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(dangers of diabetes mellitus: new section)
(Chronic kidney disease: new section)
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   Easily tired because the body is unable to process glucose into energy.
   Easily tired because the body is unable to process glucose into energy.
   Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands / feet (diabetes type 2)
   Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands / feet (diabetes type 2)
== Kelenjar Getah Bening ==
Before entering understanding swollen [http://acemaxs31.com/obat-kanker-kelenjar-getah-bening/ kelenjar getah bening] (Lymph) nodes, it helps us know in advance understanding of lymph node itself. Lymph nodes are lumps of tissue, about the size of a pea and is 'home' to many white blood cells. These glands are found throughout the body and is an essential part of the human immune system.
Lymph nodes swell when the body responds to infection or inflammation. Lymph nodes can swell in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. The swelling will subside as you recover from the disease condition.
Usually the area often experience this condition are the armpits, the area under the chin, groin, and neck.
Swollen lymph nodes caused by mild infections will usually recover on its own. But if you have conditions like this, you are advised to see a doctor, such as:
  Gland feels hard when pressed.
  Glands swell for no apparent reason, especially when the conditions you're in shape.
  Gland has swelled more than two weeks.
  You have a fever that does not subside.
  You lost weight for no apparent reason.
  You experience a sore throat which causes difficulty swallowing or breathing.
== Coronary Heart Disease ==
The heart is one of the most important organ in the body. Fist-sized organ is functioning pumping and spreading the oxygenated blood throughout the body.
Coronary heart disease is also known as ischemic heart disease and is one cause of death in Indonesia. About 35 percent of deaths in Indonesia are caused by heart disease. According to the World Heart Federation, the death rate from coronary heart disease in Southeast Asia reached 1.8 million cases in 2014.
Causes of [http://acemaxs31.com/obat-herbal-jantung-koroner/ Coronary Heart Disease]
Someone experiencing coronary heart disease if blood flow to the heart is hampered by fat. Accumulation of fat in heart arteries is known as atherosclerosis and is a major cause of coronary heart disease.
In addition to reducing blood supply to the heart, atherosclerosis can also cause the formation of thrombosis or blood clots. If this happens, blood flow to the heart is blocked completely, and a heart attack occurs. Trigger factors of atherosclerosis include high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The types and Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease is divided into two types which are categorized based on the level of inhibition of blood flow, namely angina (wind sitting) and heart attack.
Heart disease which left untreated will lead to deadly complications. When it does not receive enough blood supply to is too weak to pump blood, the heart's performance will decline. This condition is known as heart failure. This complication can occur suddenly or gradually. Type Examination of Coronary Heart Disease
At initial diagnosis, the doctor usually will ask about your symptoms, family medical history, as well as the pattern of your life. If you suspect you have heart disease, your doctor may advise you to undergo some tests to confirm the diagnosis. For example, blood tests, electrocardiogram (ECG), coronary angiography, CT scan, and MRI scan. Step Treatment For Coronary Heart Disease
If you have heart disease, you are highly recommended to change your lifestyle such as maintaining diet, regular exercise, take medication regularly and as directed by a doctor, and stop smoking. Coronary heart disease can not be cured, but it can be prevented from deteriorating. Your doctor may recommend surgery measures to deal with the disease if needed. The goal in the treatment of heart disease is to control the symptoms and reduce the risk of the emergence of fatal attacks such as heart attack. Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
There are some simple preventative steps to avoid heart disease, namely:
  Quit smoking.
  Adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as reducing high cholesterol foods and exercise regularly.
  Maintain a healthy weight.
  Reducing the consumption of liquor.
== Migraine ==
People with [http://acemaxs31.com/obat-migren-tradisional/ migraine] headache generally felt great on the front or the side of the head. Some people just occasional migraine. In fact there are only experiencing a migraine once or twice in a few years. But there are also people with this condition are feeling up to several times a week.
A disease that generally begins in young adulthood diidap is more often women than men. Migraine is estimated to strike 1 in 5 women and 1 out of 15 men. According to a WHO study, about 10% of cases of headache that affects adults aged 18-65 years are caused by migraines.
Identifying Migraine
There is no specific test to diagnose migraine. Migraine can be diagnosed by identifying patterns in accordance with the headache symptoms in migraine.
In addition to headaches, feel nauseous, much more sensitive to light and sound is also a symptom felt by some people. There are several types of migraine that you need to recognize, namely:
  Migraine without aura: migraine headaches that occur without any signs or warning. Migraine without aura is the most common type of migraine and experienced approximately 75 percent of patients with migraine.
  Migraine with aura: the signs preceding a migraine headache called an aura. Signs perceived before the migraine is usually a matter of vision (flashes of light on the eyes), stiffness in the neck, shoulders and limbs. Migraine with aura is also known as a classic migraine. This type affects an estimated 20 percent of people with migraines.
  Migraine aura without headache: migraine occurs when sufferers feel the aura or other migraine symptoms, but without the accompaniment of a headache.
Beware Specific Conditions
Migraine relatively common disease, so it is often understood as a disease that does not need to be addressed specifically. However, you should consult a doctor if experiencing a migraine attack more than five times a month or if the pain has not be treated with drugs that are sold freely on the market. Additionally you need to be vigilant because certain headaches can refer to other serious diseases such as stroke or meningitis, with symptoms as follows:
