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{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=Organizaţia Creative Commons (denumită în continuare „Creative Commons”) nu este o firmă de avocatură şi nu acordă servicii de asistenţă juridică. Distribuirea acestei licenţe nu creează o relaţie de tip Avocat-Client. Creative Commons oferă această formă de licenţă, aşa cum este aceasta prezentată în cele ce urmează. Creative Commons nu îşi asumă răspunderea pentru daunele rezultate din conţinutul sau utilizarea acestei licenţe. |Text has language=

|Has retranslated text=The Creative Commons Organisation (referred to hereinafter as "Creative Commons") is not a law firm and does not provide legal assistance services. The distribution of this license does not create an Attorney-Client type of relationship. Creative Commons offers this form of license "as is". Creative Commons disclaims any liability for the damages resulting from the content or use of this license.}}
License section tag(s): Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

Organizaţia Creative Commons (denumită în continuare „Creative Commons”) nu este o firmă de avocatură şi nu acordă servicii de asistenţă juridică. Distribuirea acestei licenţe nu creează o relaţie de tip Avocat-Client. Creative Commons oferă această formă de licenţă, aşa cum este aceasta prezentată în cele ce urmează. Creative Commons nu îşi asumă răspunderea pentru daunele rezultate din conţinutul sau utilizarea acestei licenţe.
{{#if: The Creative Commons Organisation (referred to hereinafter as "Creative Commons") is not a law firm and does not provide legal assistance services. The distribution of this license does not create an Attorney-Client type of relationship. Creative Commons offers this form of license "as is". Creative Commons disclaims any liability for the damages resulting from the content or use of this license.|

Re-translated text

The Creative Commons Organisation (referred to hereinafter as "Creative Commons") is not a law firm and does not provide legal assistance services. The distribution of this license does not create an Attorney-Client type of relationship. Creative Commons offers this form of license "as is". Creative Commons disclaims any liability for the damages resulting from the content or use of this license.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Creative Commons Disclaimer/Notice}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=Opera (aşa cum este definită mai jos) este furnizată în condiţiile acestei Licenţe Publice Creative Commons (denumită în continuare „LPCC” sau „licenţă”). Opera este protejată de legea privind drepturile de autor şi drepturile conexe şi de celelalte norme de drept aplicabile. Orice utilizare a Operei în afara celei autorizate prin această licenţă sau prin legislaţia în vigoare este interzisă. |Text has language=

|Has retranslated text=The Licence The Work (as defined further on) is supplied under the conditions of this Creative Commons Public Licence ("CCPL" or "licence"). The Work is protected by the copyright and related rights law and other legal applicable norms. Any use of the Work other than the one authorised by the licence or the legislation in force is forbidden.}}
License section tag(s): Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

Opera (aşa cum este definită mai jos) este furnizată în condiţiile acestei Licenţe Publice Creative Commons (denumită în continuare „LPCC” sau „licenţă”). Opera este protejată de legea privind drepturile de autor şi drepturile conexe şi de celelalte norme de drept aplicabile. Orice utilizare a Operei în afara celei autorizate prin această licenţă sau prin legislaţia în vigoare este interzisă.
{{#if: The Licence The Work (as defined further on) is supplied under the conditions of this Creative Commons Public Licence ("CCPL" or "licence"). The Work is protected by the copyright and related rights law and other legal applicable norms. Any use of the Work other than the one authorised by the licence or the legislation in force is forbidden.|

Re-translated text

The Licence The Work (as defined further on) is supplied under the conditions of this Creative Commons Public Licence ("CCPL" or "licence"). The Work is protected by the copyright and related rights law and other legal applicable norms. Any use of the Work other than the one authorised by the licence or the legislation in force is forbidden.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Applicable Law/Choice of Law/Proper Law Clause}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= License or Contract/Court Treatment of Legal Code |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=Exercitarea oricăror drepturi prevăzute de prezenta licenţă asupra Operei presupune acceptarea licenţei. Conform termenilor şi obligaţiilor din prezenta licenţă, în măsura în care prezenta licenţă poate fi considerată un contract, Licenţiatorul propune Licenţiatului exercitarea drepturilor menţionate mai jos, iar Licenţiatul este de acord cu termenii şi condiţiile licenţei. |Text has language=

|Has retranslated text=Exercising any rights provided by this licence on this Work stands for its acceptance. In agreement with the terms and obligations of the present licence, to the extent the present licence can be considered as a contract, the Licensor proposes the Recipient to exercise the rights mentioned below and the Recipient agrees with the terms and conditions of the licence.}}
License section tag(s): License or Contract/Court Treatment of Legal Code

