Developing ccPublisher with Wing

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The Wing IDE from Wingware is an advanced Python IDE with excellent debugging capabilities. While it's integrated Subversion support is not as convenient as Eclipse's, when combined with an alternate Subversion client it is possible to be extremely productive with it. Like Eclipse, Wing is avialable for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. This page describes how to use Wing for developing ccPublisher.

Tools Used

  • Wing IDE Pro 2.1
    The Wing IDE personal edition can be used as well, but does not include some advanced debugging or code navigation tools.


Before proceeding install the software described in CcPublisher Prerequisites.

Creating Your Wing Project

This documentation does not cover the use of Wing's integrated Subversion support at this time. Before starting Wing, check out the ccPublisher trunk or branch you wish to work on. See Developing ccPublisher with Command Line Tools for the basic Subversion command line necessary.

After starting Wing, select New Project from the Project menu. To add the Subversion checkout to the project, select Add Directory Tree... from the Project menu. Navigate to the checkout directory and click OK. Wing will scan the directory and add all Python files to the project. Before you can effectively use Wing for debugging you need to save your project so that the relative paths are correct. Select Save Project from the Project menu. Save the project within the checkout directory.

Debugging with Wing

XXX needs completion