Developer Aids and Libraries

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License metadata validation web service

Creative Commons offers web services for integrating license selection into applications, and we have a License Metadata Validator. How about mashing the two of them up? A web service which allowed applications to validate license metadata would allow applications to integrate another aspect of CC licensing with minimal effort. Please see License metadata validation web service.

CC Web Service Wrappers

We currently offer language-specific wrappers for the Creative Commons Web Services in Python, Java and PHP. Help make it easier for other developers to integrate license selection by writing a wrapper library in your language of choice. Lisp, anyone? A successful implementation will include a small driver application which demonstrates how the wrapper can be used for license selection. See Web Services Client Implementations for information on our existing implementations. Please see CC Web Service Wrappers.

APIs for Creative Commons license metadata

We provide RDF metadata for each our our licenses and the public domain dedication. Many developers will find it easiest to access this metadata via a programming language-specifc API. cclicense.php is an example of such an API for PHP web developers. Ada, C++, E, Java, Lisp, ML, Perl, Ruby, Smalltalk, Tcl (and many more!) are all up for grabs. Your wrapper should also include a small driver program to demonstrate how it can be used to pull license information. Bonus points if your implementation can dynamically discover and wrap new licenses using the Creative Commons metadata vocabulary. Please see APIs for Creative Commons license metadata.

Companion File metadata specification

It is impractical to embed metadata in some file formats, so we need a specification for a "companion" metadata file that would define license and other metadata information. Please see Companion File metadata specification.

License metadata in XML formats

License metadata in SMIL and SVG

SMIL (multimedia playlists) includes support for RDF/XML metadata. We need examples of including license metadata in SMIL for the purposes of denoting that a SMIL playlist itself is published under a Creative Commons license or that individual components of the playlist are licensed. Even better if you can use dc:source to specify parent playlists/works. (SVG has similar support for RDF/XML metadata.) Read more about the motivation in this cc-metadata post.



  • generalize to all xml formats, split into separate challenges
  • Please add your TODO here :)

Operating System Support For Creative Commons Metadata

Recent and upcoming operating systems will have built-in support for application-level metadata. See Gnome, Vista, and Tiger. How can Creative Commons take advantage of these technologies to enable CC-aware search and applications on the next generation desktop? Wanted: research briefs on how to expose CC license info for objects in each major OS or framework. Support for the external metadata files should be included.


  • Please add your implementation here :)


  • Please add your TODO here :)