Content Creation Applications
Build Creative Commons licensing into more content creation applications
We have a list of existing applications that allow users to choose a Creative Commons license for content created within the applications. Any application in which a user creates "content" is a candidate, from multimedia authoring systems to weblog publishing software. We've made it easy to offer Creative Commons licenses to users via our satellite licensing interface. Please see Build Creative Commons licensing into more content creation applications.
Build licensing into web content applications
The moment of content creation is the sweet spot for CC assignment. Imagine if the top 10 authoring tools (blogs, wikis, cmses, etc) all shipped with proper CC support... even if a small fraction of site administrators enabled this feature, the ammount of content which would be assigned CC licenses a decade from now would be staggering. Pick a project - opensourcecms (wordpress, *nuke*, cmses, drupal, Plone, etc.). Please see Build licensing into web content applications.