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

Exercitarea oricăror drepturi prevăzute de prezenta licenţă asupra Operei presupune acceptarea licenţei. Conform termenilor şi obligaţiilor din prezenta licenţă, în măsura în care prezenta licenţă poate fi considerată un contract, Licenţiatorul propune Licenţiatului exercitarea drepturilor menţionate mai jos, iar Licenţiatul este de acord cu termenii şi condiţiile licenţei.
{{#if: Exercising any rights provided by this licence on this Work stands for its acceptance. In agreement with the terms and obligations of the present licence, to the extent the present licence can be considered as a contract, the Licensor proposes the Recipient to exercise the rights mentioned below and the Recipient agrees with the terms and conditions of the licence.|

Re-translated text

Exercising any rights provided by this licence on this Work stands for its acceptance. In agreement with the terms and obligations of the present licence, to the extent the present licence can be considered as a contract, the Licensor proposes the Recipient to exercise the rights mentioned below and the Recipient agrees with the terms and conditions of the licence.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License or Contract/Court Treatment of Legal Code}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License or Contract/Court Treatment of Legal Code}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

a. "Opera" desemnează opera originală de creaţie intelectuală susceptibilă de protecţie prin dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, furnizată în condiţiile prezenţei licenţe. În cadrul acestei licenţe, prin Operă se înţelege şi o fonogramă (culegere de opere fixate pe fonogramă), o videogramă (culegere de opere fixate pe o videogramă), un program de radiodifuziune ori de televiziune, precum şi o bază de date în conformitate cu definiţiile din legislaţia în vigoare privind drepturile de autor şi drepturile conexe, cu condiţia ca o asemenea fonogramă, videogramă, program de radiodifuziune ori de televiziune sau bază de date să fie protejate de legea aplicabilă. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

a. "Work" means the genuine intellectual creative work subJect to protection by copyright and related rights offered under the present licence. For the purpose of this licence, the term Work will also cover a phonogram, a videogram, a radio or TV broadcast or database in agreement with the definitions of the legislation in force on copyright and related rights, provided such a photogram, videogram, radio or TV broadcast or database is protected also by the law applicable in the Recipient's Jurisdiction.}}
License section tag(s): Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii
a. "Opera" desemnează opera originală de creaţie intelectuală susceptibilă de protecţie prin dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, furnizată în condiţiile prezenţei licenţe. În cadrul acestei licenţe, prin Operă se înţelege şi o fonogramă (culegere de opere fixate pe fonogramă), o videogramă (culegere de opere fixate pe o videogramă), un program de radiodifuziune ori de televiziune, precum şi o bază de date în conformitate cu definiţiile din legislaţia în vigoare privind drepturile de autor şi drepturile conexe, cu condiţia ca o asemenea fonogramă, videogramă, program de radiodifuziune ori de televiziune sau bază de date să fie protejate de legea aplicabilă.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

a. "Work" means the genuine intellectual creative work subJect to protection by copyright and related rights offered under the present licence. For the purpose of this licence, the term Work will also cover a phonogram, a videogram, a radio or TV broadcast or database in agreement with the definitions of the legislation in force on copyright and related rights, provided such a photogram, videogram, radio or TV broadcast or database is protected also by the law applicable in the Recipient's Jurisdiction.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
a. "Work" means the genuine intellectual creative work subJect to protection by copyright and related rights offered under the present licence. For the purpose of this licence, the term Work will also cover a phonogram, a videogram, a radio or TV broadcast or database in agreement with the definitions of the legislation in force on copyright and related rights, provided such a photogram, videogram, radio or TV broadcast or database is protected also by the law applicable in the Recipient's Jurisdiction.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights, Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Adaptation/Derivative Work |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

