and content, is intended to be compatible with the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.
- National Assembly for Wales use of flickr:
- The Canaima project aims to give one laptop computer to every pupil in Venezuela (300,000 computers has been distributed so far) is preloaded with educational content (about 400 pieces of content) all of it is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.
United States
- Works by the US federal government are automatically part of the public domain in the US as stipulated by
- Third-party content (such as the text of speeches by the first lady) on the White House web site are licensed with CC BY 3.0 US by default.
- President-Elect Transition Team, Barack Obama and Joseph Biden. CC BY 3.0 Unported. (Not an official federal government site, but an election team site, hence not required to be public domain.)
- The U.S. Department of Education has made OER an invitational priority in their Ready to Learn (PDF) and Ready to Teach (PDF) grants.
- The U.S. Department of Education has included open educational resources in their Notice of Proposed Priorities for discretionary grant funding. Essentially, if the priorities are adopted, it could mean that grant seekers who include open educational resources as a component of an application for funding from the Department of Education could receive priority.
- The U.S. Department of Labor and Department of Education commit $2 billion to community colleges and career training; CC BY required for grant outputs.
- The U.S. Department of Labor Career Pathways Innovation Fund Grants Program; CC BY required for grant outputs.
- U.S. Open Data Action plan is under CC0 + some federal datasets: report (pdf); blog post
- New York State Senate, Senate Content, CC-BY-NC-ND with CC+ allowing non-political fundraising use of content.
- State of Virginia, legislation that indicates a preference for state-funded materials to be released with a CC (or equivalent open) license.
- Washington State open policy and requirement of CC BY
- New Hampshire adopts Open Source and Open Data requirements (policy friendly to CC use, but not a specific CC tool adoption)
- OER K-12 bill passed in WA state. The focus of the bill is to help school districts identify existing high-quality, free, openly licensed, common core state standards aligned resources available for local adoption; in addition, any content built with public funds, must be licensed under “an attribution license” (CC BY)
- The city of Washington, D.C. has made available an unofficial copy of the DC Code under the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Intergovernmental Organizations
Commonwealth of Learning
- The Commonwealth of Learning has incorpoated CC BY-SA as part of its open educational resources (OER) policy:
- Interview with Sir John Daniel about the policy:
- COL's guidelines for open educational resources (OER) in higher education:
- Case_Studies/Commonwealth_of_Learning
European Cultural Foundation
- The European Cultural Foundation's project releases materials under a CC BY-NC-ND license.
European Funded
- COMMUNIA - The European Thematic Network on the Digital Public Domain, funded by the European Commission (the executive of the European Union), CC BY-SA (Unported).
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) - CERN publishes its book catalog online as open data using the CC0 public domain dedication and the results of some Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments are published under various Creative Commons licenses.
Inter-American Development Bank
- The Inter-American Development Bank is requiring the adoption of Creative Commons by the organizations that receive funding from the Bank in the context of the FOMIN (Fondo Multiateral de Inversiones) initiatives, particularly the ICT4BUS, a fund that promotes the adoption of e-commerce in the American continent, which has financed more that thirty initiatives in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Nicaragua and other Latin American countries. Banks require those initiative to use the GPL to license any software developed by organizations receiving support from the bank, and CC to license the documentation related with those computer programs, such as user manuals.
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
- The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is an IGO that supports sustainable democracy, and licenses selected publications under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licence.
United Nations
- UNESCO OER documentation and toolkits -
- United Nations University OpenCourseWare -
- United Nations University Media Studio -
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Knowledge Platform -;
- The UNDP Virtual School for Latin America and the Caribbean -
World Bank
- The World Bank has incorporated CC BY into its Open Access Policy and as a default for Bank-produced research and knowledge products via its OPen Knowledge Repository: