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The CC Salon is a monthly event focused on building a community of artists and developers around Creative Commons licenses, standards, and technology. The first event is set for San Francisco with intention for the idea to replicate in other locations internationally.
CC Salons are global, informal events focused on building a community of artists, developers, and creators of all kinds around Creative Commons licenses, standards, and technology. The first event took place in San Francisco in 2006 with the idea to replicate in other locations internationally. Since then salons have sprung up in cities [[All Salons|around the world]]. Whether you're familiar with Creative Commons or are brand new to the concepts behind it, we encourage you to check out a salon near you.
The format for each event is to encourage loose networking amongst participants with 2-3 brief presentations from individuals and groups developing interesting projects that relate to the Creative Commons.
The format for each event varies based on the location, but the overall concept is simple. CC Salons are open forums for people who are interested in the issues surrounding Creative Commons and global participatory culture. If you're interested in attending - check out the [[#Upcoming_Salons|upcoming salons]]. If your city doesn't have one - feel free to [[#Resources_for_starting_your_own_CC_Salon|start your own]]. Check out the [[#Resources_for_starting_your_own_CC_Salon|resources]] for starting your salon for extra info.  
== The Next CC Salon: April 12, 2006==
== Resources for starting your own CC Salon ==
=== Who ===
There are a few important items to consider before you start a Salon. These are by no means requirements but rather guidelines and tips that we have discovered in planning our own Salons - they should be seen as a starting point meant to spark ideas for your own Salon as they are all unique. The list format (and some of the content) is very much inspired by the [http://dorkbot.org/startadorkbot/ wonderful folks at dorkbot].
People interested in Creative Commons, copyright, Free Culture, Open Source, Art, Media, and Music
It is important to remember that each location will have its own unique slant on the Salon format. While the Salons are meant to function generally as a way for people interested in CC to meet up and socialize, Salons can (and should) focus on a specific theme - the arts, computer programming, social networking, etc. This theme needn't be static - it can change every Salon - but it helps to get speakers who will be able to speak on similar topics.
=== What ===
To ensure a strong turnout, it is important to understand how often your audience is willing to meet up. Similarly, think about how many presenters and projects you can rotate through on a continuous basis. These two factors could mean a Salon happening every month, every 6 months, or even every year - each locale is different. The better you can space the Salons according to your audience and presenters, the better turn out and dialogue you will have, making the Salon more successful as a whole.
A local informal gathering of individuals around Creative Commons licenses, standards, and technology.
Having the Salon in a consistent space will help ensure repeat attendance. Reach out to local art galleries, bars/pubs, and even universities to see if they can offer you a block of time to use their space for free. The space doesn't need to be extravagant and it is good to remember that a small but full space is more conducive to discussion than a large but empty one.
''Theme:''' Net-based Music
It is important to allow presenters the ability to showcase media - be it video, audio, slideshow, or other. Speakers and a projector aren't essential to the Salons but they will make them run much smoother. If your venue doesn't have those things on hand, ask around to your friends and co-workers. More likely than not someone will have something that will work.
=== When ===
All of the CC-run Salons are free and open to the public and there is little to no money spent on additional resources. We encourage you to make do with the sparsest of budgets - in regards to promotion we are happy to [http://creativecommons.org/weblog blog] any Salons happening and [http://creativecommons.org/contact/#community CC's mailing-lists] are a great way to promote as well.
April 12, 2006, 6-9 PM
CC Salons tend to be run in an open manner, allowing people to mingle and socialize as they see fit. Outside of this there are often two to three presenters who will speak to their own use of CC licenses, be it personal or for a larger organization they are part of. This is by no means a rigid guideline but rather a starting point - feel free to screen a film, hold a panel discussion, have a live music performance, or anything else that may be relevant. Most importantly, remember to have fun!
