HOWTO Publish

From Creative Commons
Revision as of 00:33, 11 July 2007 by Timothy Vollmer (talk | contribs) (Adding a license to your audio page)
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Internet Archive



Adding a license to your audio page

1-chooselicense.gif Step one: Choose a license

If you already have your own website hosting your music and you'd like to put others on notice that they can use and share your songs, start by choosing a license for your work.

Choose a license for your audio

2-copycode.gif Step two: Copy the code

On the "Mark your content" page of the license process, copy the code provided by highlighting it with your mouse and hitting ctrl-c (command-c on a Mac).

3-pastecode.gif Step three: Paste code into your site

The specifics of the last step will depend on how you edit your website. Most desktop website tools like Dreamweaver, Frontpage, or GoLive offer a "code view" that lets you see the code that makes up your page. Near the end of the page you are hosting music, before you see </body></html>, paste in the code copied in the previous step by clicking the page and hitting ctrl-v (command-v on a Mac).


Internet Archive




