Affiliate Calls/Q1 2010
Revision as of 12:47, 25 May 2010 by Michelle Thorne (talk | contribs)
Feedback requested on
- International board nominations (Joi)
- Regional dashboards by March 8th (Diane and Michelle)
- What constitutes a region - ongoing discussion on list
- Comments on grant program draft by March 8th (Michelle)
- General feedback about the call, content-wise and technical
- Chloe Georas (Puerto Rico)
- Ignasi Labastida i Juan (Spain)
- Tyng-Ruey Chuang (Taiwan)
- Jessica Coates (Australia)
- Rotem Medzini (Israel)
- Alek Tarkowski (Poland)
- Tomoaki Watanabe (Japan)
- Carolina Botero (Colombia)
- Renata Avila (Guatemala)
- Joi, Diane, Mike, John W., Dona, Michelle (Staff)
Purpose of call
- two--way exchange of information, closer communication
- timing so CC can get input in advance of board reporting
- Suggestions for improvement:
- Some technical hurdles were encountered, including poor audio quality and static. Participants should be on mute when not talking.
- A brief round of introductions should be done next time. It was difficult to know who exactly was on the call.
- Could develop a queue or indication system for people wishing to provide feedback. Or each of the people/regions (depending on numbers) could be directly asked by Joi/the call chair if they have something to add at the end, to ensure people are given a small period where they feel it is appropriate to speak up, even if it's to say they don't have anything more to say. (Jessica)
- Maybe a simultaneous text back channel would be useful. (Jessica)
- Michelle: Some of us were logged into the CC Jabber group, although we didn't end up backchanneing there. We could try to use that (Server:, Chat room: creativecommons)
Updates on internationalization Efforts: Joi
- Overview of internationalization efforts - recent
- Last Aug: consolidated CCi with CC core
- Hopefully already seen efforts to expand participation by many more CC staff **Dec: CC board agrees to accept nominations from international community for 1-2 board positions (more on this below)
- Dec: CC board establishes advisory board, members will not be limited to US (or lawyers, for that matter) (more on this below)
- Dec: CC announces plans for small-grant program for affiliates and others (more on this below)
- Last Aug: consolidated CCi with CC core
Program Development - Details and Timing
- Board-related: Joi
- Nomination process for board members
- Preparing and reviewing with Board a description of board service, criteria we look for and need for balanced board
- Hope to post that by end of February
- Nominations can still be made at any time - please email Joi
- Preparing and reviewing with Board a description of board service, criteria we look for and need for balanced board
- New Idea: Include regional reports to Board with updates from different regions
- CC already prepares dashboards quarterly, which are very condensed summaries of milestones etc. across CC's functional divisions. CC would like to invite each region to also submit a dashboard page
- General interest from affiliates on call to do this
- Affiliates would need to self-select someone to prepare.
- First report is due March 8th
- What constitute a region? There are geographic areas where regional borders are not so clear. We should discuss on the list any concerns/suggestions about how to define regions. There was also a proposal offlist to submit dashboard slides by topic/field rather than geography.
- Feedback needed on list.
- CC already prepares dashboards quarterly, which are very condensed summaries of milestones etc. across CC's functional divisions. CC would like to invite each region to also submit a dashboard page
- For twice-yearly face-to-face meeting of board
- Dashboard is also prepared
- We should find a way to have someone from each region present their report to Board - conference call or other when not F2F
- New Idea: Open part of board meeting to affiliates more broadly for questions/engagement - early stages of considering, have to get board work done, can't be completely open
- Considering co-locating a board meeting in 2011 with international affiliates gathering
- Nomination process for board members
Affiliate program: Diane
- Revising MOU and MOU processes
- Goal is to make clearer expectations on both
- Plan for it to be
- modular, to allow for different sets of responsibilities to be combined depending on affiliate
- Non exclusive - increasingly finding that multiple affiliate institutions have different strengths and want to participate in different ways
New grant program and May fundraising: Michelle
- Draft of program specifics posted - modeled on similar grant programs (Wikimedia, Global Voices).
- Goal is to provide funding (1000 - 10,000 USD) in support of CC-related programs and activities around the world.
- Process:
- Funding will not be available for lobbying activities or license porting activities (launch events, legal review of the licenses, etc.)
- Example projects on the wiki
- Applications from or endorsed by CC affiliates will receive preference. Joint applications from official CC affiliate institutions and their partners are also welcomed.
- Selection committee will be established. We want affiliates involved in selection process.
- Deadline for comments: March 8
- Spring campaign planned in May to raise funds for the grant program
- If someone already has a project in mind, please email Michelle so we can talk about how to showcase it during the campaign
Operations update: Mike/Joi/John Wilbanks
- Consolidation of divisions and branding
- OER and education in particular
- Public patent license -- development
Open forum: All
- Puerto Rico: Can we get a grant for making informational materials about CC? A : Write a proposal, and if selection committee and public comments support it, we can offer grant. Covering operational costs by grants is not precluded.
- Puerto Rico: involved in OER. Would like to work with CC on education, possibly develop international OER plan perhaps together other affiliates
- Poland: A grant proposal could be for several CC jurisdictions to work on such an int'l OER plan