Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA
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{{#ifexist: Czech Republic/3.0|See more information about this jurisdiction's porting process
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{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License or Contract/Court Treatment of Legal Code}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License or Contract/Court Treatment of Legal Code}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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a. Pojem „dílo“ označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání autorské dílo nebo jiný nehmotný statek chráněný autorským zákonem, pokud příslušný právní řád jeho ochranu též uznává. Autorskými díly mohou být mimo jiné díla literární, výtvarná, hudební, audiovizuální, vědecká, fotografie nebo počítačové programy. Jinými nehmotnými statky jsou zejména umělecké výkony výkonných umělců, zvukové nebo zvukově obrazové záznamy, televizní a rozhlasové vysílání. Za díla jsou považovány též databáze. Pojem „Dílo“ popřípadě „DÍLO“ označuje konkrétní dílo, ke kterému poskytovatel poskytuje nabyvateli licenci za podmínek uvedených v tomto ujednání.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
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a. For the purposes of this agreement the term "work" means the work of authorship or other intangible assets protected by copyright act, provided its protection is also acknowledged by applicable law. Works of authorship include without limitation literary, musical, audiovisual, scientific or photographic works or computer programs. Other intangible assets are artistic performances, audio and audiovisual recordings, television or radio broadcasting, as well as databases. The term “Work” or “WORK” means a particular work offered under the terms of this agreement.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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b. Pojem „souborné dílo“ označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání soubor nezávislých děl nebo jiných prvků, který je jako celek dílem, a do něhož je celé Dílo v nezměněné, tj. neupravené podobě zařazeno. Souborným dílem může být zejména časopis nebo jiné periodikum, sborník, encyklopedie, antologie, pásmo nebo výstava. Zařazení Díla do souborného díla se nepovažuje za jeho úpravu. Pokud je to výslovně uvedeno, považuje se za souborné dílo též soubor, který místo Díla obsahuje upravené Dílo
{{#if: 1. Definitions
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b. The term "collective work" means a collection of works or other elements in which the Work is included in its entirety in unmodified form. Collective work is for example periodical issue, magazine, encyclopedia, anthology or exhibition. Inclusion of Work into a collective Work does not constitute a derivative Work by itself. If it is explicitly mentioned, a collective work that includes a derivative Work instead of Work is also considered a collective work.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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c. Pojem „upravené Dílo“ označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání výsledek jakékoliv úpravy Díla, kterou může být zejména zpracování Díla nebo zpracování Díla s jinými díly, doplnění Díla nebo jiné změny Díla. Upraveným Dílem může být mimo jiné jeho překlad, dramatizace, zhudebnění. Za upravené Dílo se považuje i jeho spojení s dalším dílem či prvky (např. užití hudebního díla jako doprovodu), ale ne jeho pouhé zařazení do souborného díla.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
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c. The term “derivative Work” means a work which is the result of any adaptation of the Work, i.e. in particular modification of the Work, modification of the Work together with other works, amendment of the Work or any other change of the Work. Derivative Works include without limitation translation, dramatization or musical arrangement. The use of the Work in connection with other works or elements is also considered a derivative Work, unlike its mere inclusion into a collective work.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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d. Pojem „autor“ označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání osobu nebo osoby, které Dílo vytvořily.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
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d. The term "author" means the individual or individuals who created the Work.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Original Author/Author}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Original Author/Author}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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e. Pojem „poskytovatel“ označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání autora nebo jinou fyzickou nebo právnickou osobu, která je oprávněna poskytnout licenci k užití Díla za podmínek uvedených v tomto ujednání.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
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e. The term "licensor" means the author, other individual, individuals, entity or entities that is/are entitled to offer the Work under the terms of this agreement.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Licensor}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Licensor}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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f. Pojem „nabyvatel“ označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání fyzickou nebo právnickou osobu, která užívá Dílo v souladu s tímto ujednáním a která neporušila ve vztahu k Dílu podmínky tohoto ujednání, ledaže získala od poskytovatele výslovný souhlas vykonávat práva k Dílu na základě tohoto ujednání i přes předchozí porušení jeho podmínek.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
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f. The term "licensee" means an individual or entity exercising rights under this agreement who has not previously violated the terms of this agreement with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights under this agreement despite a previous violation.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|You/User/Licensee}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|You/User/Licensee}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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g. Pojem „rozmnožování“ označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání zhotovování rozmnoženin díla, a to jakýmikoli prostředky. Rozmnoženiny mohou být mimo jiné tiskové, fotografické, zvukové, obrazové, nebo zvukově-obrazové a mohou mít též elektronickou podobu, zahrnující vyjádření analogové i digitální. Rozmnožováním je též zhotovení rozmnoženiny nezbytné k zavedení, uložení, zobrazení, provoz a přenos počítačového programu a vytěžování obsahu databáze.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
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g. The term "reproduce" means to make copies of a work by any means. Reproductions can be without limitation in printed, photographic, audio, visual or audio-visual form, electronic or otherwise, both on analog or digital medium. Reproducing also means to make reproductions necessary for implementation, storage, depiction, operation and transfer of computer program and for copying database content.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
h. Pojem „rozšiřování“ označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání zpřístupňování originálu díla nebo jeho rozmnoženiny v hmotné podobě prodejem nebo jiným převodem vlastnického práva. Za rozšiřování díla se považuje také jeho vystavování, pronájem a půjčování.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
