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Netherlands http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Government_use_of_Creative_Commons#Netherlands http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/21473 CC0 is the default copyright policy of the Dutch national government's single website. Will contain websites for all the ministries. Everything that is available on www.rijskoverheid.nl is available without restrictions unless it is noted otherwise.

Cologne-based libraries: http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/21344 http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.heise.de%2Fnewsticker%2Fmeldung%2FOpen-Access-Bibliotheken-geben-Katalogdaten-frei-954945.html&sl=de&tl=en Cologne-based libraries (in Germany) released 5.4 million bibliographic records under CC0.

Digg: http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/14752 All of the content on Digg has been licensed as public domain via cc0. Comments, story titles, story descriptions, and all of the other user-contributed content on the Digg site are explicitly put into the public domain so that others can do great things with them.

Flickr Shapefiles http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/14678, http://code.flickr.com/blog/2009/05/21/flickr-shapefiles-public-dataset-10/ Flickr waives its copyrights to its shapefiles (a file containing shapes mathematically generated by the thousands of Flickr geotagged photos of particular neighborhoods, countries, and continents) via CC0.

MichiganView: http://sciencecommons.org/weblog/archives/2010/01/29/michiganview-releases-remote-sensing-data-under-cc0-waiver/ MichiganView made available all of its more than 93 Gigabytes of Landsat 5 and 7, and NAIP imagery data in the public domain using the new CC0 Waiver provided by Creative Commons. The MichiganView consortium makes available aerial photography and satellite imagery of Michigan to the public for free over the Web. As part of the AmericaView consortium, MichiganView supports access and use of these imagery collections through education, workforce development, and research.

WisconsinView: http://sciencecommons.org/weblog/archives/2009/07/01/wisconsinview-public-domain/ Also as part of the AmericaView consortium, WisconsinView made available all of its more than 6 Terabytes of imagery data under the new CC0 Protocol provided by Creative Commons.

Public.resource.org: court of appeals decisions: http://public.resource.org/uscourts.gov/index.html 1.8 million pages of U.S. Case Law, specifically Courts of Appeals decisions since 1950 on, were delivered back into the public domain, officially waived using CC0 by public.resource.org (after some kind of purchase from Fastcase, aided by EFF - see http://www.scribd.com/doc/3385002/18-million-pages-of-case-law).

OpenJurist.org: Supreme Court and Federal Appellate Court Decisions from the 1700s to current: http://openjurist.org/terms-of-use OpenJurist, a resource for case law in the U.S., has made accessible to the public via CC0 647,000 opinions and other transactions from the United States Supreme Court, beginning with the first session in 1790; and Lower Federal Courts, as published in the Federal Reporter beginning in 1880.

Personal Genome Project: http://www.personalgenomes.org/ The Personal Genome Project, a pioneer in the emerging field of personal genomics technology, released a large data set containing genomic sequences for ten individuals using CC0, with future planned releases also under CC0.

Proteome Commons Tranche Network: https://proteomecommons.org/tranche/ Proteome Commons Tranche Network is a public proteomics database for annotations and other information that uses Tranche, a free and open source (Apache 2.0) file storage and dissemination software. Creative Commons CC0 waiver was incorporated as the default uploading option for users.

Polar Information Commons (2+ terabytes of data sets, 5 complete genomes) http://sciencecommons.org/resources/funder/dispatches/fourth-quarter-2009/ The Polar Information Commons is a data sharing project led by a number of leaders in the field using data from the most recent International Polar Year. There are 2 options for badging the IPY data (http://nsidc.org/libre/share/picbadge_tool.html) -- public domain under CC0 or CC-BY-3.0 where necessary.

Talis Connected Commons: http://blogs.talis.com/n2/cc The Talis Connected Commons is a project by Talis that works to encourage the growth of public domain data. Talis offers free data hosting on its platform as long as the data is made available under either the Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License or CC0.

GSK malaria data set GlaxoSmithKline (a UK pharmaceutical company) recently dedicated more than 13,000 compounds known to be active against malaria to the public domain using CC0.

Sage Bionetworks - Sage Commons Sage Commons will be an information network and platform for shared research/data and development of biological network models and their application to human disease and biology. From my understanding, it will enable CC0 as a choice for partners/users to upload and waive their data under.

Open Energy Commons There is nothing on open energy commons...