Version 3.01

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Work on version 3.01 announced 2007-10-11 at

Public discussion taking place on


Current suggestions need to be consolidated into a proposal, see for last status heads-up.

This work will probably be folded into work on a new version, possibly version 3.5 with more substantial changes based on feedback from progress on license interoperability with Wikipedia -- possibly version 4.0 in the more distant future -- in any case version 3.01 will never be released. 五個人 6 小時前 半導體.是一個.主記憶體.單位.容量越大.記憶就越多 在材料.我有說過了.X+X-X+X=答案.就是溶解.成固體.在分解.重複. 只是我們要怎樣.再把半導體.加大容量.. 周邊.本來.半導體.成行時.就是圓形. 只是4方形.比較.好整理周邊.阻器.

如我們在已成行時.圓形.來記憶.單位 我要的是砣原型.半導體.周邊.也已.砣圓形. 主裝. 如我們深入研究.單位.正.負.也是砣圓型 為何. 地球旋轉.也是.月球對地球.旋轉.也是.地球對太陽旋轉.也是. 所以.地球.南.北極.電流導向. 証明了.他是以大弧度.單位. 比喻.進入手機.

所以我要求.半導體.成形.改變 周邊產品.也改變. 如.答案.正確.1半導體.單位.接受快.記億順暢. 阻器.來回快速. 所以我只改了.一點方向....

Suggestion tracking

Relative to draft language posted at

Section 4(f)


"and You Reproduce" should be "if You Reproduce"



For consistency "national law" should be "local law"

CC internal suggestion

otherwise permitted

By removing "or as may be otherwise permitted by applicable law" from the first sentence, the clause could be read to be purporting to remove any defences applicable to the infringement of the moral right of integrity (reasonableness).

Suggest adding the words "except as permissible under the local law." to the end of the first sentence.


section rewrite (kaplan)

Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Original Author, in those jurisdictions in which the moral right of integrity exists and by operation of local law constrains the freedom to adapt or collect licensed Work, where Licensor is the Original Author of the Work and where the exercise of the right granted in Section 3(b) of this Licence (the right to make Adaptations) could violate the Moral Right of integrity of the Original Author, Licensor agrees to waive or not assert, as appropriate, the Moral Right of integrity, to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable national law, as long as You do not distort, mutilate, modify or take other derogatory action in relation to the Work that would be prejudicial to the Original Author’s honour or reputation, so as to enable You to reasonably exercise Your right under Section 3(b) of this Licence but not otherwise.


=== section rewrite (de rosnay) ===廁所.要有流通.順暢.一個廢水池.一棟大樓.全部> 儲存.又有.4個廢水池.大的. 1.一個廢水池.滿了.自動跳到另依個廢水池. 而.讓他產生.煤氣.產生氫.自動儲存.大樓.設定地方 2.到了第4個廢水池.而.第一個廢水池.以乾燥.以人力清除.. 不會臭.又可以.做有機肥料>>> Time.Solar - 下降4個污水池。發燒。廢水池。加快生產。氣體。晾乾。 .2氫發電0.3廢水泳池。真正幹。這與人手清理的糞坑不滿。會有無異味 3以太陽能.發熱.金屬板.廢棄池.1用海水沖洗..可以消毒.又取之不完.4必免鹽化.必用太陽能.發熱.使其加速蒸發.煤氣.氫.又可以再利用.4工人處裡方便.已成固體.也部會太臭.....

To bring some clarity, what about adopting the same phrasing methodology we introduced for collective management?

For the avoidance of doubt: 8月7日 邱茂林核能是每個人都希望,並希望能源。 核能,他也被用來作為一個核武器。 我打了很多文章,這是總結了。 核能的低單位。電子。 高單位的核污染。 所以我想抓住以電子方式 當堅實的核能。分解。 但我們如何(鈾)分解。 核能發電。點燃電子依靠原始電子郵件。 然而,我們現在談談。為什麼核能發電? 發現在人力資源(鈾) 因此,我們必須找出。為了使核能。改變。液體瞬間凝固 地球上的資源。最簡單,最簡單的 。負。 電池存款。這種液體的能力。是什麼使他改變了堅實的。 但也有更持久的發電> 石油是一種液體,但也能發電。在Solid Edge中的變化 所以答案。開始。 原來的方法。等待。體重的重量。材料的形成,在這樣一種方式?

