Global Melt/Newbies
Participants: Bogo, Nadia, Agatha, Asaf
Definition of event:
- Physical event
- Online event
- Recurring events (meetups) or multiple-mini-events (travelling event), distributed events
Audience / Type:
- Common value
- Exposure to ideas
- Inspiration
- Empowerment to participate as consequence of attending
- For existing community
- Building trust and good faith where only shared values are already guaranteed
- Outreach, friend-finding
- Finding partners, supporters, networking
- Sometimes hard to define/express the profile of people you want to attract, but forming an event around your values can attract the right kind of people
- For different community
- Workshop or barn-raising
- Pre-event:
- Informing people about the event – attracting attendees
- Get out of the do-it-yourself haze and respect your own time -- Enlist local networks (chamber of commerce, local press (free documentation!), CouchSurfers, social networks)
- post-event: follow-up on opportunities created.
- Own the follow-up
- Record “sparks” on poster (voluntarily), have organizers follow-up
- Organizers follow-up two months later (reminding, updating peers and inspiring)
- Match-make and align Sparklez
- Organizers can inter-network if sparks got stuck (“can anyone think of funding sources for this great spark by these great folks?”)
- Generalize need for tools
- Easier to join a global movement, harder to start/join/grow a local community
- How to connect local relevance to global identity/ambitions
- There’s a dual identity – local community member, and participants in global movement
- Global movement and aligned non-branded local groups
- What can a global movement gain from a local event?
- “global” is an abstract aggregation; “Stories are local!”
- Legitimacy – can’t represent your concerns and mission without supporting stories
- Local events can be cultivated into shining examples to be used as reference
- Local events inspire other local events – motivate peers
- Provide a venue and opportunity to get work done, to resolve something within the community, outside HQ
- Sources of grassroots innovation, later exportable globally
- Local partnerships not available/practicable on a global level, later exportable
- Serendipitous, person-to-person chemistry, can create partnerships not visible and therefore not attempted on global level
- Easier to mix-and-match and create ad-hoc alliances for events
- What can a local community gain from affiliation with a global movement
- Branding
- Prestige and credibility
- Sense of identity
- Resources (funding, swag, speakers, contacts)
- Know-how
- Borrow context from global initiatives
- Credibility through parallel activities worldwide
- Branding
Summary of insights:
- Joining a global movement is easier than building a local community
- Global gives local: branding (prestige, credibility, sense of identity); resources (funding, swag, speakers, contacts); know-how; current contexts from parallel, global activities
- Local gives global: stories are local!; legitimacy (actual work); motivate weaker peers; opportunity for f2f work outside HQ; sources of exportable innovation; local partnerships or ad-hoc alliances not visible/available at HQ;
- Major tool: Globally coordinated, locally consumed movement recipe book for success:
- Step-by-step
- Tutorials
- Formulas