b. "Adaptare" desemnează o Operă creată pe baza unei alte Opere sau pe baza unei Opere şi a unor alte Opere preexistente, aşa cum sunt traducerile, adaptările, operele derivate, aranjamentele muzicale sau alte alterări ale unor opere literare sau artistice sau ale unor fonograme sau comunicări publice, incluzând adaptările cinematografice sau orice alte adaptări prin care Opera poate fi modificată, transformată sau adaptată, incluzând, în orice formă, părţi uşor de recunoscut ale originalului. Fac excepţie Colecţiile, care nu vor fi considerate Adaptări potrivit scopului prezentei licenţe. Pentru evitarea oricărei neînţelegeri, atunci când Opera este o creaţie muzicală, interpretare muzicală sau fonogramă, sincronizarea acesteia în relaţie temporală cu o imagine aflată în mişcare ("sincronizare") va fi considerată Adaptare potrivit prezentei licenţe. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

b. "Adaptation" means a work based upon the Work, or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation, adaptation, derivative work, arrangement of music or other alterations of a literary or artistic work, or phonogram or performance and includes cinematographic adaptations or any other form in which the Work may be recast, transformed, or adapted including in any form recognizably derived from the original, except for collections that will not be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License. To avoid any misunderstandings, where the Work is a musical work, performance or phonogram, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving image ("synching") will be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License.}}
License section tag(s): Adaptation/Derivative Work

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii
b. "Adaptare" desemnează o Operă creată pe baza unei alte Opere sau pe baza unei Opere şi a unor alte Opere preexistente, aşa cum sunt traducerile, adaptările, operele derivate, aranjamentele muzicale sau alte alterări ale unor opere literare sau artistice sau ale unor fonograme sau comunicări publice, incluzând adaptările cinematografice sau orice alte adaptări prin care Opera poate fi modificată, transformată sau adaptată, incluzând, în orice formă, părţi uşor de recunoscut ale originalului. Fac excepţie Colecţiile, care nu vor fi considerate Adaptări potrivit scopului prezentei licenţe. Pentru evitarea oricărei neînţelegeri, atunci când Opera este o creaţie muzicală, interpretare muzicală sau fonogramă, sincronizarea acesteia în relaţie temporală cu o imagine aflată în mişcare ("sincronizare") va fi considerată Adaptare potrivit prezentei licenţe.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

b. "Adaptation" means a work based upon the Work, or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation, adaptation, derivative work, arrangement of music or other alterations of a literary or artistic work, or phonogram or performance and includes cinematographic adaptations or any other form in which the Work may be recast, transformed, or adapted including in any form recognizably derived from the original, except for collections that will not be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License. To avoid any misunderstandings, where the Work is a musical work, performance or phonogram, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving image ("synching") will be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
b. "Adaptation" means a work based upon the Work, or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation, adaptation, derivative work, arrangement of music or other alterations of a literary or artistic work, or phonogram or performance and includes cinematographic adaptations or any other form in which the Work may be recast, transformed, or adapted including in any form recognizably derived from the original, except for collections that will not be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License. To avoid any misunderstandings, where the Work is a musical work, performance or phonogram, the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving image ("synching") will be considered an Adaptation for the purpose of this License.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Adaptation/Derivative Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Collection/Collective Work |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

c. "Colecţie" desemnează un cumul de Opere literare sau artistice, aşa cum sunt enciclopediile şi antologiile, precum şi orice alte Opere sau subiecte, altele decât Operele enumerate la articolul 1 litera (a). Acestea, prin selecţia şi aranjamentul conţinutului lor, constituie creaţii intelectuale în care o Operă este inclusă în integralitatea ei în noua Operă, alături de una sau mai multe contribuţii, fiecare reprezentând Opere separate şi independente, care împreună dobândesc o formă colectivă. În sensul acestui contract, o Operă care constituie o Colecţie nu va fi considerată Adaptare. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

c. "Collection" means a collection of literary or artistic works, such as encyclopaedias and anthologies, or other works or subject matter other than works listed in Section 1(a) below, which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creations, in which the Work is included in its entirety in unmodified form along with one or more other contributions, each constituting separate and independent works in themselves, which together are assembled into a collective whole. A work that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an Adaptation for the purposes of this License.}}
License section tag(s): Collection/Collective Work

