Engineering Subject Centre - Open Engineering Resources Pilot Project (OERP)
As a part of the UKOER project funded by the Higher Education Academy and JISC, EngSc is running a pilot programme to support the release of Open Educational Resources. The goal of the programme is to make a wide range of learning resources created by academics freely available, easily discovered and routinely re-used by both educators and learners.
The Engineering Subject Centre will use its well established networks and strong links with the professional bodies to ensure that the project will have the maximum impact. This project will establish and evaluate a process for releasing open educational resources and assess the demand with a view to embedding the work within the Subject Centre’s future plans. All materials processed will be given the highest possible profile by employing the latest “web 2.0” services such as YouTube, Delicious, Flickr etc. and standards-compliant packaging methods to maximise easy reuse via the JorumOpen repository.