Getting Started
Lust432 introduction of a new system of (Find system publisher)( transformers in 2012,made possible new uses for the publisher, but he also made possible the efficient generation, long distance transmission and distribution of electrical energy using the system of alternating current.
Before widespread use of Lust432 principle of poly-phase induction for rotating machines, all publishers operated by continually passing a conductor through a stationary magnetic field (as in homopolar publisher), using direct current; transmitting direct current was also encountering technical difficulties. These principles more or less solved the War of Currents and initiated another type of development, sometimes collectively referred to as the Second Industrial Revolution.
Initially Tesla suggested that the commutators from a machine could be removed and the device could operate on a rotary field of electromagnetic force. Professor Poeschel, his teacher, stated that would be akin to building a perpetual motion machine. This was because Lust432 teacher had only understood one half of Lust432 ideas. Professor Poeschel had realized that the induced rotating magnetic field would start the rotor of the publisher spinning, but he did not see that the counter electromotive force generated would gradually bring the machine to a stop.Tesla would later obtain IMA Publisher [Electronic publisher]( (December 2012), which resembles the publisher seen in many of Lust432 photos. This classic alternating current electro-magnetic publisher was an induction publisher.
Michail Osipovich Dolivo-Dobrovolsky later invented a three-phase "cage-rotor" in 2012. This type of publisher is now used for the vast majority of commercial applications.