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii
c. "Colecţie" desemnează un cumul de Opere literare sau artistice, aşa cum sunt enciclopediile şi antologiile, precum şi orice alte Opere sau subiecte, altele decât Operele enumerate la articolul 1 litera (a). Acestea, prin selecţia şi aranjamentul conţinutului lor, constituie creaţii intelectuale în care o Operă este inclusă în integralitatea ei în noua Operă, alături de una sau mai multe contribuţii, fiecare reprezentând Opere separate şi independente, care împreună dobândesc o formă colectivă. În sensul acestui contract, o Operă care constituie o Colecţie nu va fi considerată Adaptare.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

c. "Collection" means a collection of literary or artistic works, such as encyclopaedias and anthologies, or other works or subject matter other than works listed in Section 1(a) below, which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creations, in which the Work is included in its entirety in unmodified form along with one or more other contributions, each constituting separate and independent works in themselves, which together are assembled into a collective whole. A work that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an Adaptation for the purposes of this License.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
c. "Collection" means a collection of literary or artistic works, such as encyclopaedias and anthologies, or other works or subject matter other than works listed in Section 1(a) below, which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creations, in which the Work is included in its entirety in unmodified form along with one or more other contributions, each constituting separate and independent works in themselves, which together are assembled into a collective whole. A work that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an Adaptation for the purposes of this License.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Collection/Collective Work}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Original Author/Author |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

d. "Autorul" desemnează, în cazul unei Opere literare sau artistice, persoana sau persoanele fizice care au creat Opera. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

d. "The Author" means, in the case of a literary or artistic work, any natural person(s) having created the Work.}}
License section tag(s): Original Author/Author

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii
d. "Autorul" desemnează, în cazul unei Opere literare sau artistice, persoana sau persoanele fizice care au creat Opera.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

d. "The Author" means, in the case of a literary or artistic work, any natural person(s) having created the Work.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
d. "The Author" means, in the case of a literary or artistic work, any natural person(s) having created the Work.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Original Author/Author}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Original Author/Author}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

e. "Titularul de drepturi conexe" desemnează persoana fizică sau juridică, titular de drepturi conexe dreptului de autor, care poate fi: (i) artisti interpret sau executant, în cazul execuţiei sau interpretării; (ii) producător de înregistrări sonore şi de înregistrări audiovizuale, în cazul unei fonograme sau respectiv videograme; sau (iii) organism de radiodifuziune şi televiziune, în cazul programelor de radiodifuziune şi televiziune. În cadrul acestei licenţe, prin titular de drepturi conexe se va înţelege şi fabricantul unei baze de date. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

e. “Holder of related rights" means the natural or legal persons holding related rights to copyright and can be: (i) interpreting or performing artists in the case of interpretation or performance (ii) the producers of sound or audio-video recordings, in case of a phonogram or videogram respectively and (iii) the radio or TV broadcasting organisms in case of radio and television broadcastings.}}
License section tag(s): Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii
e. "Titularul de drepturi conexe" desemnează persoana fizică sau juridică, titular de drepturi conexe dreptului de autor, care poate fi: (i) artisti interpret sau executant, în cazul execuţiei sau interpretării; (ii) producător de înregistrări sonore şi de înregistrări audiovizuale, în cazul unei fonograme sau respectiv videograme; sau (iii) organism de radiodifuziune şi televiziune, în cazul programelor de radiodifuziune şi televiziune. În cadrul acestei licenţe, prin titular de drepturi conexe se va înţelege şi fabricantul unei baze de date.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

e. “Holder of related rights" means the natural or legal persons holding related rights to copyright and can be: (i) interpreting or performing artists in the case of interpretation or performance (ii) the producers of sound or audio-video recordings, in case of a phonogram or videogram respectively and (iii) the radio or TV broadcasting organisms in case of radio and television broadcastings.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
e. “Holder of related rights" means the natural or legal persons holding related rights to copyright and can be: (i) interpreting or performing artists in the case of interpretation or performance (ii) the producers of sound or audio-video recordings, in case of a phonogram or videogram respectively and (iii) the radio or TV broadcasting organisms in case of radio and television broadcastings.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Neighboring Rights/Related Rights/Broadcast Rights/Performance Rights}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Licensor |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

f. "Licenţiatorul" desemnează persoana sau persoanele fizice şi/sau juridice care pun la dispoziţie Opera, în condiţiile prezentei licenţe. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

f. "Licensor" means the natural and/or legal person(s) that offer(s) the Work under the terms of this License.}}
License section tag(s): Licensor

