This page presented an issue for consideration in the CC license suite 4.0 versioning process. The discussions have now concluded with the publication of the 4.0 licenses, and the information on this page is now kept as an archive of previous discussions. The primary forum for issues relating to the 4.0 versioning process was the CC license discuss email list. You may subscribe to contribute to any continuing post-launch discussions, such as those surrounding compatibility and license translation. The wiki has been populated with links to relevant email threads from the mailing list where applicable, and other topics for discussion were raised in the 4.0/Sandbox. See the 4.0 page for more about the process.
[hide]Treatment in drafts
[Expand](expand to read Draft 1 treatment) |
[Expand](expand to read Draft 2 treatment) |
[Expand](expand to read Draft 3 treatment) |
Draft 4
In this draft, we have added a provision in Section 2(a)(5) of the ShareAlike licenses that enables downstream licensees to refer only to the “Adapter’s License” (formerly the “Adaptation License” in prior drafts) when using Adapted Material that combines the work of multiple authors. In the ShareAlike context, the Adapter’s License is typically the same license as the license applied to the original, but it can differ slightly because ShareAlike allows adapters to apply a later version of the license to their rights in Adapted Material. The change in d4 is designed to minimize complexity for reusers so that they only have to refer to a single set of terms and conditions to reuse Adapted Material, rather than parsing the terms and conditions of the original and Adapter’s License to the extent the licenses differ. This change, which we believe comports with common practice under 3.0, will be one of the primary provisions on which we seek feedback on d4 but do not believe it should be controversial.
We also added language clarifying that the ShareAlike section only applies to those that adapt the licensed material, not anyone reusing Adapted Material. This is how Version 3.0 operates; we are simply making that clear.
There are roughly three issues that have been discussed for years that could potentially be addressed. Ideally, addressing one or more of these could increase clarity of relevant CC licenses, and increase range of and differentiation within CC license suite.
Effectively, this has been treated as identical to potentially tweaking the definition of adaptations vs collections.
- Version 2.0 added "For the avoidance of doubt, where the Work is a musical composition or sound recording, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving image ("synching") will be considered a Derivative Work for the purpose of this License." (Please discuss this particular clarifying language on the License subject matter page.)
- Many have wanted something similar added clarifying when use of an image creates an adaptation/derivative. This was visited especially during discussions with the Wikimedia community, leading to no immediate change, but an assurance that the scope of BY-SA's copyleft would only be increased, if changed at all in the 3rd point of CC Attribution-ShareAlike Intent
Relatedly, it has also been pointed out that CC license definitions of work/adaptation/collection are somewhat hard to read.
For further discussion, visit the Games, 3D printing, and functional content page.
Proposals relating to SA scope in 4.0
For ease of reference on discussion lists, please do not alter proposal numbers.
SA Proposal No. 1: Make no changes.
- Pros:
- Cons: Does not allow the creation to evolve. It is not made clear how to incorporate SA materials into otherwise licensed works.
- Other comments: There is already a 'no derivatives' option. The concept of derivation could be made more clear with examples such as "remix, translate, integrate, aggregate, etc."
- Treatment in 4.0 d.1: While we have not changed the scope of the ShareAlike condition itself, the language and format of the clause has been modified slightly for ease of understanding, as explained further below.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.2: Same.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.3: Same.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.4: Same.
SA Proposal No. 2: Make work/adaptation/collection definitions easier to read, but strive to not make any effective change.
- Pros: Will clarify terminology.
- Cons: New observations based on experience with current CC licenses may bot be taken into account.
- Other comments: Explain that the Share Alike clause discourages exploitave commercial uses while still allowing commerce in the commons and OER landscape.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.1: Incorporated change. See note below regarding removal of the defined term “Collection.”
- Treatment in 4.0 d.2: Same.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.3: Same.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.4: Same.
SA Proposal No. 3: Expand scope of adaptation (thus SA) specifically for some class of use of images, analogous to synching added in 2.0.
- Pros:
- Cons:
- Other comments: Also allow certain exceptions such as mixing CC-by-SA with GPL or similarly spirited licenses.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.1: Not addressed in this initial draft. Further input needed.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.2: Same.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.3: Same. Note proposals under Compatibility for additional information about the possibility of combining CC-BY-SA and GPL or similar works, as well as the general information on treatment of adaptations.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.4: Same.
