Who lives here
What is ownership?
It has been described as: ownership (the relation of an owner to the thing possessed; possession with the right to transfer possession to another possession, ownership (the act of having and controlling property). ownership (the state or fact of being an owner) I have ownership of this page i.e added my name and comments to it, does this in turn make it mine? If you add,edit or respond, are we in shared ownership? If you are reading this. Am I sharing with you?
Creative commons allows me to write my views here and/or copy information from the public domain in order for me to take ownership. If I decided to copy information from the public domain,paste it here, by process of transfere, does that information become mine? In writing this I intended to utilize information provided to me by the world wide web on various and similar toipcs of interest. Copy right limits on our rights to use information, to communicate knowledge, to be creative in our work and play. Copyright means control, and that control is in the hands of big business and therefore i see it taken out of my hands. We all hold opinions on issues and concerns. We all use similar language to describe or express ourselves, who is to say that what i express is not identicial in release to what somebody else might speak. I am not sure that we as humans are philosophically and physchologically unique from each other. The law needs to provide clarity about legal rights and obligations in the technological sphere with what i can do as a citizian with other peoples information. Some people seem to think that everything and anything is possible with new technologies and should be controlled by copyright, they are saying that the idea of private, non-commercial use belongs in the past. The two keywords of copyright awareness should be balance and clarity: Balance in giving weight to the interests of the public and individual authors and artists; and clarity in expressing the rights and obligations of those of us who create, use and exploit copyright works. At one time or another, almost all of us find ourselves at different points in the cycle of knowledge – sometimes using, sometimes creating, sometimes communicating these works. We must be free to obtain the requisite knowledge, be free to think and devise new solutions based on previous knowledge, be free to apply the knowledge in material terms, and be free to reap the benefits of his knowledge. We all have an interest in the protection of authors and in access to knowledge. These are not special interests; they are everyone's concerns. We all have the right to speech.
In relation to physical/structural ownership. We can all ask the questions of ownership of property. Property that pops up in every village, town and city throughout Ireland. Vacant ghost estates left for us to board up, barricade and be prudent of anti social behaviour. Nobody claiming responsibilty, nobody claiming ownership!but ownership has to be taken by the publicians to protect theri communities. What does this mean to me and you?
--Dellyb 18:45, 7 November 2010 (UTC)