Legal Tools Translation/4.0/Arabic
Translation of 4.0 into Legal Tools Translation/4.0/Arabic
{{#set: Name=Legal Tools Translation/4.0/Arabic}}
Jurisdictions participating in the translation
Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Syria
Language coordination
Comment will be sought from the wider CC Arab world community through the mailing list as well as other communities involved with internet issues in the Arab world such as GlobalVoicesOnline and IGMENA.
Actual timeline
Submission of Translation Proposal to Regional Coordinator: | 2014/02/07 |
Submission of First Draft: | {{{actualdraftdate}}} |
Start of public comment period: | {{{actualpublicdate}}} |
End of public comment period: | {{{actualpublicenddate}}} |
Publication Date: | {{{actualend_date}}} |
Proposed timeline
Estimated Submission of First Draft: | 2014/12/01 (Previously 2014/10/01) |
Estimated Start of public comment period: | 2015/01/01 (Previously 2014/11/01) |
Estimated End of public comment period: | 2015/02/01 (Previously 2014/12/01) |
Estimated Publication Date: | 2015/05/01 (Previously 2015/02/01) |
Translation process
- Translation lead will prepare the initial draft and post it on Google Drive. [COMPLETED ON AUGUST 27th 2014 - Draft Text]
- Translation team members will review the initial draft on Google Drive and make their comments on the document directly. [COMPLETED ON SEPTEMBER 30th 2014 - Draft Text]
- Group reading of the initial draft will be done via Skype and discussion of comments.
- Draft will be sent to Regional Coordinator and HQ.
- Public Comment period (CC Arab World mailing list, GlobalVoicesOnline, IGMENA).
- Comments will be reviewed by translation team members.
- Translation team discussion on Skype.
- Final draft will be sent to Regional Coordinator and HQ.
- Riyadh Al Balushi (Translation Lead) - lawyer from Oman
- Hala Essalmawi - Egypt CC Legal Lead
- Faiza Souissi - teacher from Algeria
- Sadeek Hasna - lawyer from Syria
- Pierre El Khoury - Lebanon CC Legal Lead
- Mohammed Al Khater - lawyer from Qatar
- Ahmed M. AbouZaid - lawyer from Egypt
- Hayder Al Shakeri - from Iraq
- Talal Taqi - lawyer from Kuwait
- Ahmed Gharbeia - blogger from Egypt
- Abdelhaq Fareh - assistant professor of computer science from Algeria
- Mohammed Kambal - Sudanese internet activist
- Amr Mustafa - founding member of the Internet Society of Yemen
The Arab world has two regional coordinators, the one coordinating this project is Naeema Zarif.
Word choice
The initial draft was prepared as a fresh translation without using the previous ports available in Arabic for Egypt and Jordan. As Arabic is one of the official languages of the UN, the draft relied on the official Arabic translation of popular IP conventions and treaties, namely:
- Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
- WIPO Copyright Treaty
- Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances
- Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities
Egypt 3.0 ported licenses were used in limited cases as a reference for difficult translations.
October 2014: The translation team had a disagreement on the translation of some basic and fundamental terms in the translation due to the fact that Arab countries use different words to explain some basic copyright concepts. Such terms include "work", "adapt", "circumvent", "access", "reproduce", "distribute", "communicate", "royalties", "moral rights", "integrity", "effective technological measures", "make available", and "notice". The translation team is currently considering using the terms used in the translations of the IP treaties mentioned above. The use of the treaties will be limited to translating specific terms and will not replace the language of the licenses as a whole with that of the treaties.
November 2014: The translation team used a survey among its members to identify the level of disagreement in regard to some of the technical terms used. The survey was designed by the translation project lead and was sent to the other twelve members. Eight out of the twelve responded to the survey and the following came out of this exercise:
- All the members who completed the survey agreed on using the treaties as a point of reference for the translation.
- There is consensus regarding the translation of the following terms:
- Work = مصنف
- Royalties = أتاوات
- Effective Technological Measures = التدابير التكنولوجية الفعالة
- Make Available = يتيح
- Sui Generis Database Rights = الحقوق الفريدة لقاعدة البيانات
- Material (e.g. adapted "Materia") = مادة
- Corporation = مؤسسة
- There is a certain amount of disagreement in regard to the following terms:
- Circumvent = Seven people agreed to the term "تحايل" as a translation, one person suggested "تفادي" instead.
- Deed = Seven people agreed to the term "صك" as a translation, one person suggested "حجة".
- Adaptation = Six people agreed to the term "تحوير" as a translation, but one person suggested "تكييف" as an alternative and another person suggested "اقتباس".
- Terms and Conditions = Six people agreed to the term "شروط" as a translation for both terms, one person suggested "احكام وشروط" while another suggested "بنود وشروط".
- Notice = Six people agreed to the term "اخطار"as a translation, one person suggested "إشعار" while another suggested "إنذار".
- Disclaimer = Six people agreed to the term "تنصل"as a translation, one person suggested "إخلاء المسؤولية" while another suggested "تنفي".
- Limitation = Six people agreed to the term "تقييد" as a translation, one person suggested "قيد"while another suggested "قيود".
- Integrity = Four people agreed to the term "حصانة" as a translation, two people suggested "نزاهة" as an alternative, another thought that it depends on the context, and one last member omitted his answer to this specific question.
- License = Five people agreed to the term "رخصة" as a translation, two people suggested "ترخيص", and one last member omitted his answer to this specific question.
- Communicate to the public= Five people agreed to the term "النقل للجمهور", one person suggested "الإتاحة للجمهور" as an alternative, another stated that he did not find this term in the license, and one last member omitted his answer to this specific question.
- In regard to the translation of the license elements, the survey produced the following results:
- Attribute = Four people agreed to the proposal to change it to "النسبة", three people thought that it should not be changed from "نسبة المصنف", and one proposed that it is called "نسب المصنف".
- Non-Commercial= Seven people agreed to the proposal to change it to "غير التجاري", and one person thought that it should not be changed from "غير تجاري".
- ShareAlike = Seven people agreed to the proposal to change it to "المشاركة بالمثل", and one person thought it should not be changed from "الترخيص بالمثل".
Status (as of)