SA Proposal No. 4: A more aggressive expansion of SA, including some collections, except those that are mere aggregations (see GPL).
- Pros:
- Cons:
- Other comments:
- Attempt to restate my ideas for a stronger copyleft for BY-SA 4.0+ in alternate language by drew Roberts
- Same basic idea in "Copyright Arising" language from 2007 Does BY-SA extend to a newspaper? The above language may be stronger as it could preclude the use of patents or yet to be created legal powers to restrict freedom.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.1: Not addressed in this initial draft. Further input needed.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.2: After many discussions with community members, it was decided that this option would not be a good thing. See the pink box above for more information.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.3: Same.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.4: Same.
SA Proposal No. 5: Share the wealth clause, requesting that commercial gain (e.g. profits) be shared back to the original creator(s).
- Pros: gives financial incentive to release assets under Free Culture Certified licenses. Reduces concern about commercial (ab)uses of creative works.
- Cons:
- May be hard to figure out proportional income distribution. Perhaps a general guideline could ease this process.
- Introduces some of the issues raised by the NC term - namely, confusion over what is commercial use ('profits' are mentioned in this proposal) and could be a disincentive to share and remix works where otherwise allowed. NC is often adopted out of a (perhaps largely misguided because SA addresses it) concern for commercial exploitation. If 'share the wealth' becomes a new trend ('Yeah, of course I want to choose the option to receive money from others who use my work!') it may heavily reduce the cultural value of any works under that license.
- Other comments:
- Create a table of fair share profit distribution (perhaps percentage based) to guide the reciprocative process.
- Difficult to determine how to share profits. May need a public directory of CC licensors and their payment details. Perhaps link this in with profile pages on the CC site, creating an incentive to register your works here. (However, my understanding is that this costs the user a (albeit minimal) yearly fee, reducing access to this service.)
- My take is that if this is put in it should always be voluntary on the part of the licensee. Let the licensor give suggested details.(For instance I might suggest that someone kick back to me when they are making more per hour from my works than they make per hour at their regular job or when they make more per hour from my works then I make per hour on average.)
- Treatment in 4.0 d.1: Not included. This is a proposal perhaps better accomplished through a norm of sharing back commercial gain rather than as a requirement of the license.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.2: Same.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.3: Same.
- Treatment in 4.0 d.4: Same.
Please add other SA proposals here, and number them sequentially.
Source-requiring SA
(Note that scope and whether source required are independent of each other.)
Some would like a copyleft for creative works that requires not just sharing adaptations under the same license, but making preferred form for modification available, as the GPL does for software. FDL includes a weaker requirement of providing copies in "transparent" formats. Especially the former may be too far for BY-SA to go (but costs/benefits could be listed to see). Could possibly be addressed via compatibility, see next.
Compatibility with other copyleft licenses
Directly related to the interoperability goal of 4.0. The following licenses have been discussed at various points, regarding compatibility with BY-SA:
- Free Art License
- Free Documentation License
- GPL (unique among these, could only be one-way with BY-SA as donor; would address desire for source-requiring license, long-term trend toward more mixing of "code" and "content" in ways beyond former accessing latter) MPL2 contains a mechanism for compatibility with GPL, with limitations, that may be a useful model.
- Open Database LIcense (ODbL)
Some things to consider in 4.0 process:
- What could be done to bring BY-SA into better alignment technically with these other licenses where they are in the same spirit?
- Should explicit compatibility with any of these be aimed for? In theory this could be a post-4.0 discussion assuming compatible licenses hook remains, but in practice, if compatibility is to be possible, 4.0 changes should be considered in that light
- Discuss with stewards of each of above licenses, with regard to BY-SA 4.0, future versions of their licenses, alignment, and explicit compatibility statements
- Similar to above, discuss with other stewards possibility of agreeing on/promoting common license text
Related debate
We encourage you to sign up for the license discussion mailing list, where we will be debating this and other 4.0 proposals. HQ will provide links to related email threads from the license discussion mailing list here.
Relevant references
Please add citations that ought inform this 4.0 issue below.