Below are major communities for sharing text under CC licenses. For other communities, see:
Scribd is a community for uploading and sharing documents that has enabled CC licensing.
![Slideshare 550x150.png](/images/9/96/Slideshare_550x150.png)
SlideShare is a community for sharing presentations, documents, and PDFs under CC licenses. Various professionals are linked through sub-communities via LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
Internet Archive
![Internet archive logo.jpg](/images/7/77/Internet_archive_logo.jpg)
The Internet Archive is a digital library of internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form, including audio, moving images, texts, and archived web pages. See the Case Study for more information.
![WordPress blue.png](/images/3/38/WordPress_blue.png)
WordPress is a blogging platform and self-hosted blogging tool. In addition to easily setting a default CC license for your blog, WordPress widgets and plugins exist to make CC licensing easier.
![Blogger logo.jpg](/images/1/1a/Blogger_logo.jpg)
Blogger is Google's blogging platform. Using the HTML that is generated when you choose a license, you can easily publish your blog under a CC license.
Blog resources
- EFF's Legal Guide for Bloggers