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    It is very true this site is my creation and my idea to resque and help peoples who need from a saupport moral in the first and material in seciond.The problem with help material is a little complicate because we need from sposor who can do funds for aor work in your services who represnts The base peoples who stay in any country in any corner of world and take care from own nation to development and are the fundamental existence of aor society or community were you live and  have family with children who continue your work  development.For this we have duty to do a strong and solid creation from the new generation who coming under us.I want to edit this site with help of all members who know to bring a cotribution in development of this site.We apreciate the first members who want to enscribe in aor organization to be the first piooner of aor organization.The rule of this organization will edition with more cosistence and more responsability from each member of this organizartion.The patron (boss) of aor organization I choose in the first the great and purity entity THE GOD who bless us and forghet aor sins.We serv of the single master GOD.We expectation to bring in aor organization peoples with a good heart open and a purity soul,with generozity and devotion for this work in organization.We don't need persons with name and finish with this atribution because we don't accept this tip peoples.We need from peoples in the first with love for his mission,with perseverence,smarts ,inteligents,wise,degnity ,honor,loyality not greeding.