  Very severe headaches that occur suddenly and have never felt before.
  Arm or one side of the face, or in whole, felt weak or paralyzed.
  Headache along with fever, stiff neck, confusion, seizures, blurred vision, and skin rashes.
  Talk and lip difficult to understand.
If you experience or see a person experiencing the above symptoms, immediately take it to the hospital or call an ambulance. Factors that Causes Migraines
The cause of migraine is still not known for sure. However, the following factors are thought to contribute to be the cause:
  Hormonal factors. Hormonal changes cause some women feel during their menstrual migraines.
  Factor gene. About half of people with migraines have a close relative who also experience migraine.
  While changes in chemicals in the brain and blood vessels.
  The consumption of certain foods and drinks. Amino acid called tyramine contained in products such as cheese, chocolate, and alcohol can trigger a migraine.
  Other trigger factors such as stress and fatigue can trigger migraines in some sufferers.
Quiet atmosphere
Lying in the dark room is often the easiest solution to do when a migraine attack. This disease is actually not curable, but there are treatments that help ease the pain, namely:
  Drugs used anti-emetics to reduce nausea and vomiting.
  Drugs painkillers without a prescription such as paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen.
  Triptans, a group of drugs that can reduce changes in chemicals in the brain that cause the migraine.
Recognize Migraine Triggers
Migraine recurrence can be prevented with the following steps:
  Lead a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep and regular, regular exercise, a healthy diet, limit alcohol consumption, and caffeine.
  Recognize and avoid migraine triggers such as lack of rest, stress, and consumption of certain foods and beverages.
  Avoid the consumption of certain drugs such as women who have migraines during menstruation, it is advisable to avoid drugs that contain estrogen such as birth control pills.
  Taking drugs such as migraine preventive drugs anticonvulsant (topiramate and propranolol).
For Migraine Sufferers
Migraine can have a major impact for the life infected. You sometimes become unable to move normally when this disease. Most people in a time of need to stay in bed for a few days during and after migraine. Although migraine attacks can sometimes deteriorate over time, but in a matter of years, people with the condition generally tends to improve. Some effective methods of treatment and may help prevent migraine that does not happen a lot of distractions in life infected.
== Chronic kidney disease ==
[http://acemaxs31.com/obat-gagal-ginjal-herbal/ Chronic kidney disease] (chronic kidney disease / CKD) is a condition when renal function begins to decline gradually. This condition is permanent. CKD status turns into kidney failure when kidney function has decreased until it reaches the stage or late stage.
CKD is a disease that usually can only be detected through urine and blood tests. Symptoms of a general nature to make people with the disease is usually not aware of the symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage.
Advanced CKD generally experiencing symptoms: shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, swollen ankles, feet, or hands due to a buildup of fluid in the circulation of the body, shortness of breath, as well as the appearance of blood in the urine.
Blood and urine tests on a regular basis every year is strongly recommended for people at high risk of developing chronic kidney disease. You are at high risk, such as if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, and a family history of people with chronic kidney disease. Kidney function and Causes of Chronic Kidney Disorders
The kidneys are located below the ribs. The shape resembles a pair of nuts on both sides of the body.
In addition to having the main function of filtering waste from the blood before it is converted into the urine, the kidneys also function:
  Regulate the levels of chemicals in the body that helps the heart and muscles to work properly.
  Helps regulate blood pressure.
  A type of vitamin D produces substances that maintain bone health.
  Producing a glycoprotein hormone called erythropoietin that helps stimulate the production of red blood cells.
Some conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure causes the pressure in the kidneys. In the long term, these conditions make the above functions will not run properly. People with Chronic Kidney Disease in Indonesia
Chronic kidney disease affects about 10% of the world's population. The high number of diabetics in Asia make kidney failure more common in Asian population. In addition to diabetes, high blood pressure is also one of the strongest causes of chronic kidney disease in Asia. Indonesia is among the top 10 countries in Asia with the highest cases of kidney disease.
PERNEFRI (Nephrology Association of Indonesia) and the Ministry of Health found that patients with chronic renal failure in Indonesia reaches 25 to 30 million people.
In addition, the disease is also associated with aging. Getting older, you are more at risk of suffering from renal impairment. The elderly, starting from 60 years, most at risk of developing chronic kidney disease. An estimated one in five men and one in four women aged 65-74 suffer from kidney failure in certain stages. Various Handling Chronic Kidney Disorders
Diagnosed with CKD and relatives can make you feel anxious. Consult a physician and fellow sufferers can make you find a way so that the disease does not take over your life.
This is because there is no cure for kidney failure. Treatment of this disease focuses only slow or stop disease progression and prevent the emergence of other serious conditions.
Changes that occur in the body's circulation makes people with chronic kidney disease become more risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack.
In some people, chronic kidney disease can cause the kidneys to stop functioning entirely. This condition is called end-stage renal failure (established renal failure / ERF). Dialysis treatments can help people with ERF order to stay alive. These treatments work process resembles the artificial kidney. In order to Avoid Chronic Kidney Disorders
People with certain conditions which leads to the risk of chronic kidney disease such as diabetes and high blood pressure are advised to be aware of their disease progression. Lifestyle changes like a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding excess alcohol consumption will help prevent kidney failure.

