Global Melt/Facilitator ToDo

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Event Facilitator/Organizer To-Do-List

A check-list for organizing events in “the Open”:

1.) STFW: google Event check-list and pick a suitable one for your event. (e.g.

2.) Are you first in the world planning such an event? If yes: return to point one. Otherwise: look up respective online documention of similar or related or previous events.

3.) Ask the collaboration question: Is it necessary/helpful to do the event on your own or would the event benefit from collaboration with other (local) partners? Partner’s may facilitate your facilitation in the following way:

a) Funding partners (e.g. corporate sponsors

b) Infrastructure partners (e.g. location, hostels)

c) Media partner (e.g. (local) newspapes, blogging networks, …)

d) Program partners (e.g. local initiatives, GLAM, universities, NGOs, labs, …)

e) Mobilizaton partners that help promote events among their constitutents (potentially all of the above)

f) individual partners (e.g. bloggers, activists) – check out the human resource directory

g) other partners

4.) Think about the participant’s point of view:

a) create different spaces/formats, i.e. mix open with structured sessions, talks with discussions, free and working time,

b) facilitate serendipity by setting the stage also aside the formal event program (e.g. breakfast at the venue, not in the hostel)

c) breaks are important and useful in their non-goal-orientedness

d) redundancy is useful when it helps to find information (e.g. put the program online, on paper, send via mail and pin it on blackboards at the site)

e) experiment with short but interactive formats, especially in the beginning and the end of a day (e.g. quick introductory rounds; lightning talks at the end)

f) provide coffee and, if possible, Club Mate

5.) Also plan the social gatherings and circumstances:

a) find out about social events in the city during the event

b) leave space for unorganized and spontaneous social activities…

c) …but don’t underestimate the importance of organized and planned social activities as an offer to participants

6) Documentation is critical before, during and after the event

a) if possible, apply for funding for documentation staffers

b) choose one central tool for documentation and stick to it

c) start with documentation continuously during the event

d) make sure you have the contact details of your participants to distribute links to documentation following-up the event

e) extensive documentation (e.g. minutes, video or audio-documentation) is helpful but you also need shorter documentation formats (e.g. one paragraph summaries of sessions, bullet point lists, biblographies, contact details, links, etc.)

7.) Evaluate your event

a) Ask participants for (oral or written) feedback at the venue (last day, end of workshop, etc.)

b) Make an internal feedback meeting among organizers and partners

c) Offer the possibility for participant feedback online (e.g. public wishlist and/or Online feedback forms)

d) Do a follow-up evaluation when some time has passed (e.g. Sparkelz)