* During Event
===Using CC's Logos and Marks===
** Drink & Talk
Use of CC's logos and trademarks, even in connection with a CC Salon, is subject to our [http://creativecommons.org/policies Policies].  You should review those before using our logos and marks.  If you are interested in using our logos and marks in ways not contemplated by that policy, or if you are interested in developing a new logo for your Salon that incorporates one of our protected trademarks or logos, please ask us first by contacting us at salon[at]creativecommons.org. You should also contact us first if you are interested in creating new swag that incorporates our logos or marks, whether or not you plan to give them away or sell them.
** Chat on #cc on irc.freenode.net
** wifi provided free
* '''6:00-7:00''' - Drinks, conversation, and music
===More Resources===
* '''7:00-7:05''' - Welcome
* '''7:00-7:15''' - First presentation: James Polanco, http://www.fakescience.com, podcasting and fakescience music label
* '''7:15-7:30''' - Second presentation: ?
* '''7:30-7:45''' - Third presentation: Lucas Gonze, http://webjay.org/, http://gonze.com/weblog/ (45 min), "How the Net is Changing Music"
** A structured conversation about the unique features of net-native music.
* '''7:45-8:00''' - Wrap-up, questions, etc.
* '''8:00-9:00''' - More drinks, conversation, and music (provided by Minus Kelvin)
=== Where ===
*[http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Salon Salon Planning 2013-2014]
* [[Announcement List]]
* [[Speaking at Salon]]
* [[Start Your Own Salon]]
* [[Salon Past Events|Past Events]]
* [[Salon Future Presenters|Future Presenters]] (To Be Setup)
* [[Salon Ideas|Ideas]]
* [[Salon Background|Background Information]]
* [[Salon External Links|External Links]]
'''Shine'''<br / >
== Upcoming Salons ==
'''1337 Mission St, San Francisco, CA'''<br />
[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=1337+Mission+St,+San+Francisco,+CA&ll=37.77638,-122.415161&spn=0.014789,0.042787 Google Map/Directions]<br />
  | ?date=
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<span style="font-size:125%;">'''More Events'''</span></div>
=== Why ===
* Almeria Creative Commons Festival from March 26 to 29.
activities includes: film shows, an art exhibition, live music, and Wikipedia and Open Street Map events
websites: http://ccALM.cc &http://hacklabalmeria.net/actividades/2015/03/26/CCAlm.html
To connect with and build a community of artists and developers who are working with Creative Commons licenses, standards, and technology.
== Past Salons ==
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  | format=ul
  | sort=date
  | limit=20
  | searchlabel='''More Past Events'''
== All Salons ==
* [[Lausanne Salon|Lausanne, Switzerland]] November 10, 2016
* [[CcSalon_Quito|Quito, Ecuador]] April 26, 2012
* [[Muscat Salon|Muscat, Oman]] May 7, 2012
* [[Montreal Salon]] December 21, 2010
* [[Copenhagen Salon]] November 16, 2010
* [[Copenhagen Salon]] April 27, 2010
* [[Beirut Salon]] April 16, 2010
* [[Istanbul Salon]] April 18, 2010
* [[Seoul Salon|Seoul]] March 17, 2010
* [[Delhi Salon|Delhi]] February 28, 2010
* [[NYC_Salon|New York]] March 3, 2010
* [[Bangalore Salon|Bangalore, India]] December 2, 2009
* [[Amman_Salon|Amman, Jordan]] November 16, 2009
* [[Bangkok Salon|Bangkok]] September 12, 2009
* [[Alps Salon|Vienna]] September 11, 2009
* [[Boston Salon|Boston]] February 25, 2009, co-hosted with Creative Commons, Participatory Culture Foundation and Pecha Kucha Boston
* [[Berlin Salon|Berlin]] February 26, 2009 (together with the Openeverything Focus event)
* [[NYC Salon|NYC]] June 18, 2009
* [[Amsterdam Salon|Amsterdam]]
* [[Austin Salon|Austin, TX]]
* [[Berlin Salon|Berlin]]
* [[Beijing Salon|Beijing]]
* [[Bogotá Salon|Bogotá]]
* [[Boston Salon|Boston]]
* [[Brisbane Salon|Brisbane]]
* [[Chennai Salon|Chennai, India]]
* [[Johannesburg Salon|Johannesburg]]
* [[London Salon|London]]
* [[Los Angeles Salon|Los Angeles]]
* [[NYC Salon|NYC]]
* [[Saigon Salon|Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City)]]
* [[San Francisco Salon|San Francisco]]
* [[Taipei Salon|Taipei]]
* [[Toronto Salon|Toronto]]
* [[Tunis Salon|Tunis]]
* [[Warsaw Salon|Warsaw]]
* [[Alps Salon|Vienna]]
=== [[CC Salon April Media and Recordings|Media and Recordings]] ===
=== [[CC Salon April Planning|Planning]] ===
=== [[CC Salon April PR|Press Release]] ===
=== [[CC Salon April Feedback|Feedback]] ===
==== Jon Phillips ====
* Need to put shirts above bar
* need longer video cable
* need signoff for speakers to license presentations
* need video adaptors
* need long audio cable for laptops
* need to provide some template for talks for presenters
== [[Announcement List]] ==
== How to Participate? ==
# Attend the Event
# Present at Future Event
# Start a CC Salon where you live
# Add/Edit this wiki with your ideas
# Spread Creative Commons (by licensing and using CC Technology)
# Join Creative Commons [http://creativecommons.org/discuss Discussion Lists]
# Join #cc chat channel on irc.freenode.net (live during event)
== Communication ==