Latest revision as of 03:12, 25 August 2015

Excellence Mangosteen And Soursop Leaf As an herbal remedy

Mangosteen Skin Mangosteen skin has a content that is extraordinary and it takes a body which is a substance commonly called xanthones or antioxidants. Antioxidants in the skin of the mangosteen is the highest antioxidant because it is not found in other types of fruit only in the mangosteen fruit and found on the skin.

High antioxidants in mangosteen peel it serves to ward off free radicals and keep the immune system in order to remain stable. Besides referred to as antioxidants, xanthones are also commonly referred to as an antibacterial because it is able to inhibit the growth of bacteria. Efficacy and tremendous benefits in this mangosteen skin that is able to widen blood vessels so as to improve blood circulation.

Soursop leaf Not least with mangosteen skin, soursop leaves also have properties and extraordinary benefits to health and treatment. Do you know? that in the 70s the soursop leaves have been tested in the laboratory, where the results showed that this soursop leaves can effectively choose the target in killing the bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, such as:

   Breast cancer
   Prostate cancer
   Colon cancer
   Lung cancer
   Pancreatic cancer
   Brain cancer
   Cancer Lymph Benin
   And other types of cancer.

Not only that, the results of research that has been done of the workings of anti-cancer substances in the soursop leaves (acetogenins) able to work 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells and kill naturally.

The powers that be in the soursop leaves is stronger than the chemotherapy used for cancer treatment. Efficacy and other benefits held soursop leaves that can flex line blood vessels and thins the blood, so good for people with high blood pressure.

Suitable For Treating

    Uric acid
    High blood pressure
    Kidney failure
    Heart failure
    Urinary tract infection
    Swelling heart
    Heart beat
    Coronary heart
    Weak heart
    Rheumatic Heart
    Blood Cancer
    Cancer Lymph Nodes
    Heart cancer
    colon cancer
    Skin cancer
    Stomach cancer
    Cervical Cancer
    Tongue cancer
    Cervical Cancer
    Brain cancer
    Ovarian Cancer
    Lung cancer
    Breast cancer
    Cervical cancer
    Cervical cancer
    Colorectal Cancer
    Colon cancer
    High Cholesterol
    Liver disease
    Heart disease
    Back pain

the problem of gout disease

Gout can occur because of the purine substance (a protein element) is excessive in the body. Where these substances in the human body to be processed into uric acid, which will then be regulated levels by the kidney, where the rest will be excreted through the urine. Problems will arise when the levels are excessive, so the kidneys become unable to regulate the levels, resulting in an excess which would accumulate in tissues and joints. Stacking in a long time eventually lead to pain and pain in the joints, and if ignored will become increasingly severe, the swelling and inflammation, so that gradually the patient can not walk.

What Causes Gout Disease

Generally there are two factors, namely the factor of domestic and external factors.