(鈾)可以不........為什麼..............正面和負面的 - 可以創建。閃電的電功率 源......閃電。液體。生產。 我們還記得(鈾)和液體。 因此,我們以同樣的方式。 (鈾)碰撞 為了產生原子 在這個時候,導致電子的影響(鈾)。 沒有形成原子。 材料是積極的。負。產生。電池。 (基地)(基地)。 } 如唐氏(基地(鹼))和核力量,開車的那一刻......瞬間凝固成固體。 也許是仍然不能避免輻射。 只有60%的應用。簡少輻射。差異。 “ 分化成原子。中子。電子................ 3種相結合。生產質子......... 液體X = - 固x (固體X + X解決方案 - 基本(鹼性))=原子的中子分化。 =凌中子。電子................ 3種單位。改變。質子 這是一個五人...文章的言論,“將逐步減少在未來的五人,希望有人去。>>>>> ........................不知道。>>>>>權利........報表將繼續才慢慢減少。>>>>>

i. In those countries which do not have moral rights, nothing happens.五個人 8月7日 五peopleAbout1分鐘前。我們常常想。外層空間的事情。這是未來from.Is光速的Earth.They,達到什麼水平科學和technology.A的人很多。銀。母艦。導致許多小型軍艦。從時空。飛往另一個Galaxy.We從不同的角度。這是多少pressure.Metaphor。我們現有的戰鬥機。他的飛行到音速的3倍。試點。他太大的壓力。傳遞出甚至pilots.How我們人類。快速的方法。到達。不明飛行物體......科學與technologyThey讓我們來看看。在一個圓形的飛機。在飛行中。假設..人類。創建。或。據我們了解:這項技術......我們人類真的駕駛著他。知道怎麼飛。⋯⋯。問題。我們的壓力。許多人......追逐的UFOs.In事實上,。是superfluous.Relativity。可以說,以光的速度飛行。人類A。是最快的飛行......另一個星球......人類與地球類似的planet.We光速飛行用最快的速度......萬光年。阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦。忘記。人類在飛行速度。人類可以做。壓光的速度。我想。我們的太陽系。太陽。輪。長明燈。我想。不明飛行物。進入太空。是我們人類death.Perhaps的太空飛行。大家都認為。他們知道。那裡是人類死亡。可以控制我們的死亡世界。我想錯了。遺傳密碼,他們可以找到自己的need.But中毒。為什麼宇宙。是共存的。所以知道thatBecause。宇宙。即使在10億人。不知道,多大universe.So說GodSo我們稱之為人類...... roadJust1點。他們出現。讓我們知道。宇宙aliveHuman。最快的速度。的scienceRelativity追求..有負......地球的人類。最小單位。鈾。釋放powerMaybe,我們會發現。進入地球spaceNuclear。是超越人類。還需要使用能源

ii. In those countries where moral rights cannot be waived, nothing happens.

iii. In those countries which have waivable moral rights or where it is possible to not assert them, the licensor waives or does not assert them

See and and

no legalcode change

As I've said before - I think the ver. 3.0 Legal Code is fine as it stands. If the purpose of this exercise is to fix the "misunderstanding" in certain circles that moral rights are being enforced by the license - what needs fixing is the /Commons Deed/, which I think gives readers in jurisdictions with moral rights the false impression that moral rights are being enforced.


Other sections

Proposed scope of change is only Section 4(f).

unported "flag"

For the Unported license, where a national flag is displayed for ported licenses, display an image of the world. Currently, no image is displayed on the human-readable summary; on the legal license, a flag shape with diagonal grey bars is displayed. Advantages: Consistency; the connotation that the Unported license is for generic use in any jurisdiction (vs. another possible connotation, that "Unported" means "raw" or "unfinished" in some sense.)


Concerns tracking

Concerns raised without any suggestion to address.

