Case Studies

From Creative Commons
Revision as of 08:08, 24 June 2008 by Jon Phillips (talk | contribs)
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Explore and add noteworthy global CC stories

Welcome to the Creative Commons Case Studies project!

Creative Commons projects are found across the globe, with licenses used by private individuals to large corporations. The stories on this site tell of some of the thousands of individuals and organisations who use CC on a daily basis for a multitude of purposes across a variety of content. This site aims to highlight the fantastic work being done by creators and content aggregators in the CC community. It details some of the available tools for creation and collaboration which employ Creative Commons licenses.

The Case Study Wiki chronicles past, present and future success stories of CC. The goal is to create a community-powered system for qualitatively measuring the impact of Creative Commons around the world. All are encouraged to add interesting, innovative, or noteworthy uses of Creative Commons licenses.

Check out our roadmap to pick-up a shovel and help us make this better. Communicate about this project on cc-community list and #cc chat channel.

Add a Case Study

{{#forminput:Case_Study|30|Case study name|}}

How to add a Case Study - simply add the name of the Case Study in the box above. You'll be directed to an easy form to enter the details. If you haven't done so already, you'll need to login or sign up for an account on this wiki.

What is appropriate for a Case Study? - Anything and everything that uses the CC licenses. Not certain that something should be added as a Case Study? Add it anyway and others will help you make it better.

If you're still after guidance, check out the featured case studies below as examples.

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Featured Case Studies

Blender Foundation
Big Buck Bunny Poster by Blender Foundation CC BY 3.0

"If you give away cool stuff, what you get in return is always more!"
- Ton Roosendaal, Chairman, Blender Foundation

The Blender Foundation, lead by Ton Roosendaal, supports the development of the Open Source 3D animation program Blender along with creative works showcasing the ability of both the program and the community of creators.

Global Voices Online

"We believe that sharing our content in this way is most consistent with our main goal: making the voices of bloggers around the world heard by as many people as possible."
- Global Voices Online Draft Manifesto

The Global Voices Online project presents writings from an international team of bloggers who monitor online conversations pertaining to their regions.

Incomplete Case Studies

Please help us by adding to the following Case Studies.


