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{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License or Contract/Court Treatment of Legal Code}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License or Contract/Court Treatment of Legal Code}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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a. "Opera" desemnează opera originală de creaţie intelectuală susceptibilă de protecţie prin dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, furnizată în condiţiile prezenţei licenţe. În cadrul acestei licenţe, prin Operă se înţelege şi o fonogramă (culegere de opere fixate pe fonogramă), o videogramă (culegere de opere fixate pe o videogramă), un program de radiodifuziune ori de televiziune, precum şi o bază de date în conformitate cu definiţiile din legislaţia în vigoare privind drepturile de autor şi drepturile conexe, cu condiţia ca o asemenea fonogramă, videogramă, program de radiodifuziune ori de televiziune sau bază de date să fie protejate de legea aplicabilă.
{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
a. "Work" means the genuine intellectual creative work subJect to protection by copyright and related rights offered under the present licence. For the purpose of this licence, the term Work will also cover a phonogram, a videogram, a radio or TV broadcast or database in agreement with the definitions of the legislation in force on copyright and related rights, provided such a photogram, videogram, radio or TV broadcast or database is protected also by the law applicable in the Recipient's Jurisdiction.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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b. "Adaptare" desemnează o Operă creată pe baza unei alte Opere sau pe baza unei Opere şi a unor alte Opere preexistente, aşa cum sunt traducerile, adaptările, operele derivate, aranjamentele muzicale sau alte alterări ale unor opere literare sau artistice sau ale unor fonograme sau comunicări publice, incluzând adaptările cinematografice sau orice alte adaptări prin care Opera poate fi modificată, transformată sau adaptată, incluzând, în orice formă, părţi uşor de recunoscut ale originalului. Fac excepţie Colecţiile, care nu vor fi considerate Adaptări potrivit scopului prezentei licenţe. Pentru evitarea oricărei neînţelegeri, atunci când Opera este o creaţie muzicală, interpretare muzicală sau fonogramă, sincronizarea acesteia în relaţie temporală cu o imagine aflată în mişcare ("sincronizare") va fi considerată Adaptare potrivit prezentei licenţe.
{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
b. "Adaptation" means a work based upon the Work, or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation, adaptation, derivative work, arrangement of music or other alterations of a literary or artistic work, or phonogram or performance and includes cinematographic adaptations or any other form in which the Work may be recast, transformed, or adapted including in any form recognizably derived from the original, except for collections that will not be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License. To avoid any misunderstandings, where the Work is a musical work, performance or phonogram, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving image ("synching") will be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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c. "Colecţie" desemnează un cumul de Opere literare sau artistice, aşa cum sunt enciclopediile şi antologiile, precum şi orice alte Opere sau subiecte, altele decât Operele enumerate la articolul 1 litera (a). Acestea, prin selecţia şi aranjamentul conţinutului lor, constituie creaţii intelectuale în care o Operă este inclusă în integralitatea ei în noua Operă, alături de una sau mai multe contribuţii, fiecare reprezentând Opere separate şi independente, care împreună dobândesc o formă colectivă. În sensul acestui contract, o Operă care constituie o Colecţie nu va fi considerată Adaptare.
{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
c. "Collection" means a collection of literary or artistic works, such as encyclopaedias and anthologies, or other works or subject matter other than works listed in Section 1(a) below, which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creations, in which the Work is included in its entirety in unmodified form along with one or more other contributions, each constituting separate and independent works in themselves, which together are assembled into a collective whole. A work that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an Adaptation for the purposes of this License.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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d. "Autorul" desemnează, în cazul unei Opere literare sau artistice, persoana sau persoanele fizice care au creat Opera.
{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
d. "The Author" means, in the case of a literary or artistic work, any natural person(s) having created the Work.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Original Author/Author}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Original Author/Author}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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e. "Titularul de drepturi conexe" desemnează persoana fizică sau juridică, titular de drepturi conexe dreptului de autor, care poate fi: (i) artisti interpret sau executant, în cazul execuţiei sau interpretării; (ii) producător de înregistrări sonore şi de înregistrări audiovizuale, în cazul unei fonograme sau respectiv videograme; sau (iii) organism de radiodifuziune şi televiziune, în cazul programelor de radiodifuziune şi televiziune. În cadrul acestei licenţe, prin titular de drepturi conexe se va înţelege şi fabricantul unei baze de date.
{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
e. “Holder of related rights" means the natural or legal persons holding related rights to copyright and can be: (i) interpreting or performing artists in the case of interpretation or performance (ii) the producers of sound or audio-video recordings, in case of a phonogram or videogram respectively and (iii) the radio or TV broadcasting organisms in case of radio and television broadcastings.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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f. "Licenţiatorul" desemnează persoana sau persoanele fizice şi/sau juridice care pun la dispoziţie Opera, în condiţiile prezentei licenţe.
{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
f. "Licensor" means the natural and/or legal person(s) that offer(s) the Work under the terms of this License.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Licensor}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Licensor}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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g. "Licenţiatul" desemnează persoana fizică şi/sau persoana juridică care acceptă prezenta licenţă şi exercită drepturile acordate, fără să fi încălcat în prealabil termenii licenţei, sau care a primit permisiunea expresă a Licenţiatorului de a exercita drepturile conferite prin prezenta licenţă, în pofida unei încălcări anterioare a prevederilor acesteia.