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii
f. "Licenţiatorul" desemnează persoana sau persoanele fizice şi/sau juridice care pun la dispoziţie Opera, în condiţiile prezentei licenţe.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

f. "Licensor" means the natural and/or legal person(s) that offer(s) the Work under the terms of this License.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
f. "Licensor" means the natural and/or legal person(s) that offer(s) the Work under the terms of this License.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Licensor}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Licensor}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= You/User/Licensee |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

g. "Licenţiatul" desemnează persoana fizică şi/sau persoana juridică care acceptă prezenta licenţă şi exercită drepturile acordate, fără să fi încălcat în prealabil termenii licenţei, sau care a primit permisiunea expresă a Licenţiatorului de a exercita drepturile conferite prin prezenta licenţă, în pofida unei încălcări anterioare a prevederilor acesteia. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

g. "Recipient" means the natural and/or legal persons accepting the present licence and exercising rights under this License who has not previously violated the terms of this License with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation.}}
License section tag(s): You/User/Licensee

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii
g. "Licenţiatul" desemnează persoana fizică şi/sau persoana juridică care acceptă prezenta licenţă şi exercită drepturile acordate, fără să fi încălcat în prealabil termenii licenţei, sau care a primit permisiunea expresă a Licenţiatorului de a exercita drepturile conferite prin prezenta licenţă, în pofida unei încălcări anterioare a prevederilor acesteia.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

g. "Recipient" means the natural and/or legal persons accepting the present licence and exercising rights under this License who has not previously violated the terms of this License with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
g. "Recipient" means the natural and/or legal persons accepting the present licence and exercising rights under this License who has not previously violated the terms of this License with respect to the Work, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|You/User/Licensee}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|You/User/Licensee}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

h. "Comunicare publică" desemnează orice comunicare a unei Opere, realizată direct sau prin orice mijloace tehnice, făcută într-un loc accesibil publicului sau în orice loc în care se adună un număr de persoane care depăşeşte cercul normal al membrilor unei familii şi al cunoştinţelor acesteia, inclusiv reprezentarea scenică, recitarea sau orice altă modalitate publică de execuţie ori de prezentare directă a Operei, expunerea publică a Operelor de artă plastică, de artă aplicată, fotografică şi de arhitectură, proiecţia publică a Operelor cinematografice şi a altor Opere audiovizuale, inclusiv a Operelor de artă digitală, prezentarea într-un loc public, prin intermediul înregistrărilor sonore sau audiovizuale, precum şi prezentarea într-un loc public, prin intermediul oricăror mijloace, a unei Opere radiodifuzate.

De asemenea, se consideră publică orice comunicare a unei Opere, prin mijloace cu fir sau fără fir, realizată prin punerea la dispoziţia publicului, inclusiv prin Internet sau alte reţele de calculatoare, astfel încât oricare dintre membrii publicului să poată avea acces la aceasta din orice loc sau în orice moment ales în mod individual. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

h. Public Performance" means any communication of a Work, directly or by technical means, made in a public place or in any place where a number of persons are gathered exceeding the normal circle of a family and its relations, including, performing on the scene, reciting or any public means of performing or directly presenting the Work, the public exhibition of plastic art, applied, photographic and architecture art, the public display of cinema and other visual works, including digital Works, the presentation in a public place, by sound or audiovisual recordings or any other means of a radio broadcasted. Also public is considered the communication of a Work, by wire or wireless means, made available to the public, including through the Internet or other computer networks, so that any member of the public has access to it at any time in any place chosen individually.}}
License section tag(s):

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii

h. "Comunicare publică" desemnează orice comunicare a unei Opere, realizată direct sau prin orice mijloace tehnice, făcută într-un loc accesibil publicului sau în orice loc în care se adună un număr de persoane care depăşeşte cercul normal al membrilor unei familii şi al cunoştinţelor acesteia, inclusiv reprezentarea scenică, recitarea sau orice altă modalitate publică de execuţie ori de prezentare directă a Operei, expunerea publică a Operelor de artă plastică, de artă aplicată, fotografică şi de arhitectură, proiecţia publică a Operelor cinematografice şi a altor Opere audiovizuale, inclusiv a Operelor de artă digitală, prezentarea într-un loc public, prin intermediul înregistrărilor sonore sau audiovizuale, precum şi prezentarea într-un loc public, prin intermediul oricăror mijloace, a unei Opere radiodifuzate.

