Case Studies/OpenEI

From Creative Commons
Revision as of 21:08, 22 November 2010 by CCID-jane (talk | contribs) (License Usage)
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License Used
open data, energy


Evaluation Information.png
Page Importance:
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(no description)


OpenEI is a community effort devoted to assembling the world's most comprehensive collection of energy information--including datasets, tools, and models.

License Usage

All content contributed to OpenEI is released by default into the public domain under the CC0 public domain waiver. The CC0 notice is included in the site's editing interface and also at the CKAN page.


How did the author or organization first hear about Creative Commons? Why did they choose to license under Creative Commons? Which license did they select and why? Any other issues you may have come across/comments you’d like to make.

Delete the above questions and add text here.


Technical Details

OpenEI is also planning to:

  • Provide a bulk download of our complete RDF (similar to how one can get complete dbpedia exports)
  • Provide a better way to find various datasets (and download them in various formats, such as RDF and CSV)
  • Provide a mechanism for submitting bulk datasets which is separate from, but complementary to, our Wiki)
