Legal Tools Translation/4.0/French
France, Overseas France, Benin, Burkina Faso, Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Belgium, Quebec, Switzerland, Egypt, Maroc, Algeria
Translation Status
4.0: Final.
CC0: Final.
Key dates
First draft was submitted:
Public comment period:
Translation officially published: 4.0 launch - 27 June 2017 (read the blog post); CC0 launch - 27 June 2014 (read the blog post)
Translation team
CC France affiliate team collaborated for this translation with teams from Switzerland, Quebec / Moncton, Luxembourg, Belgium. Other lawyers from french-speaking countries (even if not yet CC chapters) were consulted.
- Nicolas Jupillat, CC Canada Lead
- Danièle Bourcier, CC France Lead
- Lara Beswick, CC France
- Primavera De Filippi
- Florian Ducommun
- Séverine Dusollier
- David Fewer
- Vincent Gautrais
- Batoul Betty Merhi
- Patrick Peiffer
- Myriam Sanou
- Christophe Traisnel
Translation process
The first draft translation was submitted to French-speaking CC affiliates, the CC-FR list and the CC-FR social media networks. CC French affiliates will validate and integrate the comments.
Draft translation files