{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
g. "Recipient" means the natural and/or legal persons accepting the present licence and exercising rights under this License who has not previously violated the terms of this License with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|You/User/Licensee}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|You/User/Licensee}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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h. "Comunicare publică" desemnează orice comunicare a unei Opere, realizată direct sau prin orice mijloace tehnice, făcută într-un loc accesibil publicului sau în orice loc în care se adună un număr de persoane care depăşeşte cercul normal al membrilor unei familii şi al cunoştinţelor acesteia, inclusiv reprezentarea scenică, recitarea sau orice altă modalitate publică de execuţie ori de prezentare directă a Operei, expunerea publică a Operelor de artă plastică, de artă aplicată, fotografică şi de arhitectură, proiecţia publică a Operelor cinematografice şi a altor Opere audiovizuale, inclusiv a Operelor de artă digitală, prezentarea într-un loc public, prin intermediul înregistrărilor sonore sau audiovizuale, precum şi prezentarea într-un loc public, prin intermediul oricăror mijloace, a unei Opere radiodifuzate.
De asemenea, se consideră publică orice comunicare a unei Opere, prin mijloace cu fir sau fără fir, realizată prin punerea la dispoziţia publicului, inclusiv prin Internet sau alte reţele de calculatoare, astfel încât oricare dintre membrii publicului să poată avea acces la aceasta din orice loc sau în orice moment ales în mod individual.{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
h. Public Performance" means any communication of a Work, directly or by technical means, made in a public place or in any place where a number of persons are gathered exceeding the normal circle of a family and its relations, including, performing on the scene, reciting or any public means of performing or directly presenting the Work, the public exhibition of plastic art, applied, photographic and architecture art, the public display of cinema and other visual works, including digital Works, the presentation in a public place, by sound or audiovisual recordings or any other means of a radio broadcasted. Also public is considered the communication of a Work, by wire or wireless means, made available to the public, including through the Internet or other computer networks, so that any member of the public has access to it at any time in any place chosen individually.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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i. "Distribuire" desemnează orice mod de transmitere a originalului sau a copiilor unei Opere sau Adaptări, precum şi oferirea publică a acestora.
{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
i. "Distribution" means selling or any other transmission means, charged or free, of the original Work, Adaption or copies of it, as well as the public offering of these.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Distribute}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Distribute}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
j. "Reproducere" desemnează realizarea, integrală sau parţială, a uneia ori a mai multor copii ale unei Opere, direct sau indirect, temporar ori permanent, prin orice mijloc şi sub orice formă, inclusiv realizarea oricărei înregistrări sonore sau audiovizuale a unei Opere, precum şi stocarea permanentă ori temporară a acesteia prin mijloace electronice.
{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
j. "Reproduction" means making an entire or partial copy or several copies of a Work, directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently, by any means and in any form, including sound or visual recordings of a Work, including its temporary or permanent storage by electronic means.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
k. "Opţiunile licenţei" desemnează următoarele atribute importante ale licenţei, aşa cum au fost acestea selectate de către Licenţiator şi cum sunt indicate în titlul prezentei licenţe: Atribuire — Necomercial–Distribuire în Condiţii Identice.
{{#if: 1. Defintions
Re-translated text
k. "Licence Options" means the following high-level license attributes as selected by Licensor and indicated in the title of this License: Attribution - Non-commercial- Share Alike.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Nicio prevedere a acestei licenţe nu are scopul de a reduce, de a limita sau de a restrânge drepturile rezultate din aplicarea normelor legale cu privire la limitele exercitării dreptului de autor prevăzute de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe sau de alte legi aplicabile.
No provision of this license is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any rights derived from the application of the legal norms on the limitations in exercising copyright provided by the copyright and related rights law or any other applicable laws.|
Re-translated text
No provision of this license is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any rights derived from the application of the legal norms on the limitations in exercising copyright provided by the copyright and related rights law or any other applicable laws.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:
a. dreptul de a reproduce Opera, de a o încorpora într-una sau mai multe Colecţii şi de a reproduce Opera aşa cum a fost aceastaîncorporată într-o Colecţie;
{{#if: 3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:
Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:
a. to Reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more Collections, and to Reproduce the Work as incorporated in a Collection;
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, License Grant, Reproduce, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, License Grant, Reproduce, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:
b. dreptul de a crea şi de a reproduce Adaptări;
{{#if: 3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:
Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:
b. to create and Reproduce Adaptations;
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, License Grant, Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, License Grant, Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:
c. dreptul de a distribui şi comunica public Opera, inclusiv încorporată în Colecţii;
{{#if: 3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:
Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:
c. to Distribute and Publicly Perform the Work including as incorporated in Collections;
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:
d. dreptul de a distribui şi comunica public Adaptări;
{{#if: 3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:
Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:
d. to Distribute and Publicly Perform Adaptations;
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:
e. în cazul în care opera este o bază de date, dreptul de a extrage şi/sau a reutiliza părţi substanţiale din Operă.
