Source Repository Information
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Open Source Projects — Creative Commons on GitHub contains an overview of our FOSS projects.
Git Repositories on GitHub
Creative Commons has Git repositories on GitHub:
Historical Information
- ???? ???: We moved our repositories to GitHub (some time between 2011 September and 2014 April)
- 2008 March: We moved our primary source repository from to
- 2005 November: In order to take advantage of Subversion source control and other features, Creative Commons moved the ccPublisher 2 project from to
2008 Subversion Modules
module name | description |
__cvs_import/ | Inactive modules imported to Subversion from CVS circa 2005 (from |
adobe_panel/ | XMP license panel for legacy Adobe products |
api/ | CC API; now developed in git (cc.api) |
api_client/ | Wrappers for the API in Python, Java, etc; unmaintained. |
asheesh_oneoffs/ | |
autocurate/ | Scripts to generate packages of content from sites like Flickr, etc, used for LiveCD. |
banshee-license-verifier-plugin/ | GSOC project: plugin for Banshee to verify web statement metadata pointed to in MP3 ID3 tags. |
bbpress/ | Tracking repository of bbpress |
blog_analysis/ | Return top blogs pointing to CC, as reported by Technorati. Used for targeted outreach. |
buildout_script/ | Buildout recipe for doing string substitution in script templates |
campaign_widget/ | Annual campaign javascript widget |
cc-content.deb/ | |
cc-sharp/ | C# model for CC licenses |
cc.engine/ | License engine; now developed in git (cc.license) |
cc.license/ | |
ccbanshee/ | GSOC project: Banshee plugin for displaying license information |
cchost/ | Legacy repository for CCHost, platform developed for CC Mixter |
cci/ | WordPress for legacy iCommons website |
cclabs/ | Legacy CC Labs experiments (DHTML chooser, et al) |
cclib/ | |
cclicense/ | |
cclookup/ | wxPython application for verifying web statements embedded in media files |
ccnutch/ | Nutch + cc search customizations |
ccoer/ | Early prototype of DiscoverEd, based on Scuttle |
ccooo/ | add-on, now developed in git. |
ccpublisher1/ | CC Publisher 1.x; 2.x code lives in the repository/td> |
ccrdf/ | A Python wrapper for CC Licenses |
ccsearch/ | CC Meta-search |
cctagutils/ | Python library for reading and writing CC's suggested web statements |
ccwordpress/ | |
cli_tools/ | Command line tools for tagging and verifying licensed works. |
desktop_search/ | Prototype of Spotlight plugin for Mac OS X |
experimental/ | |
feed2map/ | |
hooks/ | |
i18n/ | Translations, maintenance tools, now in git. |
i18nedit/ | Half finished prototype of web based PO editor, herder |
jswidget/ | Drop-in javascript widget for license selection |
liblicense/ | C library for manipulating license information embedded in files |
liblicense-gnome/ | gnome UI bindings for liblicense |
liblicense-kde/ | KDE UI bindings for liblicense |
liblicense-sugar/ | Sugar UI for liblicense |
license-tutorial/ | |
license.rdf/ | License RDF files |
license_xsl/ | Legacy chooser XSLT and questions |
livecontent/ | Live CD with CC licensed content |
log_analysis/ | |
metadata_scraper/ | Now developed in git as deedscraper |
mozcc2/ | Firefox add-on for displaying CC license information; superseded by OpenAttribute |
nagios/ | monitoring configuration |
nc-survey/ | Non-Commercial survey related code |
oe_search/ | PHP frontend for a Google CSE that acted as early DiscoverEd prototype |
oenutch/ | DiscoverEd |
operator_userscript/ | User script for Operator to display license information |
opml/ | Python library for reading and parsing OPML |
pdf_callback/ | Demonstration of a PDF with "phone home" capability |
planet/ | CC feed aggregator |
pyarchive/ | Python library for uploading works to Internet Archive |
pywikipedia/ | Python API for mediawiki, used for sending staff call emails |
rdfadict/ | Python dict-like interface for an RDFa parser |
scicom/ | Science Commons related projects, including MTA, SCA |
scripts/ | |
smw_tools/ | |
stats/ | |
themes/ | Various theme projects |
vendorlibs/ | Vendor libraries that are used by other projects. Modules are imported here if the project doesn't use svn, so we can use svn:externals, or if additional customization is required |
widgets/ | Widgets for visualizing CC content and information. |
wordpressmu/ | |
wpLicense/ | WordPress plugin for CC licensing; now developed in git/WP svn |
www-i/ | |
xmp/ | Tools for embedding XMP metadata in PDF, JPEG and (future) other file types. |
zope_products/ | CC developed zope products: the license engine, Plone skin and iStr. |