Case Studies/Wikipedia, German

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License Used


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The German Wikipedia has used CC0 to dedicate data (PND-BEACON files) into the public domain.


The German Wikipedia used CC0 to dedicate data into the public domain; specifically, their PND-BEACON files are available for download. Since Wikipedia links out to quite a number of external resources, and since a lot of articles link to the same external resources, PND-BEACON files are the German Wikipedia’s way of organizing the various data. “In short a BEACON file contains a 1-to-1 (or 1-to-n) mapping from identifiers to links. Each link consists of at least an URL with optionally a link title and additional information such as the number of resources that are available behind a link.” Learn more from the English description of the project.

License Usage

The PND-BEACON files are available for download under the CC0 public domain dedication.


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What is the impact of this CC-enabled project or resource? Specifically, what has the license enabled that otherwise would not exist? Provide statistics or other data if possible.

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Technical Details

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