DiscoverEd Glossary

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An agent (individual, organization, group) which identifies resources for inclusion in the DiscoverEd index. A curator may be creator/publisher of the resources, or may be a third party which identifies existing resources and [possibly] adds additional metadata. A curator provides one or more feeds identifying the resources to be indexed. (FIXME: Add an example curator.)


A list or map of resources to be included in the index. A feed is associated with a particular curator, and may also include metadata about the resource. Feed is used as a generic term to include Atom/RSS (parsed using Rome) and OAI-PMH endpoints. (FIXME: Add a sample feed curated by somebody.)




A single resource to be indexed, identified by a curator. Metadata about the resource may be included with it as RDFa, or provided by the curator. (FIXME: Link to a sample resource.)



SKOS is a set of specifications and standards to support the use of knowledge organization systems (KOS) such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists and taxonomies within the framework of the Semantic Web.

Examples: MESH in SKOS (NIH Medical Subject Headings), AGROVOC