Date: 2009/01/14
Policy Status:
Language: en
Jurisdiction: Province / State
Country: United States of America,
Institution: Virginia State Board for Community Colleges
Policy license:
Tags: Bill, Draft law, Virginia
Policy Title: H.B.1940: Open Education Resource Center Grant Fund - Go to the policy
Author(s): Christopher Peace
Description: "A Bill to direct the State Board for Community Colleges, in consultation with the Virginia Department of Education and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, to develop a two-year pilot program to provide grants to community colleges to establish open education resource centers in the Commonwealth." Open education resource centers; fund established; pilot project.
Requires the State Board for Community Colleges, in consultation with the Virginia Department of Education and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, to develop a competitive grant pilot program to provide grants to community colleges to establish open education resource centers in the Commonwealth. To qualify for a grant, community colleges shall be required to demonstrate a partnership with faculty or staff from at least one local school division and one institution of higher education in the Commonwealth. Grants would be awarded on a competitive basis with guidelines established in the bill. The bill also establishes a fund authorizing both public and private contributions. The provisions of this bill would not become effective until either an appropriation of general funds effectuating the purposes of this bill is included in a general appropriations act passed by the 2009 or 2010 Session of the General Assembly, which becomes law, or funds from other private or public sources are deposited into the Open Education Resource Grant Fund by July 1, 2010.