* Join Creative Commons [http://creativecommons.org/discuss#community community mailing list]
* Join #cc chat channel on irc.freenode.net (live during event)
* Wiki: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/edit/Salon (Bookmark it!)
== Speakers ==
* Please show up 30 minutes prior to the event beginning to get your presentation and laptop setup.
* Please format your talk for 15-20 minutes in length.
* NOTE: It is good to have 10-15 slides prepared for your talk, or some type of general outline for how you want to structure your presentation
* NOTE: We have an extra powerbook G4 if you would like to put your slides, video, or web urls up on the main screen
== Start Your Own CC Salon ==
# Make sure that [[Salon#All_CC_Salons|there isn't a salon in your location already]]
# Add your page to the [[Salon#All_CC_Salons]]  
# Copy and paste the content of this page into your new salon page
# Pick a location for the Salon that is accessible to people
# Select how regular you want to have this new salon (monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly)
# Notify Creative Commons (events at creativecommons.org) that you are planning to start up a new CC Salon (for assistance, support, etc)
# Write up an announcement for your event and send out at least 2 weeks in advance of your event
# Have fun!
== All CC Salons ==
* [[Salon|CC Salon SF]]
* Add your salon here...
== Future Events (Monthly on 2nd Wednesday) ==
=== Wednesday, April 12, 2006 ===
==== Theme ====
==== Presenters ====
* Lucas Gonze, http://webjay.org/, http://gonze.com/weblog/ (45 min), "How the Net is Changing Music"
** A structured conversation about the unique features of net-native music.
* James Polanco, http://www.fakescience.com, podcasting and fakescience music label
==== Location ====
==== Format ====
6-9 PM
==== [[CC Salon April PR|Press Release]] ====
=== Wednesday, May 10, 2006 ===
==== Theme ====
Net-based Music
==== Presenters ====
* Chris DiBona, Open Source Programs Manager, http://www.google.com/
* Ken Goldberg (Professor of IEOR and EECS, UC Berkeley, http://goldberg.berkeley.edu) and Tiffany Schlain (Founder of Webby Awards, http://www.webbyawards.com/), Presenting Film
* Abram Stern (aka Aphid) and Michael Dale,  [http://metavid.ucsc.edu Metavid], a system for collective remediation of public gov't proceedings
==== Location ====
==== Format ====
6-8:30 PM
==== [[CC Salon May PR|Press Release]] ====
=== Wednesday, June 14, 2006 ===
==== Theme ====
==== Presenters ====
* Victor Stone, ccmixter.org, fourstones.net
* Rick Prelinger, archive.org, film screening of "Panorama Ephemera"
** "...using the Internet Archive as the primary means of distributing a (very) independent feature (under CC of course)..."
** question: "Panorama Ephemera" is a feature-length film; can we show it all, or should we show a segment?
==== Location ====
==== Format ====
6-8:30 PM
==== [[CC Salon June PR|Press Release]] ====
=== Wednesday, July 12, 2006 ===
==== Theme ====
==== Presenters ====
==== Location ====
==== Format ====
6-8:30 PM
==== [[CC Salon July PR|Press Release]] ====
=== Wednesday, August 9, 2006 ===
==== Theme ====
==== Presenters ====
* Kevin Shockey, Editor in Chief, Tux Magazine (http://www.tuxmagazine.com)
==== Location ====
==== Format ====
6-9 PM
==== [[CC Salon August PR|Press Release]] ====
=== Wednesday, Sept 13, 2006 ===
==== Theme ====
==== Presenters ====
==== Location ====
==== Format ====
6-8:30 PM
==== [[CC Salon September PR|Press Release]] ====
== Past Events ==
=== Wednesday, March 08, 2006 ===
==== Theme ====
Content Distribution
==== Presenters ====
* Josh Kinberg; FireAnt (http://fireant.tv/)
* Eddie Codel; Geek Entertainment TV (http://geekentertainment.tv/)
* Wagner James Au; Second Life (http://secondlife.com/)
* And music by: Minus Kelvin; ccMixter (http://ccmixter.org/)
==== Location ====
==== Format ====
6-9 PM
==== [[CC Salon March PR|Press Release]] ====
==== Media and Recordings ====
* Photos
** [http://flickr.com/photos/ldandersen/sets/72057594078941642/ Buzz Anderson's Photos]
** [http://flickr.com/photos/dnsf/sets/72057594078256122/ DNSF's photos]
** [http://flickr.com/photos/ryanjunell/sets/72057594078197128/ Ryan Junell's Photos]
** [http://flickr.com/photos/tags/creativecommonssalon/ Flickr Tag creativecommonssalon]
** [http://flickr.com/photos/tags/creativecommonssalon/interesting/ Flickr Tag creativecommonssalon interesting]
** [http://flickr.com/photos/tags/ccsalon Flickr Tag ccsalon]
* Video
** [http://www.geekentertainment.tv/2006/03/28/lawrence-lessig-just-a-a-lawyer/ Lessig GeekTv Interview]
* Blog Posts (Good and Bad)