{{#if: 3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:
Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:
e. In case the Work is a database, to extract and/or reuse substantial parts of the Work.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Drepturile menţionate mai sus pot fi exercitate în cazul tuturor mediilor de stocare şi formatelor cunoscute. Drepturile menţionate mai sus includ şi dreptul de a face modificările tehnice corespunzătoare necesare exercitării acestora în cazul altor medii de stocare sau formate.
The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats. The above rights include the right to make such modifications as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other media and formats.|
Re-translated text
The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats. The above rights include the right to make such modifications as are technically necessary to exercise the rights in other media and formats.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Toate drepturile care nu sunt expres acordate de Licenţiator sau asupra cărora Licenţiatorul nu are dreptul de gestiune rămân rezervate, în special în cazurile de gestiune colectivă obligatorie aplicabile menţionate la articolul 4 litera (f).
All rights not expressly granted by the Licensor are hereby reserved, especially in cases of applicable mandatory collective administration, described in Art. 4 letter f).|
Re-translated text
All rights not expressly granted by the Licensor are hereby reserved, especially in cases of applicable mandatory collective administration, described in Art. 4 letter f).
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Daca Licenţiatorul este titularul drepturilor sui-generis asupra unei baze de date, în conformitate cu legea naţională care implementează Directiva Europeană privind Bazele de Date, Licenţiatorul va renunţa la aceste drepturi.
Re-translated text
|}}{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
a. Licenţiatul poate distribui sau comunica public Opera numai în condiţiile prezentei licenţe.
Prezenta literă (a) se aplică Operei încorporate într-o Colecţie, dar nu se extinde în mod obligatoriu asupra celorlalte Opere conţinute în Colecţie.{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
a. The Recipient may distribute or publicly perform the Work only under the terms of the present License.
This letter a) applies to the Work as incorporated in a Collection but does not obligatory extend to the other Works included into a Collection.|Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
a. The Recipient may distribute or publicly perform the Work only under the terms of the present License.
This letter a) applies to the Work as incorporated in a Collection but does not obligatory extend to the other Works included into a Collection.{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, Reproduce, Restrictions, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, Reproduce, Restrictions, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
a. Licenţiatul este obligat să includă o copie a licenţei sau adresa acesteia pe Internet (U.R.I. - Uniform Resource Identifier) împreună cu fiecare copie a Operei care este distribuită sau comunicată public.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
a. The Recipient must include a copy of or the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this License with every copy of the Work distributed or publicly performed.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
a. Licenţiatul nu are dreptul de a oferi sau impune nicio condiţie asupra Operei, care să modifice sau să restricţioneze prevederile acestei licenţe sau exercitarea drepturilor terţilor dobânditori, aşa cum sunt acestea prevăzute în prezenta licenţă.
Licenţiatul este obligat să păstreze intacte toate notificările care se referă la prezenta licenţă şi la exonerarea de răspundere din fiecare copie a Operei pe care o distribuie sau comunică public.{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
a. The Recipient does not have the right to offer or impose any terms on the Work that modify or restrict the terms of this License or the ability of the third parties to exercise the rights granted under the terms of the License.
The Recipient must keep intact all notifications that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties with every copy of the Work distributed or publicly performed.|Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
a. The Recipient does not have the right to offer or impose any terms on the Work that modify or restrict the terms of this License or the ability of the third parties to exercise the rights granted under the terms of the License.
The Recipient must keep intact all notifications that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties with every copy of the Work distributed or publicly performed.{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Modification of agreement, Restrictions, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Modification of agreement, Restrictions, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
a. Licenţiatul nu are dreptul de a sublicenţia Opera.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
a. The Recipient may not sublicense the Work.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Restrictions, Sub-licensing, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Restrictions, Sub-licensing, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
a. Licenţiatul nu are dreptul de a distribui sau de a comunica public Opera folosind măsuri tehnice de protecţie care restrâng posibilitatea terţilor dobânditori de a-şi exercita drepturile obţinute în condiţiile prezentei licenţe.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
a. The Recipient does not have the right to distribute or publicly perform the Work by using any technological protection measures that restrict the ability of the third parties to exercise the rights granted under the terms of the License.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
a. Dacă Licenţiatul creează o Colecţie, acesta este obligat, la notificarea oricărui Licenţiator, în măsura în care este posibil, să înlăture din Colecţie orice referinţă la respectivul Licenţiator, la Titularul de drepturi conexe sau la Autorul Operei, astfel cum se specifică la articolul 4 litera (d). Dacă Licenţiatul creează o Adaptare, acesta este obligat, la notificarea oricărui Licenţiator, în măsura în care este posibil, să înlăture din Adaptare orice referinţă la respectivul Licenţiator, la Titularul de drepturi conexe sau la Autorul Operei , astfel cum se specifică la articolul 4 litera (d).
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
a. If the recipient creates a Collection, upon notice from any Licensor, the Recipient must, to the extent practicable, remove from the Collection any credit as required by Art. 4 letter e), as requested. If the Recipient creates an Adaptation, upon notice from any Licensor the Recipient must, to the extent practicable, remove from the Adaptation any refrence to the respective Licensor, to the related rights holder of the Author of the Work, as required by Art. 4e).
