UOC UNESCO Chair in E-Learning Fifth International Seminar

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Conference in Barcelona, Spain



Fighting the Digital Divide through Education.

"The UOC UNESCO Chair's Fifth International Seminar is to focus its efforts on analysing the different factors that can help overcome the so-called digital divide. Among other aspects, it is to look at access to open knowledge, creation of general knowledge open repositories, support for open research, innovation and teaching activities, and the different initiatives related to these areas.

Experiences such as One Laptop Per Child, African Virtual University or Curriki will be examined as part of the seminar in order to assess how promotion of open education through intensive use of technology can help solve this problem arising from the cost of organised access to open knowledge.

The seminar is aimed at:

   * Top management at universities: presidents, vice presidents, general managers and executive officers.
   * Academics working on research projects analysing the challenges and debates involving the design, development and use of educational tools.
   * Those responsible for the application of e-Learning in higher education institutions, in which these tools play an important role: officers in charge of the introduction and use of new technology, e-Learning directors, faculty deans, research centre directors, etc."