This page describes our plan for making JsWidget something we want people to use.
The following are "preview" versions, not things we suggest you use in a massive public-facing web service.
- It exists at all!
- Correct questions
- Apache Content Negotiation for language selection
- (Hopefully) stable API for importing and exporting license choices
- IE (6 and 7) compatibility
- all HTML elements and CSS classes are prefixed with cc_js_ to avoid namespace clashes with others' apps
- Safari compatibility
- Opera compatibility
At this point, there is feature completeness for the core JsWidget code. There is code clean-up to do after this, and there is external translation work to do, but that should be all. Bugfixes as needed before 1.0.
- (X) Massive clean-out of unused JavaScript code and unused CSS style
- (X) Remove dependency on Prototype
- (X) Performance analysis, fixes based on this
- done for client-server side, and small client side performance fix implemented (only change visible selected license if the license really changed) because it decreases "flicker" in the UI
- (X) Security analysis of server-side and client-side code, fixes based on this
- (X) code prettification (by Asheesh) (enough is done)
- (Forget using zc.buildout for dependencies
Backend-only release:
- (X) Come up with a solid story for auto-updating jurisdictions
- (X) Come up with a solid story for auto-updating translations
- (X) Decide/describe promises that the version numbers mean
- (X) (Faked) A hidden form field for selecting a jurisdiction and removing the juri chooser.
- (X) All strings are extracted
- (X) A real option for pre-selecting a jurisdiction
- (X) An option for not choosing a license at all
- (X) An option to make no license the default
- Finalized strings and placement of info boxes
- UI prettification (done by Alex)
- Just like 1.0, hopefully.
The following are versions we suggest you use in a massive public-facing web service.
- All strings are translated
- We have a story for keeping this up with high reliability
- We have a story for keeping releases maintained as far as language and jurisdiction updates
- It looks nice