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Collection/Collective Work, Endorsement/Sponsorship, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Collection/Collective Work, Endorsement/Sponsorship, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
b. Licenţiatul poate distribui sau comunica public o Adaptare numai cu respectarea Licenţei Aplicabile, care poate fi: (i) această licenţă; sau (ii) o versiune ulterioară a acestei licenţe având aceleaşi Opţiuni; sau (iii) o licenţă Creative Commons (prezenta sau o versiune ulterioară a prezentei) dintr-o altă jurisdicţie sau versiunea Ne-adaptată, care conţine aceleaşi Opţiuni ca această licenţă (ex. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 SUA)
Prezenta literă (b) se aplică şi Adaptării încorporate într-o Colecţie, dar nu se extinde în mod obligatoriu asupra celorlalte Opere conţinute în Colecţie.
.{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
b. The Recipient may distribute or publicly perform an Adaptation only by respecting the Applicable Licence, that may be : (i) this License; (ii) a later version of this License with the same options; (iii) a Creative Commons Jurisdiction license (either this or a later license version) that contains the same options as this License (e.g., Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 US).
This letter b) applies to the Adaptation as incorporated in a Collection, but this does not necessarily extend to other Works of the Collection.|Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
b. The Recipient may distribute or publicly perform an Adaptation only by respecting the Applicable Licence, that may be : (i) this License; (ii) a later version of this License with the same options; (iii) a Creative Commons Jurisdiction license (either this or a later license version) that contains the same options as this License (e.g., Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 US).
This letter b) applies to the Adaptation as incorporated in a Collection, but this does not necessarily extend to other Works of the Collection.{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions, ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions, ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
b. Licenţiatul este obligat să includă o copie a Licenţei Aplicabile sau adresa pe Internet (U.R.I.) împreună cu fiecare copie a fiecărei Adaptări pe care o distribuie sau o comunică public.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
b. The Recipient must include a copy of the Applicable License or the Internet address (URI) with every copy of each Adaptation that the Recipient distributes or publicly performs.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
b. Licenţiatul nu are dreptul de a oferi sau impune nicio condiţie asupra Adaptării care să modifice sau să restricţioneze prevederile Licenţei Aplicabile sau exercitarea drepturilor terţilor dobânditori, astfel cum sunt acestea prevăzute de Licenţa Aplicabilă. Licenţiatul este obligat să păstreze intacte toate notificările care se referă la Licenţa Aplicabilă şi la exonerarea de răspundere cu fiecare copie a Operei incluse în Adaptarea pe care o distribuie sau o comunică public.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
b. The Recipient may not offer or impose any terms on the Adaptation that modify or restrict the terms of this License or the ability of the third parties to exercise the rights granted under the terms of the License The Recipient must keep intact all notices that refer to the Applicable License and to the disclaimer of warranties with every copy of the Work as included in the Adaptation distributed or publicly performed.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, Modification of agreement, Publicly Perform, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, Modification of agreement, Publicly Perform, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
b. Licenţiatul nu are dreptul de a distribui sau de a comunica public Adaptarea folosind măsuri tehnice de protecţie care restrâng posibilitatea terţilor dobânditori de a-şi exercita drepturile asupra Adaptării în condiţiile Licenţei Aplicabile.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
b. The Recipient does not have the right to distribute or publicly performe the Adaptation, by imposing any technological protection measures on the Adaptation that restrict the ability of a third party recipients to exercise their rights on the Work granted under the terms of the Applicable License.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
c. Licenţiatul nu poate exercita niciunul dintre drepturile acordate prin articolul 3 cu intenţia directa sau scopul de a obţine un avantaj sau profit comercial sau o compensaţie financiară personală. Schimbul Operei cu alte Opere, care sunt protejate de drepturi de autor sau drepturi conexe, prin partajarea electronică de fişiere („file-sharing”) sau prin orice alte mijloace, nu va fi considerat schimb cu intenţia sau scopul de a obţine un avantaj sau profit comercial sau o compensaţie financiară personală, cu condiţia să nu existe niciun fel de plată în legătură cu schimbul de Opere protejate de dreptul de autor sau drepturile conexe.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
c. The Recipient may not exercise any of the rights granted by Art. 3 with the direct intention or purpose of a commercial advantage or profit or private monetary compensation. The exchange of the Work for other copyrighted works by means of digital file-sharing or otherwise shall not be considered to be directly intended or with the purpose of a commercial advantage or profit or private monetary compensation, provided there is no payment of any monetary compensation in connection with the exchange of copyrighted works.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Non-commercial (NC), Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Non-commercial (NC), Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
d. În cazul în care Licenţiatul distribuie sau comunică public Opera sau orice Adaptare sau Colecţie, Licenţiatul este obligat, cu excepţia cererilor făcute în baza articolului 4 litera (a), să păstreze intacte toate informaţiile sau notificările privind drepturile de autor sau conexe asupra Operei şi să furnizeze următoarele informaţii, în funcţie de mediul sau mijloacele utilizate: (i) numele Autorului şi/sau al Titularului de drepturi conexe (sau pseudonimul, după caz), dacă acesta a fost adus la cunoştinţă, şi/sau numele părţii desemnate de Autor, Titular de Drepturi Conexe şi/sau de Licenţiator pentru atribuirea Operei, în notificările Licenţiatorului privind drepturile de autor, condiţiile de utilizare sau alte menţiuni disponibile; (ii) titlul Operei, dacă este furnizat; (iii) în măsura în care este posibil şi dacă există, adresa pe Internet (U.R.I.) pe care Licenţiatorul o desemnează pentru a fi asociată cu Opera, cu excepţia cazului în care această adresă nu se referă la informaţiile privind paternitatea Operei şi condiţiile de utilizare a Operei; şi (iv) în conformitate cu articolul 3 litera (b), în cazul unei Adaptări, o menţiune care să identifice utilizarea Operei în Adaptare (de ex. „traducere în limba romană a Operei Autorului” sau „scenariu bazat pe Opera originală a Autorului”). Menţiunea cerută la prezenta literă (e) poate fi introdusă în orice modalitate adecvată; cu toate acestea, în cazul unei Adaptări sau Colecţii, dacă apar menţiuni similare pentru toţi Autorii care contribuie la Adaptare sau Colecţie, cel puţin o astfel de menţiune este necesar a fi introdusă alături de celelalte menţiuni şi în aceeaşi măsură ca pentru ceilalţi Autori.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