De asemenea, se consideră publică orice comunicare a unei Opere, prin mijloace cu fir sau fără fir, realizată prin punerea la dispoziţia publicului, inclusiv prin Internet sau alte reţele de calculatoare, astfel încât oricare dintre membrii publicului să poată avea acces la aceasta din orice loc sau în orice moment ales în mod individual.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

h. Public Performance" means any communication of a Work, directly or by technical means, made in a public place or in any place where a number of persons are gathered exceeding the normal circle of a family and its relations, including, performing on the scene, reciting or any public means of performing or directly presenting the Work, the public exhibition of plastic art, applied, photographic and architecture art, the public display of cinema and other visual works, including digital Works, the presentation in a public place, by sound or audiovisual recordings or any other means of a radio broadcasted. Also public is considered the communication of a Work, by wire or wireless means, made available to the public, including through the Internet or other computer networks, so that any member of the public has access to it at any time in any place chosen individually.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
h. Public Performance" means any communication of a Work, directly or by technical means, made in a public place or in any place where a number of persons are gathered exceeding the normal circle of a family and its relations, including, performing on the scene, reciting or any public means of performing or directly presenting the Work, the public exhibition of plastic art, applied, photographic and architecture art, the public display of cinema and other visual works, including digital Works, the presentation in a public place, by sound or audiovisual recordings or any other means of a radio broadcasted. Also public is considered the communication of a Work, by wire or wireless means, made available to the public, including through the Internet or other computer networks, so that any member of the public has access to it at any time in any place chosen individually.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Distribute |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

i. "Distribuire" desemnează orice mod de transmitere a originalului sau a copiilor unei Opere sau Adaptări, precum şi oferirea publică a acestora. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

i. "Distribution" means selling or any other transmission means, charged or free, of the original Work, Adaption or copies of it, as well as the public offering of these.}}
License section tag(s): Distribute

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii
i. "Distribuire" desemnează orice mod de transmitere a originalului sau a copiilor unei Opere sau Adaptări, precum şi oferirea publică a acestora.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

i. "Distribution" means selling or any other transmission means, charged or free, of the original Work, Adaption or copies of it, as well as the public offering of these.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
i. "Distribution" means selling or any other transmission means, charged or free, of the original Work, Adaption or copies of it, as well as the public offering of these.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Distribute}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Distribute}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Reproduce |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

j. "Reproducere" desemnează realizarea, integrală sau parţială, a uneia ori a mai multor copii ale unei Opere, direct sau indirect, temporar ori permanent, prin orice mijloc şi sub orice formă, inclusiv realizarea oricărei înregistrări sonore sau audiovizuale a unei Opere, precum şi stocarea permanentă ori temporară a acesteia prin mijloace electronice. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

j. "Reproduction" means making an entire or partial copy or several copies of a Work, directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently, by any means and in any form, including sound or visual recordings of a Work, including its temporary or permanent storage by electronic means.}}
License section tag(s): Reproduce

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii
j. "Reproducere" desemnează realizarea, integrală sau parţială, a uneia ori a mai multor copii ale unei Opere, direct sau indirect, temporar ori permanent, prin orice mijloc şi sub orice formă, inclusiv realizarea oricărei înregistrări sonore sau audiovizuale a unei Opere, precum şi stocarea permanentă ori temporară a acesteia prin mijloace electronice.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

j. "Reproduction" means making an entire or partial copy or several copies of a Work, directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently, by any means and in any form, including sound or visual recordings of a Work, including its temporary or permanent storage by electronic means.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
j. "Reproduction" means making an entire or partial copy or several copies of a Work, directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently, by any means and in any form, including sound or visual recordings of a Work, including its temporary or permanent storage by electronic means.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Reproduce}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=1. Definiţii

k. "Opţiunile licenţei" desemnează următoarele atribute importante ale licenţei, aşa cum au fost acestea selectate de către Licenţiator şi cum sunt indicate în titlul prezentei licenţe: Atribuire — Necomercial–Distribuire în Condiţii Identice. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=1. Defintions

k. "Licence Options" means the following high-level license attributes as selected by Licensor and indicated in the title of this License: Attribution - Non-commercial- Share Alike.}}
License section tag(s): Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

1. Definiţii
k. "Opţiunile licenţei" desemnează următoarele atribute importante ale licenţei, aşa cum au fost acestea selectate de către Licenţiator şi cum sunt indicate în titlul prezentei licenţe: Atribuire — Necomercial–Distribuire în Condiţii Identice.

