Manage Site
Note: Some of these settings may have been over written in other virtual roots.
Admins, editors, etc.
These settings are the general top level things which the administrator needs to set for the site.
- Editorial staff: Comma-separated list of login names for users with editorial privileges
- Auto Publish Uploads: Uncheck this if you want to verify uploads before they are made public.
- Homepage: For example a file: docs/home or a navigation tab: view/media/home
- Default Feed Query: Query to use for pages that do not specify a feed Leave blank for no default feed.
- Ratings: Allow ratings for media virtual root. (Click here to configure global ratings)
- Site Administrators: List login names of site admins. (e.g. admin, fightmaster, sally)
Choose a skin, theme, layout, colors, fonts, etc.
- Load a Profile: Start here to pick from an existing skin profile
- Basic Settings: String profile, listing choices, etc.
- Layouts: Page layouts, tab placement, box shapes, etc.
- Color, Font, Text size: Fonts and colors
- Save this Skin Profile: Save the current settings to your own profile
- Create Skin Template: For web developers: Sets up a new skin template
Create and edit navigator tabs
See the How do I edit the navigation tabs? FAQ on the main Documentation page.
File Formats
Pick which file formats are allowed to be uploaded
Formats available include:
aif, au, flac, mid, mp3, ogg, rm, Riff, wav, wma, zip, avi, mov, rmvb, wmv, bmp, gif, jpg, png, swf
Pick which licenses a user is allowed to select from
Upload Renaming
Configure how uploads are automatically renamed
Submit Forms
Edit what kind of submit forms the user can see
- Derived Work
- Sample
- Self-Contained
Edit what the banner and footer says on each page.
- Banner Text, Footers, etc.: Edit the text of the banner, footer and other elements on every page
- Banner Logo: Upload a logo graphic for the banner
- New Page Element: Web developers: Create a new element for page template skin
Sidebar Extras
Pick what features are available on the side bar.
TODO: rewording? Drag items from here to sidebar (and back) to add (and remove) items. Drag items within sidebar to reorder.
Edit the menus
WARNING: If you change the global language setting all customizations made here will be destroyed. Therefore, if you plan to set the language to something other than the default you should do it before editing here.
You can revert to factory defaults menu it will however erase the customization you have done to the main menu, but not affect any virtual ccHosts menus that you have customized.
TODO: incomplete, describe the options.
ID3 Tagger
Configure how to tag ID3 compatible files (e.g. MP3s)
Available fields to set: Title, Artist, Copyright, Original Artist, Remixer, Year, Album ,and Artist's URL.
Available strings references to grab data from the id3 tag:
- %% Percent sign (%)
- %Y% Current year (eg: 2008)
- %artist% Artist name
- %artist_page% Artist page URL
- %contest% Contest (Internal Name)
- %contest_fullname% Contest (Full Name)
- %d% Current day (eg: 23)
- %ext% File extension
- %feat% Collaborating artists
- %filename% %title% + %ext%
- %license% License name
- %license_url% License URL
- %login% Artist login name
- %m% Current month (eg: 06)
- %site% Site name
- %song_page% File page URL
- %source_artist% 'Sampled from' artist
- %source_title% 'Sampled from' title
- %title% Title
- %unique_id% Guaranteed to be unique number
- %url% Download URL
Menu Groups
Edit the menu groups
WARNING: If you change the global language setting all customizations made here will be destroyed. Therefore, if you plan to set the language to something other than the default you should do it before editing here.
Configure thumbnails handling (for image uploads)
Available options:
- Enabling/Disabling the display of Thumbnails
- Constrain proportion of image to the original image's height (y value)
- Set the max Thumbnail width
- Leave this blank or 0 (zero) to use the image's natural size
- Set the max Thumbnail height
- Leave this blank or 0 (zero) to use the image's natural size