d. If the Recipient distributes or publicly performs the Work or any Adaptations or Collections, the Recipient must, unless a request has been made pursuant to Art. 4a), keep intact all copyright information or notices for the Work and provide the following information, according to the medium or means: (i) the name of the Author and/or Holder of related rights (or pseudonym, if applicable) if supplied, and/or the name of the part designated by the Author, Holder of related rights and/or Licensor for attribution in Licensor's copyright notice, terms of service or by other available notices; (ii) the title of the Work if supplied; (iii) to the extent possible and if existant, the URI that the Licensor specifies to be associated with the Work, unless such URI does not refer to information related to the paternity and use of the Work; and, (iv) consistent with Art. 3b), in the case of an Adaptation, a credit identifying the use of the Work in the Adaptation (e.g., "Romanian translation of the Author's Work" or "screenplay based on original Work of the Author"). The credit required by this Art. 4e) may be implemented in any reasonable manner; however, in the case of a Adaptation or Collection, if similar credits occur for all Authors contributing to the Adaptation or Collection, at least such a credit has to be introduced as part of these credits and equally as for the other Authors.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Restrictions, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
d. Pentru evitarea oricărei neînţelegeri, Licenţiatul poate folosi menţiunea cerută în această secţiune doar în scopul atribuirii în modalitatea prevăzută anterior, iar în scopul exercitării drepturilor în condiţiile prezentei licenţe, Licenţiatul nu are dreptul de a susţine sau a sugera, direct sau indirect, orice legătură, finanţare sau susţinere din partea Autorului, Titularului de Drepturi Conexe, Licenţiatorului şi/sau părţii desemnate de aceştia pentru atribuire, după caz, pentru Licenţiat sau utilizarea Operei de către Licenţiat, cu excepţia permisiunilor separate, exprese, acordate în scris şi anterior de către Autor, Titularul de drepturi conexe, Licenţiator şi/sau partea desemnată de aceştia pentru atribuire.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
d. For the avoidance of doubt, the Recipient may only use the credit required by this Art. for the purpose of attribution in the manner set out above and, by exercising the rights under this License, the Recipient may not implicitly or explicitly assert or imply any connection with, sponsorship or endorsement by the Author, Holder of related rights, Licensor and/or attribution Parties, as appropriate, for the Recipient of the use of the Work by the Recipient, except with the separate, express prior written permission of the Author, Holder of related rights, Licensor and/or attribution parties.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Collection/Collective Work, Endorsement/Sponsorship, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Collection/Collective Work, Endorsement/Sponsorship, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
e. Pentru evitarea oricărei neînţelegeri: Restricţiile menţionate la literele (a) -(d) nu se aplică acelor Opere care îndeplinesc doar criteriul dreptului sui generis asupra unei baze de date în conformitate cu legea română privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
e. To avoid any misunderstanding: The restrictions mentioned by letter a), b) and c) do not apply to those Works that fulfil only the criterion of sui generis right on a database according to the Romanian legislation regarding copyright and related rights.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
f. Pentru evitarea oricărei neînţelegeri, trebuie să notam:
- i. Regim legal obligatoriu de gestiune colectivă. În cazul în care un tip de utilizare a Operei ar fi supus unui regim legal obligatoriu de gestiune colectivă (de ex. dreptul la remuneraţie compensatorie pentru copia privată), Licenţiatorul îşi rezervă dreptul exclusiv de a colecta remuneraţiile respective prin intermediul organismului de gestiune colectivă competent, atât în cazul utilizării comerciale, cât şi în cazul utilizării necomerciale a Operei;
- ii. Regim legal facultativ de gestiune colectivă. În cazul în care un tip de utilizare a Operei ar fi supus unui regim legal facultativ de gestiune colectivă (de ex. dreptul de împrumut), Licenţiatorul îşi rezervă dreptul de a colecta remuneraţiile respective prin intermediul organismului de gestiune colectivă competent în cazul utilizării comerciale. Licenţiatorul renunţă la dreptul de a colecta aceste remuneraţii în cazul utilizării necomerciale a Operei;
- iii. Gestiunea colectivă a drepturilor. Licenţiatorul renunţă, acolo unde legea permite, la dreptul de a colecta remuneraţiile (independent sau, când Licenţiatorul este un membru al unui organism de gestiune colectivă, prin acesta) pentru utilizările necomerciale ale Operei. Licenţiatorul îşi rezervă dreptul de a colecta remuneraţiile (independent, sau cand Licenţiatorul este un membru al unui organism de gestiune colectivă prin acesta) pentru utilizările comerciale ale Operei.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
f. In case the use of the Work is subject to mandatory collective administration, the Licensor reserves the exclusive right to collect the respective monetary compensation through the competent collective administration body. Special reference is made to the right to monetary compensation for private copy, the right to fair monetary compensation for public loan, resale royalty right, the right to broadcast musical Works, the right to public perform musical Works, except for public display of cinema Works, the right to fair monetary compensation recognised for perfonners and phonogram producers for public performance and broadcasting of commercial phonograms or their reproductions and the right to rebroadcast by cable.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Licensing Schemes/Collecting societies, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Licensing Schemes/Collecting societies, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Licenţa, acordată în conformitate cu articolul 3, se încheie sub condiţia respectării următoarelor restricţii:
g. Drepturile morale rămân nemodificate, în măsura în care sunt recunoscute şi nu pot face obliectul unor renunţări în conformitate cu legea aplicabilă.
