Case Studies/Revver Study
Revver is an online media network built the way the internet really works. We support the free and unlimited sharing of media. Our unique technology pairs videos with targeted ads and tracks them as they spread across the web. So no matter where your video travels, you benefit because we share the advertising revenue with you. —
Revver is a video-sharing platform deploying an innovative business model with hyperdistribution as its core. Differentiating itself from competitor YouTube by offering per-view revenue, the platform takes advantage of peer-to-peer distribution mechanisms for sharing its hosted videos. When a user uploads a video to Revver, customised software inserts a brief, unobtrusive advertisement at the end of the video stream. At this point, the ‘Revverised’ video can be downloaded and distributed via any method – website, email, P2P, without losing the advertisement. Revver software reports back to the main website every time the embedded ad is clicked irrespective of location, prompting the advertiser to be charged a micropayment. The platform shares the associated revenue with the owner of the video on a 50/50 basis. Revver’s users are able to track their video’s performance, monitoring how many times the video has been viewed, and the amount of revenue accruing. Sharers are able to earn 20% of ad revenue for forwarding the videos. Revver is therefore founded on the ‘free and unlimited sharing of content online in an environment where the creator is rewarded for his/her work.’
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