CC 10th Birthday/Affiliate Activities and Events
On this page you will find details of events and activities occurring global for Creative Commons' 10th birthday that are being run by groups other than CC headquarters in Mountain View, California.
Please add your event or activity following the template below.
Location: [use "global" if event or activity is not confined to a particular area]
#CC10 Party in Seoul
Date: 15 December 2012, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Seoul, Korea
Description: CCKOREA is throwing a par-tay for #CC10! Celebrating the 10 years of effort to share, remix, and reuse, CCKOREA will invite CCKOREA volunteers and friends. Talk show with highly respected Internet pioneers of Korea, Ignite-type presentation by volunteers, and some fantastic performances by CC musicians are getting ready for the great fun night. We're also going to sell some pretty little hooded T-shirts for a fundraiser.
Website/Contact: /
Creative Commons 10 years - working with CC in schools
Date: 11 December 2012, 7.45-9.00am
Location: SE Ringvägen 100 A, Stockholm, Sweden
Description: A breakfast get-together with teachers in Stockholm, Sweden about Creative Commons and how they can benefit from CC, with a focus on exchanging experience.
Website/Contact: Kristina Alexanderson, kristina.alexanderson at
CC Indonesia - Peringatan Satu Dasawarsa Creative Commons Mendukung Semangat Berbagi
Date: 9 December 2012, 19.00-21.00
Location: @America, Pacific Place, Jakarta, Indonesia
Description: Performance from Indonesians who are already using CC licenses in distributing their music and CC Indonesia would like to give an award for those who have been consistently supporting the use of CC licenses in various fields.
Website/Contact: / Nita Sudharto, alifia.qonita(at)wikimedia(dot)co(dot)id
CC Movie Night
Date: 11th of December 2012, 18.00-20.00
Location: FFKP/Morus, Enekullegatan 12 A, Göteborg, Sweden
Description: Join us for a celebration of the 10th Birthday of Creative Commons by watching movies licensed under a Creative Commons license. Cake will be served!
Website/Contact: Jonas Öberg, jonas at
10th CC Birthday and Open NGO event
Date: 12th of December 2012, 16.00-
Location: Warsaw, Poland, Państwomiasto, ul. Andersa 29
Description: On the 12th of December, Centrum Cyfrowe, the Polish affiliate of Creative Commons, is organizing the celebration of CC's 10th Birthday in Warsaw. As part of the event, we will launch our "Open NGO" initiative, with a debate on the openness of the non-governmental sector between representatives of key Polish organizations. We will also present our Open NGO publication, web portal and online content repository. Afterwards, an informal birthday party will take place, an opportunity for supporters of CC, free culture and openness to meet. During the party, we will have a pre-premiere showing of short films from the series "No Culture is Illegal": short documentaries with key Polish artists about culture, copyright and sharing, created in cooperation by the Miasta w Komie project and Centrum Cyfrowe.
Website/Contact:, cc AT
2012 CC Singapore Meetup #2, aka “CC 10th Birthday Singapore”
Date: Friday, 14 December 2012
Location: HackerspaceSG, 70A Bussorah Street, Singapore
Description: Just a straight-up informal meetup session, to celebrate the spirit of CC and network with like-minded people. Blog post at:
Website/Contact: Ivan Chew (RamblingLibrarian at