Restarting CC Mixter

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Sometimes the database server crashes on ccmixter and needs to be restarted. There is a watchdog script to restart it but there is a need possibly to run a repair command on the phpbb_sessions as shown below:

$ mysql -u XXXXXX -h XXXXXX -p XXXXXX
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Didn't find any fields in table 'phpbb_sessions'
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is XXX to server version: XXXXXXX

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> repair table phpbb_sessions
    -> ;
| Table                 | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text        |
| mixter.phpbb_sessions | repair | warning  | Number of rows changed
from 1759 to 1690 |
| mixter.phpbb_sessions | repair | status   | OK        |
2 rows in set (0.25 sec)


Is there any reason for a session to be created before login?

On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 11:52 -0800, Victor wrote:
> looks like the db is confused for non-logged in folks:
> --------------------------------------------------
> phpBB : Critical Error 
> Error creating new session
> SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '-1' for key 2
> INSERT INTO phpbb_sessions (session_id,
> session_user_id, session_start, session_time,
> session_ip, session_page, session_logged_in) VALUES
> ('619979eadf190dbb52abae05f3c94134', -1, 1132843628,
> 1132843628, '457919b3', 0, 0)
> Line : 158
> File : sessions.php 
> --------------------------------------------------
> maybe emptying the phpbb_sessions table might just
> clear things out??? -- I don't know. (I can't log in
> or terminal in from where I'm at)
> VS