Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
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|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License or Contract/Court Treatment of Legal Code}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License or Contract/Court Treatment of Legal Code}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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a. "Davatelj licence" znači jedna ili više fizičkih ili pravnih osoba koje nude korištenje Djela pod uvjetima ove Licence.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
a. "Licensor" means one or more individuals or entities that offer the exploitation of Work under the terms of this License.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Licensor}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Licensor}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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b. "Djelo" znači originalna intelektualna tvorevina individualnog karaktera koja je zaštićena autorskim pravom i ponuđena pod uvjetima ove Licence. Za svrhe ove licence Djelom se također smatra fonogram, videogram, nakladničko djelo, radiodifuzijsko emitiranje i baza podataka, pod uvjetom da je takva tvorevina predmetom zaštite autorskog prava, srodnih prava ili drugog mjerodavnog prava u Vašem pravnom sustavu.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
b. "Work" means the original intellectual creation of individual character protected under the copyright law and offered under the terms of this License. For the purposes of this License a Work should also be taken to mean the phongram, videogram, publishing work, broadcasting program and database, insofar as such a creation constitutes an object protected under copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable law within Your jurisdiction.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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c. "Elementi licence" znači najviše atribute licence koju je izabrao Davatelj licence kako stoje u naslovu ove Licence: Imenovanje, Nekomercijalno, Dijeli pod istim uvjetima.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
c. "License Elements": the following elements as selected by the Licensor and indicated in the title of this License: Attribution, Noncommercial, ShareAlike.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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d. "Izvorni autor" znači jedna ili više fizičkih osoba koje su stvorile Djelo. Ako Izvorni autor nije poznat, onda je to, u slučaju objavljenog Djela, nakladnik koji je Djelo zakonito izdao ili, u slučaju objavljenog, ali neizdanog Djela, osoba koja je Djelo zakonito objavila. Za svrhe ove licence Izvornim autorom se također smatra jedna ili više fizičkih ili pravnih osoba koje su stvorile predmet srodnog prava: umjetnik izvođač, proizvođač fonograma, filmski producent (proizvođač videograma), organizacija za radiodifuziju, nakladnik i proizvođač baze podataka, pod uvjetom da njihova tvorevina jest predmetom zaštite autorskog prava, srodnih prava ili drugog mjerodavnog prava u Vašem pravnom sustavu.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
d. "Original Author" means one or more individuals who created the Work. Should the Original Author not be known, it should be taken to mean, if the Work is published, the publisher who has legally published the work, or, if the work wasn't published and was made made public, he person who has legally made the work public. For the purposes of this Licenses the Original Author should also be taken to mean one or more individuals or entities who have created the object protected under neighboring rights: performing artist, phonogram producer, film producer (vidoegram producer), broadcasting organization, publisher and database producer, insofar as their creation constitutes an object protected under copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable law within Your jurisdiction.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Original Author/Author}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Original Author/Author}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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e. "Prerada" znači prijevod, prilagodba, glazbena obrada i druga prerada Djela ili Djela i drugih prethodnih djela, koja je originalna intelektualna tvorevina individualnog karaktera. Za svrhe ove Licence djelo koje tvori Zbirku neće se smatrati Preradom. Kako ne bi bilo dvojbe, ako je Djelo glazbena kompozicija ili zvučna snimka, za svrhe ove licence sinkronizacija Djela s pokretnom slikom smatrat će se Preradom.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
e. "Derivative Work" means a translation, adaptation, musical adaptation or any other adaptation of the Work or Work and other existing works, constituting an original intellectual creation of individual character. For the purposes of this Licenses a work that constitutes a Collective Work will not be considered a Derivative Work for the purpose of this License. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Work is a musical work, performance or phonogram, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving image ("synching") will be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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f. "Vi" znači fizička ili pravna osoba koja koristi prava u skladu sa sadržajem ove licence i nije prethodno prekršila uvjete ove Licence s obzirom na Djelo ili netko tko je primio izričito dopuštenje od davatelja Licence da koristi prava dana pod ovom Licencom unatoč prethodnom kršenju.
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
f. "You" means an individual or entity exercising rights in accordance with the terms of this License who has not previously violated the terms of this License with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|You/User/Licensee}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|You/User/Licensee}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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g. "Zbirka" označava zbirku samostalnih autorskih djela, podataka ili druge građe kao što su enciklopedije, zbornici, antologije, baze podataka i sl., koje prema izboru ili rasporedu sastavnih elemenata čine vlastite intelektualne tvorevine njihovih autora. Tu se ubrajaju i one zbirke koje su uređene po određenom sustavu ili metodi, čiji su elementi pojedinačno dostupni putem elektroničkih ili drugih sredstava. U Zbirku je Djelo, u svom cjelovitom i neizmijenjenom obliku, sabrano s jednim ili više drugih samostalnih djela. Za svrhe ove Licence djelo koje tvori Zbirku neće se smatrati Preradom (onako kako je gore definirano).
