Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
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{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
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{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
a. L'obra és la creació literària, artística o científica oferta en els termes d'aquesta llicència.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
a. The work is the literary, artistic or scientific work offered under the terms of this license.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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b. En esta licencia se considera una prestación cualquier interpretación, ejecución, fonograma, grabación audiovisual, emisión o transmisión, mera fotografía u otros objetos protegidos por la legislación de propiedad intelectual vigente aplicable.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
b. In this license, a provision is any interpretation, performance, sound recording, audiovisual recording, broadcast or transfer, mere photograph or other objects protected by intellectual property legislation.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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c. La aplicación de esta licencia a una colección (definida más adelante) afectará únicamente a su estructura en cuanto forma de expresión de la selección o disposición de sus contenidos, no siendo extensiva a éstos. En este caso la colección tendrá la consideración de obra a efectos de esta licencia.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
c. The implementation of this license to a collection (defined below) shall affect only its structure as a form of expression for the selection and arrangement of its contents, not being extended to them. In this case the series will be considered a work for the purposes of this license.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
d. El titular originari és:
- i. En el cas d'una obra literària, artística o científica, la persona natural o el grup de persones que l'ha creada.
- ii. En el cas d'una obra col•lectiva, la persona que l'editi i el divulgui amb el seu nom, llevat que hi hagi un pacte contrari.
- iii. En el cas d'una interpretació o execució, l'actor, cantant, músic, o qualsevol altra persona que representi, canti, llegeixi, reciti, interpreti o executi de qualsevulla manera una obra.
- iv. En el cas d'un fonograma, el productor fonogràfic, és a dir, la persona natural o jurídica sota la iniciativa i responsabilitat de la qual es fa per primera vegada una fixació exclusivament sonora de l'execució d'una obra o d'altres sons.
- v. En el cas d'un enregistrament audiovisual, el productor de l'enregistrament, és a dir, la persona natural o jurídica que tingui la iniciativa i assumeixi la responsabilitat de les fixacions d'un pla o una seqüència d'imatges, amb o sense so.
- vi. En el cas d'una emissió o una transmissió, l'entitat de radiodifusió.
- vii. En el cas d'una mera fotografia, aquella persona que l'hagi realitzada.
- viii. En el cas d'altres objectes protegits per la legislació de la propietat intel•lectual vigent, la persona que aquesta indiqui.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
d. The original holder is:
- i. In the case of a literary, artistic or scientific work, the natural person or group of persons who created the work.
- ii. In the case of a collective work, the person who publishes it under his name, unless agreed otherwise.
- iii.In the case of a performance, the actor, singer, musician, or any other person representing, singing, reading, reciting, interpreting in a play.
- iv. In the case of a phonogram the producer, that is the natural or legal person under whose initiative and responsibility fixes the performance of a work or other sounds.
- v. In the case of an audiovisual recording, the producer of the recording, ie the natural person or legal entity that takes the initiative and assume responsibility for the fixings of a plane or a sequence of images, with or without sound.
- vi. In the case of a broadcast or a transmission, the broadcaster.
- vii.In the case and a mere photograph, the person who has make it.
- viii.In the case of other protected by intellectual property legislation, the person who brought it.|
Re-translated text
d. The original holder is:
- i. In the case of a literary, artistic or scientific work, the natural person or group of persons who created the work.
- ii. In the case of a collective work, the person who publishes it under his name, unless agreed otherwise.
- iii.In the case of a performance, the actor, singer, musician, or any other person representing, singing, reading, reciting, interpreting in a play.
- iv. In the case of a phonogram the producer, that is the natural or legal person under whose initiative and responsibility fixes the performance of a work or other sounds.
- v. In the case of an audiovisual recording, the producer of the recording, ie the natural person or legal entity that takes the initiative and assume responsibility for the fixings of a plane or a sequence of images, with or without sound.
- vi. In the case of a broadcast or a transmission, the broadcaster.
- vii.In the case and a mere photograph, the person who has make it.