** [http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/5813 CC Post-Event Follow-up]
** http://digitalcrusader.ca/archives/2006/03/more_events.html
** http://james.fakescience.com/blog/?p=24
** http://heresmybyline.typepad.com/irina/2006/03/coming_up_lessi.html
** http://h8ball.livejournal.com/120572.html
** http://www.sneakmove.com/2006/03/cc-salon-san-francisco-march-8.html
** http://eboshi.s140.xrea.com/MT/archives/2006/03/creative_common.html
** http://snarkmarket.com/blog/snarkives//minus_kelvin_live/
** http://drewmckinney.net/2006/03/08/reporting-live-from-the-creative-commons-salon/
** http://drewmckinney.net/2006/03/08/creative-commons-salon/
** http://midnightresearch.com/pages/public-gatherings/
** http://secondlife.blogs.com/babbage/2006/03/cc_in_sl_in_rl_.html
** http://www.flutterby.com/archives/comments/8736.html
** http://gondwanaland.com/mlog/2006/03/02/creative-commons-salon-san-francisco/
** http://thomashawk.com/2006/03/boing-boing-creative-commons-salon.html
** http://laughingsquid.com/2006/03/05/first-creative-commons-salon/
** [http://www.lessig.org/blog/archives/003331.shtml Lessig's Post]
** http://blog.bibrik.com/archives/2006/03/cc_salon.html
** http://featherston.blogspot.com/2006/03/cc-salon-san-francisco.html
** http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2006/03/creating_the_co.html
== Future Presenters (To Be Setup) ==
''Please place your name and topic here for possibly presenting in the future.''
* Rick Prelinger, http://www.archive.org/ (emailed)
* A Future Trip to Rick Prelinger's prelingerlibrary.org
* Rob Lord, Songbird
* Bram Cohen, bittorrent.com
* Jacob Appelbaum, appelbaum.net (emailed)
* Victor Stone, ccmixter.org (emailed)
* Philip Torrone, oreilly.com, makemagazine.com (emailed)
*[http://ronen-kadushin.com/open_design.asp] CC licensed, Open Design products by designer Ronen Kadushin.
== Ideas ==
What ideas would be good to try out at the CC Salon? This is a good place to brainstorm and place up thoughts about small segments at the CC Salon such as mix-offs, live code workshops, demonstration of new projects, etc.
=== Podcast ===
What about a podcast of the event? Could someone record the first event live so that we can podcast the content of the event?
=== Streaming ===
Should the event be streamed for those who can't attend? Also, to go along with, a chat channel would work out nicely as well.
=== Chat ===
The #cc chat channel on irc.freenode.net should be used for online communication during the event. Also, it is a useful space for communication before and after the event.
=== Performances ===
Would anyone want to perform live at the event? DJs and musicians, that means you! Also, anyone doing live dance, acting, etc, that means you as well!
=== Open Salon Time ===
Similar to Dorkbot and others, it would be good to have 10-15 minutes at the end dedicated to an open mic session where people can come up to the mic and talk about their ideas/involvements.
=== Film Screening ===
Maybe rather than just have presenters, there could be some informal screening of CC licensed films along with the film makers.
=== Live Visuals ===
During the event someone or something should produce the visuals during the event through a secondary projector. More likely than not, there will be a projector in use by the presenters, so any visuals will have to be before and after the presentations.
=== Kiosk ===
Kiosk for adding names/emails to the wiki page and discussion lists. Also, another idea would be a kiosk for having paypal donate to artists, cc, and other nonprofits.
=== Burn Station ===
It could be easily done with some PCs with a database of CC licensed works. And visitors can get a "souvenir" of the Salon.
=== Brainstorm Session ===
A basic session to brainstorm about projects that support Creative Commons licenses and standards.
=== Speaker Challenges ===
Speakers who have well known topics could be challenged to speak about new and different topics, or have to rapidly develop some topic on the spot.
== Background ==
The Creative Commons Salon is modelled after such successful endeavours as [http://www.remixreading.org/ Remix Reading] and [http://www.dorkbot.org Dorkbot] which have helped to bring artists and developers together in the post-digital era, face-to-face.
While online meeting and creation are "par for the course" these days, nothing replaces face-to-face interaction and the rate of exchange that takes places from a good monthly event.
Also, the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salon_%28gathering%29 Salon model], which harkens back to 17th Century France is an apt model for this type of gathering which is half social and half intellectual.
[http://creativecommons.org/about/people#50 Eric Steuer] and [http://creativecommons.org/about/people#53 Jon Phillips] developed the initial concept and model for CC Salon. Replicate.
== External Links ==
* Other Salons
** http://www.dorkbot.org/
** http://www.remixreading.org/
** http://www.futuresalon.org/
* Salon History
** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salon_%28gathering%29