Causes of uric acid can be from within the human body itself, because of innate genetics and hormonal imbalance, resulting in impaired body metabolism in conjunction with increased levels of uric acid in the body. Moreover, in some cases, increased levels of uric acid can also be caused by kidney problems.

While external factors closely related to the body's daily food intake. Too many foods containing purines be the main factor. Uric acid levels increase with the entry of purine substances into the body through food and drink.

What are the Symptoms of Gout

The sufferers of this disease will generally experience some symptoms such as:

  pain, stiff and sore in the joints (joint pain), tingling.
  If severe enough leg to swell and become inflamed so the skin looks rosy.
  Aches and pains when moving.
  The limbs are experiencing symptoms usually is in the fingers (feet and hands), the heel, the knee / knee, and wrist.
  These symptoms are usually felt when the night and early morning.
  To make sure of course you have to check the laboratory, because of the above symptoms do not necessarily indicate that you are affected by gout.

dangers of diabetes mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus or diabetes is generally defined by increased levels of sugar in the blood. People who have diabetes have blood glucose levels are high, which is also called high blood sugar or hyperglycemia.

Diabetes mellitus is divided into several types, the most common is diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 diabetes Normally we often hear the term diabetes dry and wet diabetes. Though the two terms are not included in the types of diabetes in the science of medical treatment. Diabetes dry and wet diabetes actually refer to the same type of diabetes, the type 2 diabetes mellitus.

So what membedalan between dry and wet diabetes? Dry Diabetes refers to patients who have recently entered the early stages of diabetes type 2. While the wet diabetes is a term used in type 2 diabetes who are at advanced stage. Very obvious difference is that the blood sugar levels in diabetics wet usually far above the blood sugar levels of diabetics is dry.

Causes of Diabetes Mellitus

Many medical experts and herbalist who said that diabetes mellitus can not be cured, it can only be maintained to keep the concentration of sugar in the normal threshold. Is this true? To know the answer we need to know the root causes of this disease.

Diabetes is the result of metabolic disorders in the body. The human body will digest the food into the body for energy. You do this by breaking down carbohydrates and sugars to be glucose. With the help of the hormone insulin, cells throughout the body to absorb glucose and used for energy. Diabetes occurs when the body does not make enough insulin (type 1 diabetes) or can not effectively use the insulin / insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes), or even both. Insulin is made in the pancreas, an organ located behind the stomach. Pancreatic beta cells containing groups that make insulin and release it into the blood. If the beta cells of the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the body does not respond to the insulin that is, glucose accumulates in the blood is not absorbed by the cells in the body for energy, causing diabetes. At that point the cells of the body will lack energy despite high blood glucose levels.

So the root cause of type 1 diabetes mellitus exist in the pancreas that can not do its job, which is to produce insulin substances in the quantities required. Whereas in type 2 diabetes mellitus caused by the body's cells can not use insulin effectively although the amount is sufficient (insulin resistance), then the blood sugar level becomes uncontrollable. This is what eventually led to the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. So if there is a diabetes drug that can improve the function of the pancreas and the sensitivity of body cells, certainly no diabetes that can not be cured.

Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus

Early detection and proper treatment of diabetes can reduce the risk of diabetic complications. The following are the typical symptoms of diabetes.

  Frequent urination, occurs because the kidneys want to clean up the excess glucose in the blood. (Ability to survive in human organs)
  Often thirsty because of the discharge of urine earlier.
  Feel very hungry even though you eat as usual
  Blurred vision
  Losing a lot of weight because glucose can not be processed by the body for energy, the body begins to break down muscle and fat reserves for energy. (diabetes type 1)
  Easily tired because the body is unable to process glucose into energy.
  Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands / feet (diabetes type 2)

Kelenjar Getah Bening

Before entering understanding swollen kelenjar getah bening (Lymph) nodes, it helps us know in advance understanding of lymph node itself. Lymph nodes are lumps of tissue, about the size of a pea and is 'home' to many white blood cells. These glands are found throughout the body and is an essential part of the human immune system.

Lymph nodes swell when the body responds to infection or inflammation. Lymph nodes can swell in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. The swelling will subside as you recover from the disease condition.

Usually the area often experience this condition are the armpits, the area under the chin, groin, and neck.

Swollen lymph nodes caused by mild infections will usually recover on its own. But if you have conditions like this, you are advised to see a doctor, such as:

 Gland feels hard when pressed.
 Glands swell for no apparent reason, especially when the conditions you're in shape.
 Gland has swelled more than two weeks.
 You have a fever that does not subside.
 You lost weight for no apparent reason.
 You experience a sore throat which causes difficulty swallowing or breathing.