{{#if: 1. Definitions
Re-translated text
g. "Collective Work" means a collection of independent works of authorships, data or other materials such are encyclopedias, collective publications, anthologies, databases and similar such works, constituting separate and independent intellectual creations of their authors. This includes the collection assembled under a certain system or method, whose elements are individually accessible by electronic or other means. A work that constitutes a Collective Work will not be considered a Derivative Work (as defined above) for the purposes of this License.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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Ova licenca ničime ne umanjuje, ograničava ili onemogućava prava korištenja koja proizlaze iz sadržajnih ograničenja autorskog prava, iscrpljenja prava i drugih ograničenja isključivih prava prema zakonu o autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima te drugim pozitivnim propisima.
{{#if: 2. Limitations on exclusive authors' rights.
Re-translated text
Nothing in this license reduces, limits or impairs the rights arising from limitations of authors' rights, exhaustion of rights and of other restrictions on exclusive rights set under the author's rights law, neighboring rights law and other applicable law.
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
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Prema uvjetima i odredbama ove Licence, Davatelj licence Vam ovime ustupa pravo, koje je oslobođeno naknade, neisključivo, prostorno i vremenski (za trajanja autorskog prava, srodnog prava ili drugog mjerodavnog prava) neograničeno, da koristite Djelo kako je niže navedeno:
a. da reproducirate Djelo, da uključujete Djelo u jedno ili više Zbirki, te da reproducirate Djelo kako je uključeno u Zbirke;{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable rights) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
a. to reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more Collective Works, and to reproduce the Work as incorporated in the Collective Works;|Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable rights) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
a. to reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more Collective Works, and to reproduce the Work as incorporated in the Collective Works;{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, License Grant, Reproduce, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, License Grant, Reproduce, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Prema uvjetima i odredbama ove Licence, Davatelj licence Vam ovime ustupa pravo, koje je oslobođeno naknade, neisključivo, prostorno i vremenski (za trajanja autorskog prava, srodnog prava ili drugog mjerodavnog prava) neograničeno, da koristite Djelo kako je niže navedeno:
b. da stvarate i reproducirate Prerade, pod uvjetom da svaka takva Prerada, uključujući i prijevod u bilo kojem mediju, poduzme razumne korake da jasno obilježi, razgraniči ili drugačije naznači da su u izvorno Djelo unešene izmjene. Primjerice, prijevod može biti naznačen kao "Prijevod izvornika s engleskog na španjolski", a izmjena može upozoriti "Izvorno djelo je izmijenjeno."{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable rights) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
b. to create and reproduce Derivative Works;|Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable rights) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
b. to create and reproduce Derivative Works;{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, License Grant, Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, License Grant, Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Prema uvjetima i odredbama ove Licence, Davatelj licence Vam ovime ustupa pravo, koje je oslobođeno naknade, neisključivo, prostorno i vremenski (za trajanja autorskog prava, srodnog prava ili drugog mjerodavnog prava) neograničeno, da koristite Djelo kako je niže navedeno:
c. da distribuirate kopije ili fonograme Djela i priopćavate Djelo javnosti, uključujući i Djelo kako je uključeno u Zbirke;{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable rights) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
c. to distribute copies or phonorecords of and to make public the Work including as incorporated in Collective Works;|Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable rights) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
c. to distribute copies or phonorecords of and to make public the Work including as incorporated in Collective Works;{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Prema uvjetima i odredbama ove Licence, Davatelj licence Vam ovime ustupa pravo, koje je oslobođeno naknade, neisključivo, prostorno i vremenski (za trajanja autorskog prava, srodnog prava ili drugog mjerodavnog prava) neograničeno, da koristite Djelo kako je niže navedeno:
d. da distribuirate kopije ili fonograme Prerada i da ih priopćavate javnosti;{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable rights) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
d. to distribute copies or phonorecords of and to make public Derivative Works;|Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable rights) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
d. to distribute copies or phonorecords of and to make public Derivative Works;{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work, Distribute, License Grant, Publicly Perform}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Prema uvjetima i odredbama ove Licence, Davatelj licence Vam ovime ustupa pravo, koje je oslobođeno naknade, neisključivo, prostorno i vremenski (za trajanja autorskog prava, srodnog prava ili drugog mjerodavnog prava) neograničeno, da koristite Djelo kako je niže navedeno:
e. da izvlačite ili ponovno koristite znatne i neznatne dijelove sadržaja Djela kada je Djelo baza podataka.{{#if: 3. License Grant.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable rights) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
e. to extract or re-utilize both unsubstantial and substantial parts of the Work when the Work is a database.|Re-translated text
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the copyright, neighboring rights or other applicable rights) license to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
e. to extract or re-utilize both unsubstantial and substantial parts of the Work when the Work is a database.{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
Re-translated text
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
{{#if: 3. License Grant.
All rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby reserved.|Re-translated text
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}
Section Text {{#if:|()|}}
{{#if: 3. Insofar as the Licensor has exclusive rights under national laws
implementing the European Database Directive, the latter shall waive such rights.|Re-translated text
{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Croatia/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}