Facebook CC Integration/Es:BoRR
Propuesta BoRR
El movimiento para integrar las licencias Creative Commons como opción para los contenidos de cada usuario, está surgiendo desde los usuarios como una respuesta a la versión del 4 de Febrero de 2009 de los Terminos de uso de Facebook.
La único aviso que hubo del cambio de los Términos de uso fue publicado en el Blog de Facebook el 4 de Febrero de 2009 y no llegó en forma masiva a los usuarios. Varios días despues, mediante reportes periodísticos, los usuarios descubrieron este cambio y respondieron protestando. Facebook entonces volvío a los Terminos de uso antiguos (del 23 de Septiempre de 2008).
En conjunto con lo anterior Facebook abrió el grupo llamado 'Facebook Bill of Rights and Responsibilities' (Carta de Derechos y Responsabilidades) al que denominaremos BoRR en adelante. Producto de requerimientos de usuarios de que se integrara licencias Creative Commons a facebook y con el objeto de focalizar ese esfuerzo se creó el grupo 'Why not include Creative Commons in Facebook TOS?', tambien denominado 'cconfb'.
La necesidad de producir una propuesta colaborativa para presentar al grupo BoRR que propone que los usuarios tengan una forma de elegir como comparten sus contenidos surgió del grupo y este documento es el resultado de ello.
Crear una propuesta colaborativa para el grupo BoRR dando a conocer las ventajas para Facebook y para los usuarios de Facebook de integrar un tipo de licenciamiento mas versatil del perfil de los usuarios y de cada elemento subido al sitio por los usuarios, usando Creative Commons, similar a como se ha hecho exitosamente en Flickr. Puedes ver un prototipo Gráfico de esto en la sección Prototipo Gráfico de este documento.
Creemos en el intercambio libre de conocimiento e ideas, tambien creemos que todo creador de contenido tiene el derecho de destribuir su contenido original como prefieran, ya sea con todos los derechos reservador o completamente libre. Creative Commons permite esto, con el objetivo de fomentar la creación compartida de forma creativa en una forma que proteja a los creadores de contenidos, los proveedores de contenidos y los consumidores de contenidos.
On February 16th, 2009, in response to user protest of the sudden change of Facebook's ToS without proper notice to it's users, Mark Zuckerberg responded on the Official Facebook Blog "In reality, we wouldn't share your information in a way you wouldn't want. The trust you place in us as a safe place to share information is the most important part of what makes Facebook work."
The ability for users to select a licensing option ensures that there is clear agreement between Facebook and Facebook users regarding how users want their information used that does not rely user's trust in Facebook's judgment. This is especially important in the event Facebook should sometime in the future sell the company to another party.
Also, as we found on a post made by Julius Harper admin of the BoRR group (ref: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=69048030774&topic=8399). When he compiled of all the objections made by the users in the BoRR group:
Facebook’s use of my content should be subject to an easy-to-understand license, like Creative Commons, which lets me maintain ownership and control.
So our request is also supported by the majority of people on the BoRR group (130000 people).
The Problem
Quote problematic sections from current Facebook TOS (revised September 23, 2008 Current Facebook TOS (dated from Sept. 23 2008) is (CC from Amanda French)
You hereby grant Facebook an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to (a) use, copy, publish, stream, store, retain, publicly perform or display, transmit, scan, reformat, modify, edit, frame, translate, excerpt, adapt, create derivative works and distribute (through multiple tiers), any User Content you (i) Post on or in connection with the Facebook Service or the promotion thereof subject only to your privacy settings or (ii) enable a user to Post, including by offering a Share Link on your website and (b) to use your name, likeness and image for any purpose, including commercial or advertising, each of (a) and (b) on or in connection with the Facebook Service or the promotion thereof.
Proposed Solutions
While It is clear that the 'non-exclusive' license granted to Facebook by users does not exclude users also licensing their content under a Creative Commons license, we request the language "subject only to your privacy settings" be changed to "subject only to your privacy and license settings", and that license selection interface be added to user profiles and content uploads.
Facebook users should have the ability to choose not only with whom they want to share their content, but whether to grant commercial license or not, as well as whether to allow copy and remix or not.
To respect the wishes of it's users, we request from Facebook to adopt a ToS similar to flickr's:
(taken from Amanda French's Website)
Yahoo! does not claim ownership of Content you submit or make available for inclusion on the Yahoo! Services. However, with respect to Content you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of the Yahoo! Services, you grant Yahoo! the following worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive license(s), as applicable [...]:
With respect to photos, graphics, audio or video you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of the Yahoo! Services other than Yahoo! Groups, the license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display such Content on the Yahoo! Services solely for the purpose for which such Content was submitted or made available. This license exists only for as long as you elect to continue to include such Content on the Yahoo! Services and will terminate at the time you remove or Yahoo! removes such Content from the Yahoo! Services.
The only problem with flickr's license is the right of modify and adapt they claim. That right isn't compatible with all the CC licenses. so finally we request the FB ToS remove those two rights.
Rewrite Facebook Terms of Service in Human Readable terms which communicate clearly that Facebook users maintain ownership of their IP, copyright and control over their choice of license.
This is a Mockup where we can see all the Creative Commons options to define a specific license. Also there are other Mockup here Facebook CC Integration
Benefits of Proposed Solutions
We see three benefits
First of all, the benefit of being friendly with their users. Facebook was severely criticized for his draconian ToS, then, this will be a ToS that goes in the opposite direction, so we expect from the CC crowd and from the general users a very good reception and a restoration of confidence in Facebook.
Second, an improvement of all CC Situation in the world. Facebook could bring a lot of Creative Commons content to the world heritage.
Third, Facebook will enjoy some of his competitors market share (example: the CC share of flickr)