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h. The term “distribute” means to make available the original of a work or its reproductions to the public in tangible form by means of sale or other property transfer. Exhibiting, lease and lending of a work are also considered distributing of the work.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Distribute}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Distribute}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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i. Pojem „sdělování veřejnosti“ označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání zpřístupňování díla v nehmotné podobě. Sdělováním veřejnosti se mimo jiné rozumí veřejné provozování díla nebo jeho přenos, vysílání rozhlasem nebo televizí a zpřístupňování díla veřejnosti prostřednictvím počítačové nebo jiné sítě, a to způsobem, že kdokoli může mít k němu přístup na místě a v čase podle své volby. Sdělováním veřejnosti je též zužitkování obsahu databáze.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
i. The term „publicly perform“ means to make a work available in intangible form. A public performance is without limitation public recitation of a work, television and radio broadcasting, as well as spreading a work by means of computer or other network in such a way that members of the public may access the work from a place and time individually chosen by them. Publicly perform also means to utilize content of a database.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
j. Pojem „licenční prvky“ označuje pro účely tohoto ujednání charakteristické prvky této licence, které stanovil poskytovatel a které jsou vyjádřeny v jejím označení: „Uveďte autora“, „Neužívejte komerčně“ a „Zachovejte licenci“.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
j. "License elements" means the following high-level license attributes as selected by the licensor and indicated in the title of this agreement: Attribution, Noncommercial, Share Alike.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Toto ujednání neomezuje, nezužuje ani jinak nelimituje volná užití Díla, užití Díla na základě zákonné licence, vyčerpání práv při prvním převodu vlastnictví k originálu nebo rozmnoženině Díla v hmotné podobě nebo jiná zákonná omezení práv k Dílu.
{{#if: 2. Exceptions and limitations of the rights to the Work
Re-translated text
Nothing in this agreement is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any free use of the Work, any use based on legal license, the exhaustion of distribution right by the first transfer of a tangible reproduction of the Work or other limitations of the rights to the Work under applicable laws.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Za podmínek stanovených tímto ujednáním poskytuje poskytovatel nabyvateli bezúplatnou, množstevně a místně neomezenou, nevýhradní a časově neomezenou (na celou dobu trvání práv k Dílu) licenci k Dílu:
a. oprávnění rozmnožovat Dílo, zahrnovat Dílo do souborných děl a jako součást souborných děl Dílo dále rozmnožovat,{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the licensor hereby grants to the licensee a worldwide, unlimited in quantity, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) right to use the Work as stated below:
a. to reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more collective works, and to reproduce the Work as incorporated in the collective works;|Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the licensor hereby grants to the licensee a worldwide, unlimited in quantity, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) right to use the Work as stated below:
a. to reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more collective works, and to reproduce the Work as incorporated in the collective works;{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, License Grant, Reproduce, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, License Grant, Reproduce, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Za podmínek stanovených tímto ujednáním poskytuje poskytovatel nabyvateli bezúplatnou, množstevně a místně neomezenou, nevýhradní a časově neomezenou (na celou dobu trvání práv k Dílu) licenci k Dílu:
b. oprávnění upravovat Dílo a upravené Dílo rozmnožovat, zařazovat do souborných děl a jako součást souborných děl dále rozmnožovat, pokud je z upraveného Díla nebo jeho označení zřejmé, že Dílo bylo změněno nebo jinak upraveno,{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the licensor hereby grants to the licensee a worldwide, unlimited in quantity, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) right to use the Work as stated below:
b. to create and reproduce derivative Works, to incorporate the derivative Work into one or more collective works, and to reproduce the derivative Work as incorporated in the collective works, provided it is clear from the derivative Work or its label that the Work has been changed or modified,|Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the licensor hereby grants to the licensee a worldwide, unlimited in quantity, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) right to use the Work as stated below:
b. to create and reproduce derivative Works, to incorporate the derivative Work into one or more collective works, and to reproduce the derivative Work as incorporated in the collective works, provided it is clear from the derivative Work or its label that the Work has been changed or modified,{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, License Grant, Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, License Grant, Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Za podmínek stanovených tímto ujednáním poskytuje poskytovatel nabyvateli bezúplatnou, množstevně a místně neomezenou, nevýhradní a časově neomezenou (na celou dobu trvání práv k Dílu) licenci k Dílu:
c. oprávnění Dílo samostatně nebo jako součást souborného díla rozšiřovat a sdělovat veřejnosti,{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the licensor hereby grants to the licensee a worldwide, unlimited in quantity, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) right to use the Work as stated below:
c. to distribute and publicly perform the Work including as incorporated in collective works,|Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the licensor hereby grants to the licensee a worldwide, unlimited in quantity, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) right to use the Work as stated below:
c. to distribute and publicly perform the Work including as incorporated in collective works,{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Za podmínek stanovených tímto ujednáním poskytuje poskytovatel nabyvateli bezúplatnou, množstevně a místně neomezenou, nevýhradní a časově neomezenou (na celou dobu trvání práv k Dílu) licenci k Dílu:
d. oprávnění rozšiřovat a sdělovat veřejnosti upravené Dílo.{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the licensor hereby grants to the licensee a worldwide, unlimited in quantity, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) right to use the Work as stated below:
d. to distribute and publicly perform derivative Works.|Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the licensor hereby grants to the licensee a worldwide, unlimited in quantity, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) right to use the Work as stated below:
d. to distribute and publicly perform derivative Works.{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Re-translated text
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Re-translated text
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Czech Republic/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}