- viii.In the case of other protected by intellectual property legislation, the person who brought it.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Original Author/Author}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Original Author/Author}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
e. Se considerarán obras derivadas aquellas obras creadas a partir de la licenciada, como por ejemplo: las traducciones y adaptaciones; las revisiones, actualizaciones y anotaciones; los compendios, resúmenes y extractos; los arreglos musicales y, en general, cualesquiera transformaciones de una obra literaria, artística o científica. Para evitar la duda, si la obra consiste en una composición musical o grabación de sonidos, la sincronización temporal de la obra con una imagen en movimiento (synching) será considerada como una obra derivada a efectos de esta licencia.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
e. Shall be considered derivative works of those works created from the licensed, such as translations and adaptations, revisions, updates and annotations, the compilations, summaries and excerpts, musical arrangement and, in general, any transformations of a literary work , Artistic or scientific work. For avoidance of doubt, if the work is a musical composition or sound recording, the time synchronization of the work with a moving image (synching) will be regarded as a derivative work for the purposes of this license.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
f. Tendrán la consideración de colecciones la recopilación de obras ajenas, de datos o de otros elementos independientes como las antologías y las bases de datos que por la selección o disposición de sus contenidos constituyan creaciones intelectuales. La mera incorporación de una obra en una colección no dará lugar a una derivada a efectos de esta licencia.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
f. Will be considered as collections of works outside the compilation of data or other materials such as anthologies and databases for the selection and arrangement of their contents constitute intellectual creations. The mere incorporation of a work in a collection will not result in a derivative for the purposes of this license.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
g. El licenciador es la persona o la entidad que ofrece la obra o prestación bajo los términos de esta licencia y le concede los derechos de explotación de la misma conforme a lo dispuesto en ella.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
g. The licensor is the person or entity that offers the work or under the terms of this license and grants it the rights to exploit the same in accordance with it.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Licensor}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Licensor}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
h. Usted es la persona o la entidad que ejercita los derechos concedidos mediante esta licencia y que no ha violado previamente los términos de la misma con respecto a la obra o la prestación, o que ha recibido el permiso expreso del licenciador de ejercitar los derechos concedidos mediante esta licencia a pesar de una violación anterior.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
h. You are the person or entity exercising rights granted by this license and has not previously violated the terms of the same with respect to the work or performance, or that it has received written permission from the Licensor to exercise the rights granted by this License despite a previous violation.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|You/User/Licensee}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|You/User/Licensee}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
i. La transformación de una obra comprende su traducción, adaptación y cualquier otra modificación en su forma de la que se derive una obra diferente. La creación resultante de la transformación de una obra tendrá la consideración de obra derivada.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
i. The transformation of a work includes a translation, adaptation and any other changes in the way that the resulting works differently. The creation resulting from the transformation of a work will be considered a derivative work.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Other/Jurisdiction Specific}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Other/Jurisdiction Specific}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
j. Se entiende por reproducción la fijación directa o indirecta, provisional o permanente, por cualquier medio y en cualquier forma, de toda la obra o la prestación o de parte de ella, que permita su comunicación o la obtención de copias.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
j. Reproduction is meant by setting direct or indirect, temporary or permanent, by any means and in any form, from all the work or the provision or part thereof, allowing its communication or obtaining copies.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
k. Se entiende por distribución la puesta a disposición del público del original o de las copias de la obra o la prestación, en un soporte tangible, mediante su venta, alquiler, préstamo o de cualquier otra forma.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
k. It is understood by distributing the making of the original or copies of the work or performance, in a tangible, by sale, lease, loan or any other form.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Distribute}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Distribute}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
l. Se entiende por comunicación pública todo acto por el cual una pluralidad de personas, que no pertenezcan al ámbito doméstico de quien la lleva a cabo, pueda tener acceso a la obra o la prestación sin previa distribución de ejemplares a cada una de ellas. Se considera comunicación pública la puesta a disposición del público de obras o prestaciones por procedimientos alámbricos o inalámbricos, de tal forma que cualquier persona pueda acceder a ellas desde el lugar y en el momento que elija.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
l. Public communication by means any act by which a plurality of persons, outside the domestic sphere of those who carried out, is likely to have access to the work or performance without prior distribution of copies to each of them. It is considered public communication available to the public works or by wire or wireless means, so that anyone can access them from a place and time you choose.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
m. La explotación de la obra o la prestación comprende la reproducción, la distribución, la comunicación pública y, en su caso, la transformación.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
m. The exploitation of the work or the provision includes the reproduction, distribution, public communication and, if necessary, transformation.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, Other/Jurisdiction Specific, Publicly Perform, Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, Other/Jurisdiction Specific, Publicly Perform, Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
n. Los elementos de la licencia son las características principales de la licencia según la selección efectuada por el licenciador e indicadas en el título de esta licencia: Reconocimiento, NoComercial, CompartirIgual.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
n. The elements of the license are the main features of the license as selected by the licensorand indicated in the title of this license: Attribution, NonComercial, ShareAlike.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
o. Una licencia equivalente es:
- i. Una versión posterior de esta licencia de Creative Commons con los mismos elementos de licencia.
- ii. La misma versión o una versión posterior de esta licencia de cualquier otra jurisdicción reconocida por Creative Commons con los mismos elementos de licencia (por ejemplo: Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Japón).
- iii. La misma versión o una versión posterior de la licencia de Creative Commons no adaptada a ninguna jurisdicción (Unported) con los mismos elementos de la licencia.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
o. An equivalent license is:
- i. A later version of the Creative Commons license with the same license elements.
- ii. The same version or a later version of this license in any other jurisdiction recognized by Creative Commons with the same license elements (eg Attribution, NonCommercial, ShareAlike 3.0 Japan).
- iii. One of the licenses that are compatible in and has been approved by Creative Commons as essentially equivalent to this license because, as a minimum:
- a. It contains terms for the same purpose, the same meaning and effect that the elements of this license.
