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Thank you for your interest in translating the Creative Commons animations. From this site, you can download: scripts, flash files, original music files, and sound effects files.

Each script includes timecode for how long each audio piece lasts. This will give you an idea of how quickly your narrator should read for each piece.

We highly recommend that you use an experienced audio person and an experienced flash person to prepare these files for final delivery. Please contact us if you need help finding these resources.

  1. Get Creative files
    1. <a href="http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/translations/getcreative.script.031904.txt">Get Creative Script</a> (7kb, txt)
    2. <a href="http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/translations/getcreative.music.audio.zip">Get Creative Music</a> (26Mb, zipped AIFF file)
    3. <a href="http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/translations/getcreative.sfx.audio.zip">Get Creative Sound Effects</a> (7Mb, zipped AIFF file)
    4. <a href="http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/translations/Creative_Commons_-_Get_Creative.fla">Get Creative flash file</a> (48Mb, fla)
    5. Note: The script for "get creative" calls for 6 minutes of audio in 12 pieces (a.aif thru h.aif). The music for the entire piece is provided in getcreative.music.zip The sfx for the entire piece is provided in getcreative.sfx.zip. Your audio person will need to layer the new narration over these files and chop it up into the length of the files described in the script.
  2. Reticulum Rex files
    1. <a href="http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/translations/reticulumrex.script.022604.txt">Reticulum Rex Script</a> (6kb, txt)
    2. <a href="http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/translations/reticulumrex.audio.zip">Reticulum Rex Music and Sound Effects</a> (25Mb, zipped AIFF file)
    3. <a href="http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/translations/Creative_Commons_-_Remix_Culture.fla">Reticulum Rex flash file</a> (99Mb, fla)
    4. Note: The script for "reticulum rex/remix culture" calls for 6 minutes of audio in 6 pieces (a.aif thru f.aif). The music and sfx files are already layered and seperated into 6 files. Your audio person will only need to layer the narration on top and save them out.