Where to Release Software
These are general sites, lists and emails to send release announcements and press out to.
[hide]Places to Announce
In general, for linux community receives a general informal announcement. However, for formal press channels we use the more formal 3rd-person press release.
Open Source Community (Receive Informal PR)
- lwn@lwn.net
- newstips@heise.de
- PR: theobroma@revelinux.com
- http://www.newsforge.com/submit.pl
- http://slashdot.org/submit.pl
- http://www.desktoplinux.com/ - http://www.desktoplinux.com/cgi-bin/news_post.cgi
- Freshmeat
- gnome footnotes
- GnomeFiles for software which supports Gnome
Social Sites
Formal PR Contacts
- prleap - another free pr service
- prbuzz - another free pr service
- SBWire offers free press release services to open source projects with the SBWire for Non-Profits program
- nettime-ann - http://www.nettime.org/
- See Kansas City infoZine: http://www.infozine.com/news/stories/op/storiesView/sid/5080/
- arts sites? <-- continue looking these up!!!
- news site
- need more magazines
- need more press outlets
Magazines (Get formal PR)
- I've requested where to send PR and how to get our software reviewed from these magazines.
- http://linuxformat.co.uk/ - webmaster@linuxformat.co.uk
- PR: login and submit news via top of page link
- http://linux-magazine.com/ - info@linux-magazine.com edit@linux-magazine.com
- PR: pr@linux-magazine.com
- Product Reviews: coming soon
- http://linuxjournal.com/ - ljeditor@ssc.com
- PR: newproducts@ssc.com
- Product Reviews: Heather Mead, heather@ssc.com, http://www.linuxjournal.com/xstatic/advertising/prodreviews
- http://linuxmagazine.com/ - editors@linux-mag.com
- PR: ???
- Product Reviews:
- http://linuxuser.co.uk - http://linuxuser.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=48&Itemid=40
- PR: terry@linuxuser.co.uk
- Product Reviews: martin@linuxuser.co.uk
- http://www.tuxmagazine.com/ - editor@tuxmagazine.com
- PR: ???
- Product Reviews: http://www.tuxmagazine.com/xstatic/advertising/prodreviews
- http://www.linuxworld.com/ - mrhinkle@linuxworld.com tim@linuxworld.com
Other Updates
- ...wikipedia yet?