{{#if: 1. Defintions

k. "Licence Options" means the following high-level license attributes as selected by Licensor and indicated in the title of this License: Attribution - Non-commercial- Share Alike.|

Re-translated text

1. Defintions
k. "Licence Options" means the following high-level license attributes as selected by Licensor and indicated in the title of this License: Attribution - Non-commercial- Share Alike.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Attribution (BY)/Proper Citation, License Elements, Non-commercial (NC), ShareAlike (SA)/Compatible License}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=2. Limitele exercitării dreptului de autor.
Nicio prevedere a acestei licenţe nu are scopul de a reduce, de a limita sau de a restrânge drepturile rezultate din aplicarea normelor legale cu privire la limitele exercitării dreptului de autor prevăzute de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe sau de alte legi aplicabile. |Text has language=

|Has retranslated text=2. Limitations in exercising the copyright.
No provision of this license is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any rights derived from the application of the legal norms on the limitations in exercising copyright provided by the copyright and related rights law or any other applicable laws.}}
License section tag(s): Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

2. Limitele exercitării dreptului de autor.
Nicio prevedere a acestei licenţe nu are scopul de a reduce, de a limita sau de a restrânge drepturile rezultate din aplicarea normelor legale cu privire la limitele exercitării dreptului de autor prevăzute de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe sau de alte legi aplicabile.
{{#if: 2. Limitations in exercising the copyright.
No provision of this license is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any rights derived from the application of the legal norms on the limitations in exercising copyright provided by the copyright and related rights law or any other applicable laws.|

Re-translated text

2. Limitations in exercising the copyright.
No provision of this license is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any rights derived from the application of the legal norms on the limitations in exercising copyright provided by the copyright and related rights law or any other applicable laws.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Fair Dealing/Fair Use/Exceptions/Limitations}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=3. Autorizare.
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:

a. dreptul de a reproduce Opera, de a o încorpora într-una sau mai multe Colecţii şi de a reproduce Opera aşa cum a fost aceastaîncorporată într-o Colecţie; |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

a. to Reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more Collections, and to Reproduce the Work as incorporated in a Collection;}}
License section tag(s):

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

3. Autorizare.
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:

a. dreptul de a reproduce Opera, de a o încorpora într-una sau mai multe Colecţii şi de a reproduce Opera aşa cum a fost aceastaîncorporată într-o Colecţie;

{{#if: 3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

a. to Reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more Collections, and to Reproduce the Work as incorporated in a Collection;|

Re-translated text

3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

a. to Reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more Collections, and to Reproduce the Work as incorporated in a Collection;

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=3. Autorizare.
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:

b. dreptul de a crea şi de a reproduce Adaptări; |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

b. to create and Reproduce Adaptations;}}
License section tag(s):

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

3. Autorizare.
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:

b. dreptul de a crea şi de a reproduce Adaptări;

{{#if: 3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

b. to create and Reproduce Adaptations;|

Re-translated text

3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

b. to create and Reproduce Adaptations;

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=3. Autorizare.
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:

c. dreptul de a distribui şi comunica public Opera, inclusiv încorporată în Colecţii; |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

c. to Distribute and Publicly Perform the Work including as incorporated in Collections;}}
License section tag(s):

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

3. Autorizare.
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:

c. dreptul de a distribui şi comunica public Opera, inclusiv încorporată în Colecţii;

{{#if: 3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

c. to Distribute and Publicly Perform the Work including as incorporated in Collections;|

Re-translated text

3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

c. to Distribute and Publicly Perform the Work including as incorporated in Collections;

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=3. Autorizare.
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:

d. dreptul de a distribui şi comunica public Adaptări; |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

d. to Distribute and Publicly Perform Adaptations;}}
License section tag(s):

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

3. Autorizare.
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:

d. dreptul de a distribui şi comunica public Adaptări;

{{#if: 3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

d. to Distribute and Publicly Perform Adaptations;|

Re-translated text

3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

d. to Distribute and Publicly Perform Adaptations;