Coronary Heart Disease

The heart is one of the most important organ in the body. Fist-sized organ is functioning pumping and spreading the oxygenated blood throughout the body.

Coronary heart disease is also known as ischemic heart disease and is one cause of death in Indonesia. About 35 percent of deaths in Indonesia are caused by heart disease. According to the World Heart Federation, the death rate from coronary heart disease in Southeast Asia reached 1.8 million cases in 2014.

Causes of Coronary Heart Disease

Someone experiencing coronary heart disease if blood flow to the heart is hampered by fat. Accumulation of fat in heart arteries is known as atherosclerosis and is a major cause of coronary heart disease.

In addition to reducing blood supply to the heart, atherosclerosis can also cause the formation of thrombosis or blood clots. If this happens, blood flow to the heart is blocked completely, and a heart attack occurs. Trigger factors of atherosclerosis include high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The types and Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease is divided into two types which are categorized based on the level of inhibition of blood flow, namely angina (wind sitting) and heart attack.

Heart disease which left untreated will lead to deadly complications. When it does not receive enough blood supply to is too weak to pump blood, the heart's performance will decline. This condition is known as heart failure. This complication can occur suddenly or gradually. Type Examination of Coronary Heart Disease

At initial diagnosis, the doctor usually will ask about your symptoms, family medical history, as well as the pattern of your life. If you suspect you have heart disease, your doctor may advise you to undergo some tests to confirm the diagnosis. For example, blood tests, electrocardiogram (ECG), coronary angiography, CT scan, and MRI scan. Step Treatment For Coronary Heart Disease

If you have heart disease, you are highly recommended to change your lifestyle such as maintaining diet, regular exercise, take medication regularly and as directed by a doctor, and stop smoking. Coronary heart disease can not be cured, but it can be prevented from deteriorating. Your doctor may recommend surgery measures to deal with the disease if needed. The goal in the treatment of heart disease is to control the symptoms and reduce the risk of the emergence of fatal attacks such as heart attack. Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

There are some simple preventative steps to avoid heart disease, namely:

 Quit smoking.
 Adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as reducing high cholesterol foods and exercise regularly.
 Maintain a healthy weight.
 Reducing the consumption of liquor.


People with migraine headache generally felt great on the front or the side of the head. Some people just occasional migraine. In fact there are only experiencing a migraine once or twice in a few years. But there are also people with this condition are feeling up to several times a week.

A disease that generally begins in young adulthood diidap is more often women than men. Migraine is estimated to strike 1 in 5 women and 1 out of 15 men. According to a WHO study, about 10% of cases of headache that affects adults aged 18-65 years are caused by migraines.

Identifying Migraine

There is no specific test to diagnose migraine. Migraine can be diagnosed by identifying patterns in accordance with the headache symptoms in migraine.

In addition to headaches, feel nauseous, much more sensitive to light and sound is also a symptom felt by some people. There are several types of migraine that you need to recognize, namely:

 Migraine without aura: migraine headaches that occur without any signs or warning. Migraine without aura is the most common type of migraine and experienced approximately 75 percent of patients with migraine.
 Migraine with aura: the signs preceding a migraine headache called an aura. Signs perceived before the migraine is usually a matter of vision (flashes of light on the eyes), stiffness in the neck, shoulders and limbs. Migraine with aura is also known as a classic migraine. This type affects an estimated 20 percent of people with migraines.
 Migraine aura without headache: migraine occurs when sufferers feel the aura or other migraine symptoms, but without the accompaniment of a headache.

Beware Specific Conditions

Migraine relatively common disease, so it is often understood as a disease that does not need to be addressed specifically. However, you should consult a doctor if experiencing a migraine attack more than five times a month or if the pain has not be treated with drugs that are sold freely on the market. Additionally you need to be vigilant because certain headaches can refer to other serious diseases such as stroke or meningitis, with symptoms as follows:

 Very severe headaches that occur suddenly and have never felt before.
 Arm or one side of the face, or in whole, felt weak or paralyzed.
 Headache along with fever, stiff neck, confusion, seizures, blurred vision, and skin rashes.
 Talk and lip difficult to understand.

If you experience or see a person experiencing the above symptoms, immediately take it to the hospital or call an ambulance. Factors that Causes Migraines

The cause of migraine is still not known for sure. However, the following factors are thought to contribute to be the cause:

 Hormonal factors. Hormonal changes cause some women feel during their menstrual migraines.
 Factor gene. About half of people with migraines have a close relative who also experience migraine.
 While changes in chemicals in the brain and blood vessels.
 The consumption of certain foods and drinks. Amino acid called tyramine contained in products such as cheese, chocolate, and alcohol can trigger a migraine.
 Other trigger factors such as stress and fatigue can trigger migraines in some sufferers.