{{#if: 4. Restrictions.
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
Re-translated text
The license, granted according with Art. 3 above, is concluded under the condition of respecting the following restrictions:
g. Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Licensor or as may be otherwise pennitted by applicable law, if the Recipient reproduces, distributes or publicly perfonns the Work either by itself or as part of any Adaptations or Collections, the Recipient must not distort, mutilate, modify or take other derogatory action in relation to the Work which would be prejudicial to the Author's honour or reputation or that of the Holder of related rights.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Moral Rights/Author's rights, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Moral Rights/Author's rights, Restrictions}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
a. Prin punerea Operei la dispoziţia publicului în conformitate cu dispoziţiile prezentei licenţe, Licenţiatorul declară de bună credinţă că, în conformitate cu ceea ce cunoaşte şi în limite rezonabile:
- i. Licenţiatorul a obţinut toate drepturile necesare asupra Operei pentru a putea autoriza exerciţiul drepturilor acordate prin prezenta licenţă şi a permite utilizarea netulburată şi exerciţiul licit al acestor drepturi, aceasta fără ca Licenţiatul să aibă o obligaţie de a plăti vreo remuneraţie, cu excepţia celor prevăzute de mecanismele de gestiune colectivă obligatorie descrise la articolul 4 litera (f);
- ii. Opera nu dă naştere vreunei încălcări a drepturilor unor terţe persoane, în special drepturi de autor sau drepturi conexe, drepturi privind mărcile, drepturi privind informaţia, drepturi patrimoniale sau oricare alte drepturi, şi nici vreunei defăimări, violări a dreptului la viaţa privată sau vreunui alt fapt ilicit cu privire la oricare altă terţă parte.
{{#if: 5. Warranties and disclaimer
a. By making the Work available to the public under the terms of this Licence, the Licensor declares in good faith that, as much as he(her) is aware and as much as reasonably possible:
- i. The Licensor has obtained all necessary rights over the Work to be able to authorise the exercising of the rights granted by the present Licence and to allow for the unhindered and legal use of these rights, without an obligation from the Recipient to pay any monetary compensation, except for those provided by the mandatory collective administration mechanism mentioned in Art. 4 letter f);
- ii. the Work does infringe the rights of any third person, especially the copyright or related rights, trademark rights, the right to information, civil rights or any other rights or does not bring any defamation, privacy right infringement or any illegal act related to any other third party.
Re-translated text
a. By making the Work available to the public under the terms of this Licence, the Licensor declares in good faith that, as much as he(her) is aware and as much as reasonably possible:
- i. The Licensor has obtained all necessary rights over the Work to be able to authorise the exercising of the rights granted by the present Licence and to allow for the unhindered and legal use of these rights, without an obligation from the Recipient to pay any monetary compensation, except for those provided by the mandatory collective administration mechanism mentioned in Art. 4 letter f);
- ii. the Work does infringe the rights of any third person, especially the copyright or related rights, trademark rights, the right to information, civil rights or any other rights or does not bring any defamation, privacy right infringement or any illegal act related to any other third party.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Licensor has all rights necessary to license work, Representations/Warranties/Disclaimers}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Licensor has all rights necessary to license work, Representations/Warranties/Disclaimers}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Cu excepţia răspunderii cerută de normele imperative ale legii aplicabile şi a reparării prejudiciilor impuse de răspunderea faţă de terţi generată de încălcarea garanţiilor prevăzute la articolul 5, Licenţiatorul nu va fi responsabil faţa de Licenţiat, în temeiul niciunei doctrine juridice, pentru orice prejudicii directe, indirecte, materiale sau morale care decurg din această licenţă sau din utilizarea Operei, chiar dacă Licenţiatorul a fost avertizat asupra posibilităţii producerii unor asemenea prejudicii.
