Open Education Events
Welcome to ccLearn's Open Education Event Database. Here you'll find an aggregated list of open education events from around the globe. The database is open and community-driven, so if you see an open ed event that's not listed, feel free to add it below. For a better visual representation of this data, check out the Open Education Map on the ccLearn website. The map updates every hour, so don't worry if your additions don't show up right away. Please send any comments or questions to
{{#forminput:Event|35|Title|Add Event|}}
Future Events
mainlabel=Title | [[date::>2025-03-13]] | [[Category::Event]] | EventCategory::Open Education | ?EventType | ?date | ?Location | ?Attendance | sort=date | limit=50
Past Events
mainlabel=Title | [[date::<2025-03-13]] | [[Category::Event]] | EventCategory::Open Education | ?EventType | ?date | ?Location | ?Attendance | sort=date | order=descending