Monday, June 7, 2010
AL: Branch cleanup
A new developer should begin to add work on top of master.
The branch "provenance_tests" contains work on OAI-PMH and RDFa. It's also where we'll add the work on minus-curator.
"provenance_tests" will become "next"
AL: OAI-PMH provenance implementation
Defer to post -curator implementation
RKL: RDFa extraction and indexing
We can parse the RDFa title by adding the RDFa-parsing logic in the *wrong* place (in the feed updating method). I've tried to move it into the *right* place (a plugin, so we don't hit the network twice) but the plugin isn't being executed. I must have configured the plugin incorrectly. Raffi should look in the Hadoop log, not standard out, for his logging message. Raffi should push the branch to Nathan and he'll sanity-check the configuration.
AL/RKL: -curator status
Let's get this as far along as possible before the spring!
NRY: "Feature" pages in CC wiki
In preparation for the sprint next week, Brendan from MSU asked if we could create general "Feature" write-ups for things we're working on for AgShare. These would describe some feature (ie, Provenance, Analytics), so he could evaluate where intersection lies with his FSKN work.
I think each Feature maps to one or more Stories in Pivotal. My initial stub is at (probably going to rename to Provenance or something like that).