Except to the extent of the liability required by the applicable legislation and to remediate prejudices imposed by the liability to third parties generated by infringing the warranties in Art.5, the Licensor will not be liable to the Recipient, under no legal doctrine for any direct, indirect, material or moral damages arising out of this Licence or the use of the Work, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.|
Re-translated text
Except to the extent of the liability required by the applicable legislation and to remediate prejudices imposed by the liability to third parties generated by infringing the warranties in Art.5, the Licensor will not be liable to the Recipient, under no legal doctrine for any direct, indirect, material or moral damages arising out of this Licence or the use of the Work, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Damages/Remedies, Liability/Consumer law}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Damages/Remedies, Liability/Consumer law}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
a. Această licenţă este reziliată de plin drept, iar drepturile acordate prin intermediul său vor înceta în mod implicit în cazul în care Licenţiatul săvârşeşte orice fel de încălcare a condiţiilor licenţei. Licenţele prin care persoane fizice sau persoane juridice au dobândit de la Licenţiat Adaptări sau Colecţii, în condiţiile acestei licenţe, nu vor fi reziliate, atât timp cât respectivii dobânditori vor respecta condiţiile sub care le-au fost acordate drepturile respective. Articolele 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 şi 8 rămân aplicabile chiar după rezilierea prezentei licenţe.
b. În limitele indicate mai sus, prezenta licenţă se aplică pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei conform legii aplicabile. Cu toate acestea, Licenţiatorul îşi rezervă dreptul de a exploata Opera şi în alte condiţii contractuale sau de a înceta oricând distribuirea Operei; totuşi, utilizarea acestei opţiuni a Licenţiatorului nu va conduce la restrângerea efectelor prezentei licenţe (sau a oricărei alte licenţe care a fost sau trebuie să fie acordată conform condiţiilor prezentei licenţe), iar licenţa va continua să producă efecte depline, până la rezilierea sa în baza prevederilor menţionate mai sus.{{#if: 7. Licence termination
a. This License will be automatically canceled, and rights granted hereunder will terminate implict upon any breach by the Recipient of the tenns of this License. Natural or legal persons who have received Adaptations or Collections from the Recipient under the conditions of this License, will not have their licenses terminated provided such persons remain in full compliance with those licenses. Articles l, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will remain applicable even after the cancelation of this License.
b. Subject to the above terms and conditions, the license granted here is applicable for the duration of the protection of the Work by the applicable copyright law. Notwithstanding the above, the Licensor reserves the right to release the Work under different license terms or to stop distributing the Work at any time provided, however that any such election will not serve to withdraw this License (or any other license that has been, or is required to be, granted under the terms of this License), and this License will continue in full force and effect unless terminated as stated above.|Re-translated text
a. This License will be automatically canceled, and rights granted hereunder will terminate implict upon any breach by the Recipient of the tenns of this License. Natural or legal persons who have received Adaptations or Collections from the Recipient under the conditions of this License, will not have their licenses terminated provided such persons remain in full compliance with those licenses. Articles l, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will remain applicable even after the cancelation of this License.
b. Subject to the above terms and conditions, the license granted here is applicable for the duration of the protection of the Work by the applicable copyright law. Notwithstanding the above, the Licensor reserves the right to release the Work under different license terms or to stop distributing the Work at any time provided, however that any such election will not serve to withdraw this License (or any other license that has been, or is required to be, granted under the terms of this License), and this License will continue in full force and effect unless terminated as stated above.{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Termination}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Termination}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
a. Cu fiecare reproducere sau comunicare publică în format digital de către Licenţiat a Operei sau a unei Colecţii, Licenţiatorul face primitorului o ofertă de licenţă având ca obiect Opera, conţinând aceleaşi condiţii ca şi prezenta licenţă încheiată cu Licenţiatul.
{{#if: 8. Miscellaneous
Re-translated text
a. For each digital reproduction or public perfonnance by the Recipient of a Work or Collection, the Licensor offers to the new recipient a license to the Work on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to the Recipient under this Licence.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Sub-licensing, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Sub-licensing, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
b. Cu fiecare reproducere sau comunicare publică în format digital de către Licenţiat a Adaptării, Licenţiatorul face primitorului o ofertă de licenţă având ca obiect Opera originală, conţinând aceleaşi condiţii ca şi prezenta licenţă încheiată cu Licenţiatul.
{{#if: 8. Miscellaneous
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b. For each digital reproduction or public communication by the Recipient of an Adaptation, the Licensor offers to the new recipient a license to the Work on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to the Recipient under this Licence.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Sub-licensing}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, Publicly Perform, Sub-licensing}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
c. Dacă o prevedere a prezentei licenţe este nulă sau inaplicabilă conform legislaţiei în vigoare, validitatea sau aplicabilitatea celorlalte dispoziţii ale licenţei nu va fi afectată. Fără a fi necesare alte acţiuni ale părţilor la prezenta licenţă, prevederile nule sau inaplicabile vor fi interpretate în măsura minimă necesară pentru a deveni valide şi aplicabile.
{{#if: 8. Miscellaneous
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c. If any provision of this License is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this License. Without further action by the parties to this agreement, the respective provisions shall be interpreted to the minimum extent necessary to make the provisions valid and enforceable.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Severability}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Severability}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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d. Nu se va considera că s-a renunţat la vreo prevedere a prezentei licenţe sau la invocarea încălcării acesteia, cu excepţia cazului în care o astfel de renunţare este în scris şi semnată de partea care suportă consecinţele renunţării sau invocării încălcării.