Latest revision as of 21:44, 24 October 2016

CC Salons are global, informal events focused on building a community of artists, developers, and creators of all kinds around Creative Commons licenses, standards, and technology. The first event took place in San Francisco in 2006 with the idea to replicate in other locations internationally. Since then salons have sprung up in cities around the world. Whether you're familiar with Creative Commons or are brand new to the concepts behind it, we encourage you to check out a salon near you.

The format for each event varies based on the location, but the overall concept is simple. CC Salons are open forums for people who are interested in the issues surrounding Creative Commons and global participatory culture. If you're interested in attending - check out the upcoming salons. If your city doesn't have one - feel free to start your own. Check out the resources for starting your salon for extra info.

Resources for starting your own CC Salon

There are a few important items to consider before you start a Salon. These are by no means requirements but rather guidelines and tips that we have discovered in planning our own Salons - they should be seen as a starting point meant to spark ideas for your own Salon as they are all unique. The list format (and some of the content) is very much inspired by the wonderful folks at dorkbot.


It is important to remember that each location will have its own unique slant on the Salon format. While the Salons are meant to function generally as a way for people interested in CC to meet up and socialize, Salons can (and should) focus on a specific theme - the arts, computer programming, social networking, etc. This theme needn't be static - it can change every Salon - but it helps to get speakers who will be able to speak on similar topics.


To ensure a strong turnout, it is important to understand how often your audience is willing to meet up. Similarly, think about how many presenters and projects you can rotate through on a continuous basis. These two factors could mean a Salon happening every month, every 6 months, or even every year - each locale is different. The better you can space the Salons according to your audience and presenters, the better turn out and dialogue you will have, making the Salon more successful as a whole.


Having the Salon in a consistent space will help ensure repeat attendance. Reach out to local art galleries, bars/pubs, and even universities to see if they can offer you a block of time to use their space for free. The space doesn't need to be extravagant and it is good to remember that a small but full space is more conducive to discussion than a large but empty one.


It is important to allow presenters the ability to showcase media - be it video, audio, slideshow, or other. Speakers and a projector aren't essential to the Salons but they will make them run much smoother. If your venue doesn't have those things on hand, ask around to your friends and co-workers. More likely than not someone will have something that will work.


All of the CC-run Salons are free and open to the public and there is little to no money spent on additional resources. We encourage you to make do with the sparsest of budgets - in regards to promotion we are happy to blog any Salons happening and CC's mailing-lists are a great way to promote as well.


CC Salons tend to be run in an open manner, allowing people to mingle and socialize as they see fit. Outside of this there are often two to three presenters who will speak to their own use of CC licenses, be it personal or for a larger organization they are part of. This is by no means a rigid guideline but rather a starting point - feel free to screen a film, hold a panel discussion, have a live music performance, or anything else that may be relevant. Most importantly, remember to have fun!

Using CC's Logos and Marks

Use of CC's logos and trademarks, even in connection with a CC Salon, is subject to our Policies. You should review those before using our logos and marks. If you are interested in using our logos and marks in ways not contemplated by that policy, or if you are interested in developing a new logo for your Salon that incorporates one of our protected trademarks or logos, please ask us first by contacting us at salon[at]creativecommons.org. You should also contact us first if you are interested in creating new swag that incorporates our logos or marks, whether or not you plan to give them away or sell them.

More Resources

Upcoming Salons


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More Events


  • Almeria Creative Commons Festival from March 26 to 29.

activities includes: film shows, an art exhibition, live music, and Wikipedia and Open Street Map events websites: http://ccALM.cc &http://hacklabalmeria.net/actividades/2015/03/26/CCAlm.html

Past Salons


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All Salons