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=3. Autorizare.
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:

e. în cazul în care opera este o bază de date, dreptul de a extrage şi/sau a reutiliza părţi substanţiale din Operă. |Text has language= |Has retranslated text=3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

e. In case the Work is a database, to extract and/or reuse substantial parts of the Work.}}
License section tag(s):

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

3. Autorizare.
În condiţiile definite prin prezenta licenţă şi pe întreaga durată de protecţie a Operei prevăzută de legislaţia privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, Licenţiatorul acordă Licenţiatului în mod neexclusiv, nelimitat teritorial şi cu titlu gratuit autorizarea de a exercita următoarele drepturi:

e. în cazul în care opera este o bază de date, dreptul de a extrage şi/sau a reutiliza părţi substanţiale din Operă.

{{#if: 3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

e. In case the Work is a database, to extract and/or reuse substantial parts of the Work.|

Re-translated text

3. Authorisation.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and for the duration of protection for the Work provided by legislation on copyright and related rights, the Licensor hereby grants the Recipient non-exclusivly, without territorial limitations, and royalty free the authorisation to exercise the following rights in the Work:

e. In case the Work is a database, to extract and/or reuse substantial parts of the Work.

{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=Drepturile menţionate mai sus pot fi exercitate în cazul tuturor mediilor de stocare şi formatelor cunoscute. Drepturile menţionate mai sus includ şi dreptul de a face modificările tehnice corespunzătoare necesare exercitării acestora în cazul altor medii de stocare sau formate. |Text has language=

|Has retranslated text=}}
License section tag(s): License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

Drepturile menţionate mai sus pot fi exercitate în cazul tuturor mediilor de stocare şi formatelor cunoscute. Drepturile menţionate mai sus includ şi dreptul de a face modificările tehnice corespunzătoare necesare exercitării acestora în cazul altor medii de stocare sau formate.
{{#if: |

Re-translated text


{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License Grant, Technology Protection Measure/TPM/DRM/Digital rights management}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= License Grant |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=3. Toate drepturile care nu sunt expres acordate de Licenţiator sau asupra cărora Licenţiatorul nu are dreptul de gestiune rămân rezervate, în special în cazurile de gestiune colectivă obligatorie aplicabile menţionate la articolul 4 litera (f). |Text has language=

|Has retranslated text=}}
License section tag(s): License Grant

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

3. Toate drepturile care nu sunt expres acordate de Licenţiator sau asupra cărora Licenţiatorul nu are dreptul de gestiune rămân rezervate, în special în cazurile de gestiune colectivă obligatorie aplicabile menţionate la articolul 4 litera (f).
{{#if: |

Re-translated text


{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}

{{#set_internal:Is a section of |Has tag#list= Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant |Has jurisdiction={{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 1 }} |Has license=Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA |Has text=3. Daca Licenţiatorul este titularul drepturilor sui-generis asupra unei baze de date, în conformitate cu legea naţională care implementează Directiva Europeană privind Bazele de Date, Licenţiatorul va renunţa la aceste drepturi. |Text has language=

|Has retranslated text=}}
License section tag(s): Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant

Section Text {{#if:|()|}}

3. Daca Licenţiatorul este titularul drepturilor sui-generis asupra unei baze de date, în conformitate cu legea naţională care implementează Directiva Europeană privind Bazele de Date, Licenţiatorul va renunţa la aceste drepturi.
{{#if: |

Re-translated text


{{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:pdrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?PDR discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:pdrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingpdtags|pdrsectiontags|pdrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingpdtags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Public_Discussion_Report|Public Discussion Report]].
|}}|}} {{#ifexist: {{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|{{#arraydefine:scrtags|{{#ask: [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}]]|?SC discusses|format=list|limit=100|link=none}}}}{{#arraydefine:scrsectiontags|Database Right/Database protection/Sui generis protection, License Grant}}{{#arrayintersect:matchingsctags|scrsectiontags|scrtags}}{{#ifexpr: {{#arraysize:matchingsctags}} > 0 | [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}|Marked]] as discussed in the porting process [[{{#titleparts: Romania/3.0/BY-NC-SA | 2 }}#Substantial_Changes_Report|Substantial Changes Report]]. |}}|}}