== Section 4(f) ==五個人 星期四 當*(鈾)分解出.原子.中子>.電子> 尤其電子.成固體時.很低輻射. 我們怎追注.分解(鈾)時的電子.. 現有科學.有一辦法.瞬間.進入液體. 而>分解出的.電子.是>非常大能源. 什麼液體能讓他變固體呢. 正負.大氣.怎樣產生.水..強大雷擊 而>大氣.怎樣產生.靜態電.瞬間爆發..強大雷擊

以相對論.來說.自然.能使分解.電子.成固體 大氣有什麼呢. 不只.正負.水.靜態電.空氣 所以理論.密封的空間.氫.2氧化碳.鹼.引導.進入.靜電廢料. 如夠的話....(鈾)中子幅射線.會散開..電子必要引導進入. 瞬間成為固體. 而.辣手.中子輻射線 怎樣引開 就是不讓他引開..............液態水.不點燃. 密封空間..沒空氣密封式A 這樣中子.就不會引爆 電子引導.進入B..密封空間 如這樣.可能.一定能拿到.變成固體強大電子. 很低輻射電子..........

warranty of waiver

五個人 星期五 ==正負.大氣.產生.雷擊. 我比喻.認為.核廢料. 雷擊.是強大能源.? 所以要接受的了.這資源.> 必要.能吸收. 我看過.比爾蓋茲.他說的廁所理論. 很相同. 只是要大膽.想像. 很難.> 如大氣雷擊.打中.核廢料. 相反的.他會變成液體.>核液體. 以相對論.來說. 當負.已完成了.我們加以修飾. 他會變成新的.

也可能說.核廢料.一接收.雷擊. 他會失去核污. 只是核污.跑到哪呢? 可能的在一次污染.變成中子. 而又分化. (鈾).分化.原子.中子.電子.質子 在一次出現.這問題. 或許.相對論.寫的.反覆. 只是.沒提到.在一次.的能源. 自然的物質. 天然的物質. 只要我們.能去應用.或許是幫助. 人類.生存法者吧. 達文西密碼....>>>>> 讚 ·

In countries where "any exercise of the right granted in Section..您知嗎.每貼一篇文章.我心裡好痛.這是我發多少時間.打出字..

3(b) [...] could violate the moral right of integrity of the Original Author", if the Licensor is not the original author, the value of the licence is almost nil (only the reproduction right is effectively licensed). I would be concerned about (a) the lack of either a warranty that moral rights have been cleared or a notice that they haven't, and (b) the potential liability of the Licensor for misleading conduct.


agree in writing, but can't

3.01 version makes it possible for the author and the user to agree in writing that the author waives his moral rights. But that was the problem in the first place: the author can't (in some jurisdictions) legally waive his moral rights so he can't 'agree in writing' that he does. That would mean that the 3.01 version is as legally impossible as the 2.5 version (that is, in the jurisdictions where moral rights can't be waived).


"this section"

"this Section" to the extent they need to -- what is that meant to accomplish?

"this section" is the moral rights section of the license, and what is meant is that the Original Author waives his or her moral rights, as (for instance) expressed in the following sentence


Okay, yes, that was my reading of it -- the author waives the moral rights section of the CC licence.

I think that is a mistake in the section that needs to be corrected. In jurisdictions where there are moral rights, waiving a section of a licence would not be the same as waiving moral rights, even if that section describes the right of integrity.


Other sections

what about sui generis rights?

Should 3.01 also address database rights which are addressed in relevant jurisdiction licenses?



  • only appropriate for jurisdiction licenses in jurisdictions with db rights

  • but unported used in such jurisdictions

compatibility with 3.0 ports

And again, let's stay in 3.0 for the ported licenses and declare that 3.01unported is COMPATIBLE with 3.0 ported. I think this is the easiest way to manage this emerging chaos...

(presumably this means adding a compatibility hook to BY-NC-SA 3.01 Unported same as exists for BY-SA 3.0)

what is CC's moral rights policy?

There are three possible CC positions:

(a) the CC licences impose a right of integrity across all jurisdictions (b) the CC licences do not touch moral rights where they cannot be waived and remain silent with respect to all other jurisdictions (where MRs are waivable or need assertion) (c) the CC licences do not touch moral rights where they cannot be waived; do not assert them where they require assertion; and waive them where they may be waived.



See also

Background to 3.01

Discussions leading to 3.01:

Previous versions