- b. Explicitly allows derivative works of works subject to it can be distributed through this license or a license in any other jurisdiction recognized by Creative Commons with the same elements of the license.|
Re-translated text
- b. Explicitly allows derivative works of works subject to it can be distributed through this license or a license in any other jurisdiction recognized by Creative Commons with the same elements of the license.|
o. An equivalent license is:
- i. A later version of the Creative Commons license with the same license elements.
- ii. The same version or a later version of this license in any other jurisdiction recognized by Creative Commons with the same license elements (eg Attribution, NonCommercial, ShareAlike 3.0 Japan).
- iii. One of the licenses that are compatible in and has been approved by Creative Commons as essentially equivalent to this license because, as a minimum:
- a. It contains terms for the same purpose, the same meaning and effect that the elements of this license.
- b. Explicitly allows derivative works of works subject to it can be distributed through this license or a license in any other jurisdiction recognized by Creative Commons with the same elements of the license.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License Elements, ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License Elements, ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Nada en esta licencia pretende reducir o restringir cualesquiera límites legales de los derechos exclusivos del titular de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de acuerdo con la Ley de propiedad intelectual o cualesquiera otras leyes aplicables, ya sean derivados de usos legítimos, tales como la copia privada o la cita, u otras limitaciones como la resultante de la primera venta de ejemplares (agotamiento).
Nothing in this license is intended to reduce or restrict any legal boundaries of the exclusive rights holder's intellectual property rights under the Copyright Law or any other applicable laws, whether derived from legitimate uses, such such as private copying or quotation, or other limitations such as that resulting from the first sale of copies (exhaustion).|
Re-translated text
Nothing in this license is intended to reduce or restrict any legal boundaries of the exclusive rights holder's intellectual property rights under the Copyright Law or any other applicable laws, whether derived from legitimate uses, such such as private copying or quotation, or other limitations such as that resulting from the first sale of copies (exhaustion).
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Conforme a los términos y a las condiciones de esta licencia, el licenciador concede, por el plazo de protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual y a título gratuito, una licencia de ámbito mundial no exclusiva que incluye los derechos siguientes:
a. Derecho de reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de la obra o la prestación.
{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
Re-translated text
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
a. Right of reproduction, distribution and public communication of the work or performance.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Reproduce, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Reproduce, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Conforme a los términos y a las condiciones de esta licencia, el licenciador concede, por el plazo de protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual y a título gratuito, una licencia de ámbito mundial no exclusiva que incluye los derechos siguientes:
b. Derecho a incorporar la obra o la prestación en una o más colecciones.
{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
Re-translated text
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
b. Right to incorporate the work or the delivery of one or more collections.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, License Grant, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, License Grant, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Conforme a los términos y a las condiciones de esta licencia, el licenciador concede, por el plazo de protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual y a título gratuito, una licencia de ámbito mundial no exclusiva que incluye los derechos siguientes:
c. Derecho de reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de la obra o la prestación lícitamente incorporada en una colección.
{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
Re-translated text
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
c. Right of reproduction, distribution and public communication of the work or the provision lawfully incorporated in a collection.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Reproduce, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Reproduce, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Conforme a los términos y a las condiciones de esta licencia, el licenciador concede, por el plazo de protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual y a título gratuito, una licencia de ámbito mundial no exclusiva que incluye los derechos siguientes:
d. Derecho de transformación de la obra para crear una obra derivada siempre y cuando se incluya en ésta una indicación de la transformación o modificación efectuada.
{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
Re-translated text
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
d. Right of transformation of the work to create a derivative work as long as it is included in an indication of the transformation or modification.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, License Grant, Other/Jurisdiction Specific}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, License Grant, Other/Jurisdiction Specific}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Conforme a los términos y a las condiciones de esta licencia, el licenciador concede, por el plazo de protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual y a título gratuito, una licencia de ámbito mundial no exclusiva que incluye los derechos siguientes:
e. Derecho de reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de obras derivadas creadas a partir de la obra licenciada.
{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
Re-translated text
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
e. Right of reproduction, distribution and public communication of derivative works created from the work being licensed.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Conforme a los términos y a las condiciones de esta licencia, el licenciador concede, por el plazo de protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual y a título gratuito, una licencia de ámbito mundial no exclusiva que incluye los derechos siguientes:
f. Derecho a extraer y reutilizar la obra o la prestación de una base de datos.
{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
Re-translated text
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license, the license granted for the term of protection of intellectual property rights and free of charge, a licensed nonexclusive worldwide which includes the following rights:
f. Right to extract and reuse the work or the provision of a database
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Re-translated text
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Todos los derechos no concedidos expresamente por el licenciador quedan reservados, incluyendo, a título enunciativo pero no limitativo, los establecidos en la sección 4.f, así como los derechos morales irrenunciables reconocidos por la ley aplicable.
{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Re-translated text
All rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby reserved, including, but not limited to, those set out in Section 4f, as well as moral rights recognized by applicable law.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License Grant, Moral Rights/Author's rights}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Spain/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
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Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Re-translated text
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