{{#if: 8. Miscellaneous
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d. No provision of this License shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged with such waiver or consent.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Waiver}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Waiver}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
e. Prezenta licenţă constituie convenţia părţilor în întregul său asupra Operei astfel licenţiate. Nu există alte înţelegeri, acorduri sau dispoziţii privind Opera care să nu fie specificate prin prezenta licenţă. Licenţiatorul nu va fi subiect al niciunei dispoziţii suplimentare comunicate de către Licenţiat. Prezenta licenţă nu poate fi modificată fără acordul mutual scris al Licenţiatorului şi al Licenţiatului.
{{#if: 8. Miscellaneous
Re-translated text
e. This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Work licensed here. There are no understandings, agreements or representations with respect to the Work not specified here. The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional provisions that may appear in any communication from the Recipient. This License may not be modified without the mutual written agreement of the Licensor and the Recipient.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Modification of agreement}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Modification of agreement}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
f. Dreptul aplicabil este dreptul român.
{{#if: 8. Miscellaneous
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f. The applicable law is the Romanian law.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause, Private Law/Forum Selection}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause, Private Law/Forum Selection}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Creative Commons nu este parte a prezentei licenţe şi nu acordă nicio garanţie legată de Operă. Creative Commons nu este răspunzătoare faţă de Licenţiat sau faţă de orice altă persoană, în conformitate cu nicio doctrină juridică, pentru niciun fel de prejudicii, inclusiv, cu titlu exemplificativ, pentru orice prejudicii directe, indirecte, materiale sau morale produse în legătură cu prezenta licenţă. Prin excepţie de la cele două teze anterioare, dacă Creative Commons s-a identificat în mod expres ca fiind Licenţiator în accepţiunea prezentei licenţe, atunci va avea toate drepturile şi obligaţiile Licenţiatorului.
Cu excepţia scopului limitat de a indica publicului că Opera este licenţiată conform LPCC (Licenţa Publică Creative Commons), Creative Commons nu autorizează utilizarea de către niciuna dintre părţi a mărcii „Creative Commons” sau a oricărei alte mărci sau însemne ale Creative Commons fără consimţământul prealabil exprimat în scris al Creative Commons. Orice utilizare autorizată va fi în concordanţă cu specificaţiile corespunzătoare privind utilizarea mărcii, aşa cum vor fi publicate pe site-ul oficial al Creative Commons sau aşa cum vor fi puse la dispoziţie, periodic, la cerere. Pentru evitarea oricărei neînţelegeri, limitarea dreptului de a folosi marca Creative Commons nu face parte din prezenţa licenţă.{{#if: Creative Commons Notice
Creative Commons is not a party to this License, and makes no warranty whatsoever in connection with the Work. Creative Commons will not be liable to the Recipient or any person, in terms of any legal doctrine, for any damages whatsoever, including for example any direct, indirect, material or moral damages arising in connection to this license. Notwithstanding the foregoing two sentences, if Creative Commons has expressly identified itself as the Licensor hereunder, it shall have all rights and obligations of Licensor.
Except for the limited purpose of indicating to the public that the Work is licensed under the CCPL (Creative Commons Public Licence), Creative Commons does not authorize the use by either party of the trademark "Creative Commons" or any related trademark or logo of Creative Commons without the prior written consent of Creative Commons. Any pennitted use will be in compliance with Creative Commons' then- current trademark usage guidelines, as may be published on its website or otherwise made periodically available upon request. To avoid any misunderstanding, this Creative Commons trademark use restriction does not fonn part of this License|Re-translated text
Creative Commons is not a party to this License, and makes no warranty whatsoever in connection with the Work. Creative Commons will not be liable to the Recipient or any person, in terms of any legal doctrine, for any damages whatsoever, including for example any direct, indirect, material or moral damages arising in connection to this license. Notwithstanding the foregoing two sentences, if Creative Commons has expressly identified itself as the Licensor hereunder, it shall have all rights and obligations of Licensor.
Except for the limited purpose of indicating to the public that the Work is licensed under the CCPL (Creative Commons Public Licence), Creative Commons does not authorize the use by either party of the trademark "Creative Commons" or any related trademark or logo of Creative Commons without the prior written consent of Creative Commons. Any pennitted use will be in compliance with Creative Commons' then- current trademark usage guidelines, as may be published on its website or otherwise made periodically available upon request. To avoid any misunderstanding, this Creative Commons trademark use restriction does not fonn part of this License{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
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|}}{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Name of Collecting Societies/Copyright Collective/Copyright Collecting Agency}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Name of Collecting Societies/Copyright Collective/Copyright Collecting Agency}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
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|}}{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Moral Rights License-able, Moral Rights Waiver/Moral rights waivable}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Moral Rights License-able, Moral Rights Waiver/Moral rights waivable}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
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|}}{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Applicable Consumer Law}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Applicable Consumer Law}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
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|}}{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Other/Jurisdiction Specific}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Other/Jurisdiction Specific}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}