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| # Generate inputs and a plan for next strategy steering committee meeting in Berlin Nov 2016. | | # Generate inputs and a plan for next strategy steering committee meeting in Berlin Nov 2016. |
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− | ==Day One== | + | ==Agenda== |
− | 9 - 9:30
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− | Welcome, Orientation, Goal Setting, and Opening Circle
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− | 9:30 - 11
| + | A comprehensive agenda for the two days can be found on this Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g7dRBk_Pe-JE7-Xx2I-4nIYXYZOPgnU5WzJpa_YNGaM/edit?usp=sharing |
− | Activity: Baseline current status of CC Global Affiliate
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− | Using a customized Six Thinking Hats method facilitators will engage the committee in documenting:
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− | **What information and data we have on the current status of the CC Global Affiliate Network (committee members are invited to add to this list and familiarize themselves with this information and data in advance of the meeting) (White Hat)
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− | **Gut feelings, intuitions, and emotions related to the current status (Red Hat)
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− | **Positives of current CC Global Affiliate Network - what’s working well and fine as is (Yellow Hat)
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− | **Negatives of current situation - what aspects of the network are outdated, don’t function well, or need rethinking (Black Hat)
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− | 11 - 11:15
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− | Body & Coffee Break
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− | 11:15 - 12:30
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− | Activity (Blue Hat): Define the function of a CC global network, both current and aspirational
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− | Facilitators will engage the committee in describing:
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− | **What the goals, objectives, and values of CC’s global network has been and currently is - Why have we needed a network historically? What have we achieved together?
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− | **What the goals, objectives, and values of CC’s global network could be - aspirational - Why do we need a network going forward? What do we want to achieve together?
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− | **The ways people globally can participate in and contribute to fulfilling those functions
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− | **Additional ways we could engage CC’s global community in fulfilling these functions
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− | Outputs of this activity inform subsequent agenda items in a form follows function manner.
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− | 12:30 - 1:30
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− | Lunch + re-energizing
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− | 1:30 - 3:00
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− | Activity (Green Hat): Identify other global networks that can serve as inspirations for CC’s global network - LINK to Excel LIST HERE
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− | Committee sharing and “green hat” free-thinking discussion of pre-work item 1 - organizations with global networks (other than CC) that are admirable. Each participant posts their documented example to wall and describes name, url, organization purpose, network goals/objectives/values, what you like about it, and what aspects of it you think can serve as inspiration for CC. Group generates taglines or short statements of key attributes and admirable features to add to the example.
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− | End result is a collage of global networks we collectively admire and can derive inspiration from.
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− | Collage serves as a source of innovative ideas for inclusion in CC’s global strategy.
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− | 3:00 - 3:30
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− | Re-energizing Body Break - get out of room, play games, etc.
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− | 3:30 - 4:30
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− | Activity (White Hat): Random pair groups will be formed to create an infographic that identifies additional research and consultation needed based on what has emerged from baselining current status of CC Global Affiliate, defining function of global network, and identification of other organizations with inspirational global networks. Pairs will also describe potential activities that could be undertaken to do this research and consultation:
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− | **What additional data and information do we need to get?
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− | **What themes, questions, and opportunities require follow-on action?
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− | **What can be done as independent research and what needs a team and/or consultation and input from the entire CC global affiliate network?
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− | **What processes does the committee recommend for completion of these activities? How implemented? What can be accomplished by when? (this will be revisited and built out even further at the end of day 2)
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− | Each pair reports out.
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− | 4:30- 4:45
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− | Check-in and plan for next day
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− | ==Day Two==
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| =What's next?= | | =What's next?= |
| This group meets again in Berlin in November. | | This group meets again in Berlin in November. |
What is it?
The Creative Commons Global Network Strategy Committee was formed in the early part of 2016 to come up with an action plan to determine purpose, goals and values for CC Network
Who is it?

Above: Naeema Zarif, Ryan Merkley, Claudio Ruiz, Nic Suzor, Paul Keller, Kelsey Wiens, Simeon Oriko, Paul Stacey (facilitator), Claudia Cristiani, Mari Moreshead (logistics), Soohyun Pae, Evelin Heidel, Carolina Botero, Delia Browne, Kamil Śliwowski (facilitator) , and Alek Tarkowski. Missing from photo: Luisa Guzmán, Rotem Medzini, and Muid Latif.
DC Meeting
Date: Monday and Tuesday May 16 & 17, 2016
Location: The Loft at 600 F 600 F Street NW,4th floor Washington, DC 20004 http://www.theloftat600f.com/meeting-and-event-space
Logistics: Mari Moreshead Facilitators: Paul Stacey and Kamil Śliwowski Participants: Paul Keller, Alek Tarkowski, Ryan Merkley, Carolina Botero, Claudio Ruiz, Delia Browne, Evelin Heidel (Scann), Kelsey Wiens, Naeema Zarif, Nic Suzor, Simeon Oriko, Soohyun Pae, Claudia Cristiani
- Engage in both evaluating the global network we have and imagining the network we could have.
- Explore views on what the shared goals, objectives, and values of CC’s global network are and could be.
- Generate answers to; Why do we need a network? What do we want to achieve together? What is that that we all agree on?
- Identify key themes, questions, and opportunities related to both the current network and the potential network that need consultation and input from the entire CC global affiliate network.
- Define a process and plan for doing research and consultation with the entire CC global affiliate network.
- Generate inputs and a plan for next strategy steering committee meeting in Berlin Nov 2016.
A comprehensive agenda for the two days can be found on this Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g7dRBk_Pe-JE7-Xx2I-4nIYXYZOPgnU5WzJpa_YNGaM/edit?usp=sharing
What's next?
This group meets again in Berlin in November.