Global Melt/Brain Drain

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Communities you've left recently & why

   shift in professional focus and interest
   community started to close itself and product - left to fork
   values no longer aligned
   left passively because there wasn't any spark
   What are you looking for in spark?
   no more energy - laid dormant
   leaving also brings in new engery, esp. if you were leader
   people expect you to keep running

Solution to keeping good people, increasing

   leadership and information can't be given (mentor) but taken (mentee)
   clarity of roles and expectation
   good exits - you can leave whenever you like
   doing things together that isn't just about the project. i.e. go bowling
   unofficial lubrication for events (drinks, etc). entertainment as an organizing principle
   if people know of their role and importance  to community, then they know that when they leave there is a responsibility to find a replacement
   know where they can be of benefit -- keeps people motivated
   invited to participate and share direction increases/engages new pople
   one simple thing to hook person in - to resovve 
   yellow card if you talk to someone you know

Do people need to be physically together to collaboration?

   f2f important for bonding and activity
   invitation to paricipate
   clear exit
   openness of meetings, publish & receive feedback on retrospective
   easier to join new group when things changing
   clear communicative structures so its easy to grasp and solve

What do you when people leave? How do you fill in?

   exit interview - understand what they did, why they left, vision of future
   difference between actively and passively leaving
   ask people leaving if they recommend anyone to join, take their place?
   sense of responsibility to find replacement

How to you reengage people that left?

   the most loyal customers you get aren't the ones with the service, but the one that needed things fixed and it worked out