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LRMI Draft Specification

This is the 0.5 version of the Learning Resources Metadata Initiative specification as created by the LRMI Technical Working Group (TWG). This is a pre-release draft.


If you have feedback on the specification, please join the LRMI mailing list.

LRMI Specification version 0.5

Property Expected Type Description LOM approximate DC approx. Schema.org approx.
Education Specific
intendedEndUserRole schema.org/Text The individual or group for which the work in question was produced.
  • Ex: "student"
  • Ex: "teacher"
intendedEndUserRole audience
teachesCompetencies schema.org/Competency The competency, learning standard, and/or skill that the work teaches. conformsTo
requiresCompetencies schema.org/Competency The competency, learning standard, and/or skill that the work requires the user to already have.
assessesCompetencies schema.org/Competency The competency, learning standard, and/or skill that the work assesses.
educationalUse schema.org/Text The purpose of the work in the context of education.
  • Ex: "assignment"
  • Ex: “group work”
timeRequired schema.org/Duration

(ISO 8601)

Approximate or typical time it takes to work with or through this learning resource for the typical intended target audience.
  • Ex: "P30M"
  • Ex: "P1H25M"
typicalLearningTime (5.9)
typicalAgeRange schema.org/Text The typical range of ages the content's intendedEndUser.
  • Ex: "7-9"
  • Ex: "18-"
typicalAgeRange educationLevel
interactivityType schema.org/Text The predominate mode of learning supported by the learning resource. Acceptable values are active, expositive, or mixed.
  • Ex: "active"
  • Ex: "mixed"
Interactivity Type
learningResourceType schema.org/Text The predominate type or kind characterizing the learning resource.
  • Ex: "presentation"
  • Ex: "handout"
Learning Resource Type
General Terms
  These terms are important for terms used with learning resources but are also useful beyond just learning resources. They have no Schema.org equivalent.
useRightsURL schema.org/URL The URL where the owner specifies permissions for using the resource. rights:Copyright and Other Restrictions (6.2) license
isBasedOnURL schema.org/URL A resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. isBasedOn source
Accessibility-related terms -- Examples
  This list of terms was created in partnership with CAST
wcagVersion schema.org/URL The URL of the version of the WCAG that is being verified against.
wcagCriteria schema.org/Text A list of compliant WCAG criteria for the resource.
wcagVerificationDate Date The date the WCAG verification was made.
wcagVerificationBy schema.org/Person or schema.org/Organization The person or organization that made the WCAG verification.
technologiesRequired schema.org/Text A list of technologies required for use the resource.
technologiesRecommended schema.org/Text A list of technologies recommend for use of the resource in addition to the required technologies.
Already adequately expressed in Schema.org
  These terms are important terms used with learning resources that are currently well covered by Schema.org
title schema.org/Text The title of the resource. Title title Thing:name
topic schema.org/Text The subject of the content. subject CreativeWork:About
created schema.org/Date The date on which the resource was created. Created created CreativeWork:dateCreated
creator schema.org/Person The individual credited with the creation of the resource. Contribute creator CreativeWork:author
publisher schema.org/Organization The organization credited with publishing the resource. publisher CreativeWork:publisher
language schema.org/Language The primary language of the resource. Language language CreativeWork:inLanguage
mediaType schema.org/Text The type of media which is being described. type CreativeWork:genre