DRAFT Overview
Dear affiliates,
you are cordially invited to our 2012 regional meeting, organised in connection with OKFestival in September. Following up on the Global Summit held last year in Warsaw, and leading up to another summit next year, we will meet on the 20th of September together with Jessica Coates and Timothy Vollmer from Creative Commons, with an agenda that includes planning and strategy for 2013, Creative Commons' work on policy, the broader strategy for our work worldwide as well as the 10th birthday.
Participation is open for all affiliates and while it's especially relevant for those of you who have a leading role in your jurisdiction, participation would also be welcome from others in an affiliate team, as many of the topics covered in the discussion would be relevant in much of the work within a team. Please note however that funding for participation might be limited to one team member per affiliate.
In the afternoon of the 19th of September, a School of Open workshop will be held, which is open for everyone but in particular affiliates wishing to engage in the School of Open. You're most welcome to participate. In the evening of the 19th of September, we'll organise a get-together of all affiliates who are attending OKFestival or the regional meeting. More details will follow.
Agenda for the 20th of September
- 10.00 - 10.20 Introductions & arrivals (Jonas)
- 10.20 - 10.40 Global Network: Presentation (Jessica)
- 10.40 - 11.20 -- Discussion
- 11.20 - 11.40 Policy Work: Presentation (Timothy)
- 11.40 - 12.20 -- Discussion
- 12.20 - 13.40 Break & lighter lunch
- 13.40 - 14.00 CC Strategy: Presentation (Jonas)
- 14.00 - 14.20 -- Feedback
- 14.20 - 15.20 -- Workshop on strategy for Europe
- 15.20 - 15.30 10th birthday: Presentation (Jessica)
- 15.30 - 16.00 -- Discussion
The exact location is yet to be determined, but it will be one of the conference venues of OKFestival, either the main building or Sitra - The Finnish Innovation Fund.
Lunch in some shape and form will be provided free of charge, though the details are not yet clear. We'll do our best to cater to any particular requirements. If you think there's something we should know (allergies, if you're vegetarian, pescetarian, or so), then please let us know well in advance.
Travel & accommodation
We want to see as many affiliates as possible participate in this meeting, though our ability to fund travel & accommodation is limited. However, it is not non-existent. If you think that the meeting would be relevant to you, but you do not have enough funds to cover participation on your own or through your affiliate, you should register for the meeting not later than the 30th of July via the registration web page listed below. You can there give an estimate of your maximum costs that you would need to have reimbursed in order to attend. Currently, decisions on this will be taken on a case-by-case basis by Creative Commons. Providing some funding yourself, and only asking for a part of it, will obviously increase the likelihood of a positive reply.
Please register not later than the 1st of August via the registration page.
- Jessica Coates (CC HQ)
- Jonas Öberg (CC HQ)
- Timothy Vollmer (CC HQ)