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Revision as of 18:26, 7 October 2008 by Michelle Thorne (talk | contribs) (Blog: added thoughts)
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The intention of this article is to discover and examine the problems has with regards to user experience, accessibility, ease of use, content, etc. Constructive thoughts about how you feel the site currently looks and works, and how you believe it could be improved.

Site Architecture and Design

  • What is CC; Why is it compelling?
  • How can I use/understand CC easily and efficiently?
  • Remove the blog from the front page of the site and replace it with a concise summary of CC and a handful of highly relevant links to other parts of the site. I seriously doubt whether many people go to simply to read the blog, and those that do will have no problem clicking on a new tab that says "Weblog." Most people interested in the CC blog are probably somewhat technical and will most likely be using a feed aggregator of some sort. Rename "Jurisdiction News" to something like "Latest News" and incorporate items from the CC blog into the list, then move the list into the right column where there is presently nothing but whitespace, thereby leaving more room for relevant content in the main content area. (Nathan Kinkade)
    • The licenses are our 'bread and butter' - they should be featured here in some form (perhaps just the conditions) in a way that is straight forward and simple (Cameron Parkins)
  • The "Support" tab has an unfortunate name. When I'm at a website and I see a link to "Support" the first thing I think about is "Technical Support" or Help, not a place where I can donate money or buy things. It could perhaps be made more clear with something like "Support CC" or "Donate" or anything that disambiguates it from the normal "help me" meaning on the web. (Nathan Kinkade)
  • The "Participate" tab should be renamed to something like "Wiki" or "CC Wiki" so that it's clear that CC has a wiki. My mind makes no natural connection between the word "participate" and a wiki. People, even non-technical ones, know about wikis these days, and to make it clearer on the front page that we have one might increase the traffic to it. (Nathan Kinkade)
  • Suggestion to make front page 'stupidly simple'
    • Two LARGE (150x150px) green buttons on dark background
      • LEARN MORE (about, blog, etc, similar to what we have)
      • LICENSE YOUR WORK (Link license chooser with no other information)
        • I think that having the license chooser on the front page could be somewhat daunting for people who don't know anything about CC. A link to a license chooser, after some explanation as to what conditions a license can carry, is a better option IMO (Cameron Parkins)
        • Agreed -- I meant it more as a link to the license chooser. Fred Benenson 16:28, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
    • No text, no other information Fred Benenson 15:00, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
  • There should be a quick way to get to the list of the 6 licenses/deeds/legal code, along with an explanation of the terms (combining the 2 links indicated below in "near duplicates" section).
  • Need quick link to Opportunities page.
  • I think the landing main page should have minimal content, but to explain in a concise compelling way why CC is important, what we offer, etc.. (MR)
  • I agree that the blog should not be the landing page (MR)
  • I think that the support button should be either Join or Take Action - and should be a different color than the rest. I know *take action* sounds cheesy, but it does cause people to click through.(MR)
  • Need a quick way to sign-up for the newsletter and events, as of right now both are extremely buried. Both of these options are great methods of community building and outreach and we should be promoting them as much as possible(MR)

Information and Content

  • Overview
    • An average, non-technical, person should be able to come to CC.ORG, and very quickly find out the basics of what CC provides and how it can help him. As it stands, a first time visitor has a hard time digging into the dense information currently provided.
  • Ideally, less words up front.
    • People new to CC would probably prefer bite sized introductions, and pictures — compelling hooks to allow them to learn and, hopefully, disseminate to friends, colleagues, students. Long articles describing what CC is, and what the licenses are, etc. are great for those who already know about CC.
  • Videos easy to find
  • CUT THE TEXT!! Most people skim webpages - they do not take the time to read pages and pages of information. I think that what we do and why we're important need to be communicated through video and image. I think, especially for the main page, that we need more pictures/video/etc. to draw people in and then give them an easy way to find out more information. But not dump information so much information on them that they end up closing the About page and emailing for a concise explanation instead - or even worse - just leaving it be and not pursuing the info anymore. (MR)
  • Try and get rid of as much jargon as possible. We don't want to come off as elitist or academic by how we communicate. If the average American reads at a 6th grade level, then we need to keep that in mind. (MR)
  • If all goes well, then I think we should highlight the stories we start to gather during the campaign. I think this has the potential to be very valuable in terms of communicating our mission. (MR)
  • I think sometimes we focus so much on what we provide, we lose sight of what we enable people to do. The latter is the more humanistic component of CC and the side that more people will relate to/understand. (MR)

Specific pages needing overhaul

Near duplicate content

Please list highly redundant pages so we can decide which to merge and which to more highly focus:

Wiki Main Page

  • -- way too much text and way too much info to take in; could definitely be streamlined so that pertinent info is easy to find right away. Good idea to have the "Participate" tab changed to "CC Wiki," and though many people visiting the site may know what a wiki is, not everyone will - so it would be worth it to briefly explain what the wiki is and does, and how an individual can navigate and use it. (AD)
  • To much explanatory text about the links on the main page. Should just link to the pages and have relevant info there. (MR)


  • The About page is currently a compendium of links to many things that having nothing to do with CC as an organization. To me, the About page should have nothing more than a synopsis of the organization, the history and perhaps a link to the People/Staff page. (Nathan Kinkade)
  • The licensing links should be taken off About and instead have a link to license info on the main page. (MR)


  • There should be a listing of the FFAQ questions above the contact form, which links to the answers on the FFAQ wiki page. Right now there is a bit of text suggesting that someone take a look at the FAQ, but clearly few people do. The vast majority of info@ emails could be headed off if people were to actually read the FFAQ, so actually having some text like "Is your question like one of these: <iteration of FFAQ questions>?" above the contact form might preemptively answer many people's questions, and lighten the load to info@. (Nathan Kinkade)

Theme and Layout

  • New design ideas Alex has been working on look very fresh to me - having them placed through out the site would be a nice way to liven up the look
    • This will also keep CC's web properties in aesthetic coherence (Cameron Parkins)

License Chooser

  • Updated results page
  • There is a fairly urgent need to reword the descriptive text to clarify unambiguously and in no uncertain terms that the chooser is in no way whatsoever a registration form, nor is it creating a unique license of any sort. It's need to explicitly state, and probably in a highlighted fashion, that it is nothing more and nothing less than a helpful tool to help someone select the right type of license, and also useful for generating some good HTML for the purposes of marking a work online. I can't tell you how many info@ emails I get where people think that they are creating a license or registering a work. And if the info@ emails can be taken a somewhat representative sample of the general CC-using public, then there is a huge amount of mis-understanding floating around. (Nathan Kinkade)


  • An easier way to quickly attribute a work via the deed.
  • ...


  • Utilize categories/tags beyond sorting posts
    • Come up with structure/protocol
    • Easily find posts within a category or topic (i.e. music, education, etc.)
    • Tags could also enable more specialized RSS feeds.
  • Refresh design
    • A featured article at the top of page, followed by recently updated posts.
      • More information presented in less space without feeling cluttered.
      • Visually divide posts into columns based on tag/categories (i.e. music, education, etc.)
      • See
  • Expand scope to include not only stories that directly reference CC, but also ones on related topics.
    • "Zoom out" on issues on to put news pieces into context.