CcPublisher 2 Beta 2

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Revision as of 01:52, 14 March 2006 by Nathan Yergler (talk | contribs)
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ccPublisher 2 Beta 2

Monday, March 13, 2006

Release Notes

This is the first release of ccPublisher 2 which we believe to be generally usable. We have successfully uploaded photos and text to the Internet Archive using this build without any problems. There are undoubtedly bugs remaining and areas that need polish; your feedback will help track down those areas and provide suggestions.

This release includes "phone home" code to open an issue in the ccPublisher Tracker when a crash occurs. This new tracker is located at; all feature requests and bugs are tracked there. When a crash occurs, you are no longer prompted for your email address -- if you authorize ccPublisher to upload the crash information, you are provided with a link to the web page so you can follow progress. You can add yourself as a "nosy" account (and receive email when updated) or subscribe to the RSS feed of activity.

If you have suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports, you can file them in the tracker as well (

If you wish to discuss development of ccPublisher, you can subscribe to the cc-devel mailing list.



  • Windows: The download link above points to setup.exe; run that file and ccPublisher will be added to your start menu.
  • Linux: The download link above points to a source tarball, which includes most of what you need. You will also need wxPython 2.6 (Unicode build) and elementtree. Once you have those two dependencies installed, untar the download and run The final release of ccPublisher 2 (at latest) will be packaged as an RPM (at least).
  • Mac OS X: Download available soon.