Case Studies/Eleven Brothers

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Hedoco, Knockoutdesign, bag, design, fashion


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The Eleven Brothers bag design inspires and draws attention. This bag is different. This bag is extraordinary. It is even produced in a different way.

Eleven Brothers bag is produced from 324 identical rhombus-shaped elements cut from high-quality leather. The bag's handles are carved from an oak wood by a sculptor-artist. The bag is completely hand-made. Natural colors complete its composition. The name Eleven Brothers comes from a fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen entitled „Wild Swans” and serves as invitation to ponder over the fast pace of life and the increasing value of rare moments of peace and relaxation. In the future, we will supplement the Eleven Brothers bag with a range of lively colors and new patterns.

The product comes with Hedoco certificate.

From the very beginning, the key factor in our communication with the creators of Eleven Brothers bag, members of Knockoutdesign – was to allow users to make such a bag themselves under Creative Commons licenses. In a nutshell: DIY which is free and legal. - Hedoco

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Freedom of choice is an essential value to us. If the client likes our products, she or he can purchase them in our shop or try to make them on hers/his own. Or one can simply see how to construct them.

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