Quiet atmosphere

Lying in the dark room is often the easiest solution to do when a migraine attack. This disease is actually not curable, but there are treatments that help ease the pain, namely:

 Drugs used anti-emetics to reduce nausea and vomiting.
 Drugs painkillers without a prescription such as paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen.
 Triptans, a group of drugs that can reduce changes in chemicals in the brain that cause the migraine.

Recognize Migraine Triggers

Migraine recurrence can be prevented with the following steps:

 Lead a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep and regular, regular exercise, a healthy diet, limit alcohol consumption, and caffeine.
 Recognize and avoid migraine triggers such as lack of rest, stress, and consumption of certain foods and beverages.
 Avoid the consumption of certain drugs such as women who have migraines during menstruation, it is advisable to avoid drugs that contain estrogen such as birth control pills.
 Taking drugs such as migraine preventive drugs anticonvulsant (topiramate and propranolol).

For Migraine Sufferers

Migraine can have a major impact for the life infected. You sometimes become unable to move normally when this disease. Most people in a time of need to stay in bed for a few days during and after migraine. Although migraine attacks can sometimes deteriorate over time, but in a matter of years, people with the condition generally tends to improve. Some effective methods of treatment and may help prevent migraine that does not happen a lot of distractions in life infected.

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease (chronic kidney disease / CKD) is a condition when renal function begins to decline gradually. This condition is permanent. CKD status turns into kidney failure when kidney function has decreased until it reaches the stage or late stage.

CKD is a disease that usually can only be detected through urine and blood tests. Symptoms of a general nature to make people with the disease is usually not aware of the symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage.

Advanced CKD generally experiencing symptoms: shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, swollen ankles, feet, or hands due to a buildup of fluid in the circulation of the body, shortness of breath, as well as the appearance of blood in the urine.

Blood and urine tests on a regular basis every year is strongly recommended for people at high risk of developing chronic kidney disease. You are at high risk, such as if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, and a family history of people with chronic kidney disease. Kidney function and Causes of Chronic Kidney Disorders

The kidneys are located below the ribs. The shape resembles a pair of nuts on both sides of the body.

In addition to having the main function of filtering waste from the blood before it is converted into the urine, the kidneys also function:

 Regulate the levels of chemicals in the body that helps the heart and muscles to work properly.
 Helps regulate blood pressure.
 A type of vitamin D produces substances that maintain bone health.
 Producing a glycoprotein hormone called erythropoietin that helps stimulate the production of red blood cells.

Some conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure causes the pressure in the kidneys. In the long term, these conditions make the above functions will not run properly. People with Chronic Kidney Disease in Indonesia

Chronic kidney disease affects about 10% of the world's population. The high number of diabetics in Asia make kidney failure more common in Asian population. In addition to diabetes, high blood pressure is also one of the strongest causes of chronic kidney disease in Asia. Indonesia is among the top 10 countries in Asia with the highest cases of kidney disease.

PERNEFRI (Nephrology Association of Indonesia) and the Ministry of Health found that patients with chronic renal failure in Indonesia reaches 25 to 30 million people.

In addition, the disease is also associated with aging. Getting older, you are more at risk of suffering from renal impairment. The elderly, starting from 60 years, most at risk of developing chronic kidney disease. An estimated one in five men and one in four women aged 65-74 suffer from kidney failure in certain stages. Various Handling Chronic Kidney Disorders

Diagnosed with CKD and relatives can make you feel anxious. Consult a physician and fellow sufferers can make you find a way so that the disease does not take over your life.

This is because there is no cure for kidney failure. Treatment of this disease focuses only slow or stop disease progression and prevent the emergence of other serious conditions.

Changes that occur in the body's circulation makes people with chronic kidney disease become more risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

In some people, chronic kidney disease can cause the kidneys to stop functioning entirely. This condition is called end-stage renal failure (established renal failure / ERF). Dialysis treatments can help people with ERF order to stay alive. These treatments work process resembles the artificial kidney. In order to Avoid Chronic Kidney Disorders

People with certain conditions which leads to the risk of chronic kidney disease such as diabetes and high blood pressure are advised to be aware of their disease progression. Lifestyle changes like a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding excess alcohol consumption will help prevent kidney failure.